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"Lite" om hur Vamp bl. a kan vara med i fyran . RiddickClone på GRs forum hittade det.

Ägare av 'The Documents of MGS2' kan öppna slutsekvensen, panorera runt kameran lite och se att Vamp står i bakgrunden i scenen när Raiden slänger iväg sina dogtags.

För en förklarning om hur Vamp kan återuppstå med jämna mellanrum, hänvisar jag till den här information som en viss Genji Masamune skrivit.

(Hemskt ledsen över att jag skriver det direkt i forumet, men jag kunde hitta den URL jag tog det ifrån, samt att den webhosting sida jag använder var nere)

#One of the most prominent theories regarding Vamp's mysterious ability to return from certain death unscathed doesn't relate to what would seem to be his glaringly obvious vampiric traits. In fact, it comes from a place more closely associated with killing a vampire than bringing one back to life. Despite this, there's actually fairly decent clues toward this being a very plausable theory.

During the game's development, many things were cut or edited for time and efficiency of the flow of the plot and the game itself. One of the changes to Metal Gear Solid 2 were two members of Dead Cell, Chinaman and Oldboy. One of Chinaman's signature abilites was that if water came in contact with his special red tattoo, he would be revived on the spot. What does this have to do with Vamp? Well, maybe nothing, but considering the fact that every time we've witnessed Vamp die in Metal Gear Solid 2, we immediately see him come in contact with water in some way, it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine this idea that no longer had a character attatched to it could be carried over to a character that did remain. The following are the clearest clues we have regarding this theory.

#1 - Once you've outlasted Fortune's attacks, Vamp steps out of the elevator. Raiden, not wanting to be outnumbered, jumps out and shoots at Fortune. As it turns out, Fortune has a device that causes bullets to stray from their path, and in doing so, the shot is riccocheted throughout the room, eventually tearing through Vamp's skull, and coming out the other side, right through the middle of his forehead. Fortune, too saddened by Vamp's death to fight Raiden, lets him go. Once Raiden has gone, Fortune begins to cry. You are clearly able to see one of Fortune's tears fall on Vamp's face, and a few seconds later, Vamp opens his eyes, and speaks like he isn't surprised. A tear certainly isn't a whole lot of water, but it is indeed water. Chinaman only needed water to touch his tattoo at all, so there's no reason to take this example any more lightly than the following examples.

#2 - Raiden encounters vamp in a room with an oxygenated pool of water in the middle. If you fall in, you die. The water's gravity is such that it'd be impossible for Raiden to swim in, you'd sink until you died. In Vamp's case, he seems to be able to come in and out without much trouble, though. Interestingly, he can't breathe in there forever, which shouldn't apply to what we'd normally consider a vampire. At any rate, once you defeat Vamp, he's again shot and falls into aforementioned pool. As we know, though, this is not the last time we see him, and is the second time he clearly comes in contact with water immediately following what should be his death.

#3 - The final time you encounter Vamp in the game, you're on the outer rim of a strut on the Big Shell, making your way across an oil fence, due to the destruction of the bridges on the Shell itself. As Emma makes her way across the fences, you are to snipe explosives, guards, and Cypher set up along her path. Before she makes it all the way across, Vamp emerges from the water, and grabs Emma, putting a knife to her throat, leaving you to use your sniper rifle to take him out before he kills her. Once you've taken care of him, he once again falls into the water. He doesn't show up again in the story, but you can find him in the ending, as previously mentioned. Clearly, he isn't dead after this encounter, and he clearly fell into the ocean because of it.

Another small note of interest, even though most people probably wouldn't count it, is one of the reasons I'm sure, that Kojima named him Vamp in the first place. He sucks blood. Vamp's first brush with death was when terrorists bombed a church he was attending with his parents. The explosion caused a giant crucifix to pierce Vamp, his family crushed, all left for dead. As far as we are told, the reason Vamp survived was feeding on his parents' blood for the few days until he was rescued. Now, could this be counted as him coming in contact with water upon an experience that he would have most likely died from? Not really. It is liquid though. So, it may be considered. The fact is, every time Vamp is associated with death, some liquid, always being water except for this time, happens to be involved. What the game tells us is that this occurance at the church created within him a "taste" for blood. Vampires generally have to be bit by another vampire to become one. I've never seen a non-vampire suck another non-vampires blood and become a vampire, so it's actually a bit strange that most people would so quickly point to this as why he is what he is.

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Jag spelar nu på Hard i MGS3. Jag hotade en snubbe i en bas med en sån helikopter på marken.

Snake: Speak!

Vakten: You can blow up the armoury with a TNT!

Var ligger det där Armoury?

Finns en vid nästan varje bas, en liten bod som brukar innehålla diverse saker att plocka upp (främst ammo). Spränger du dessa får vakterna i området ont om ammunition (:!!!:)

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MGS 3 skulle vara ett toppen-spel om det inte vore för de övernaturliga bossarna. Vad tycker ni?

Det är bossarna som gör så att spelet blir bra. det är inte det ända men The End är den absolut bästa bossen av alla tre spelen. så underbart bra att smyga runt i skogen och försöka hitta han.

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Det är bossarna som gör så att spelet blir bra. det är inte det ända men The End är den absolut bästa bossen av alla tre spelen. så underbart bra att smyga runt i skogen och försöka hitta han.

Att möta Solidous på Extream/european Extream är roligare enligt mig. Att klå han utan att han får in ett ända slag är svårt men roligt :wacko:

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Ja han var fett svår på MGS så efter asmånga försök använde jag min andra hjärnhalva <_<-_-

Hehe, jag bara råkade komma på hur man skulle göra. För er som inte vill veta vad man ska göra läs inte---> Jag råkade dra ut kontrollen och eftersom jag var så jävla stressad så satte jag i kontrollen i slot2 så kunde jag skada honnom sedan ;)

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Hehe, jag bara råkade komma på hur man skulle göra. För er som inte vill veta vad man ska göra läs inte---> Jag råkade dra ut kontrollen och eftersom jag var så jävla stressad så satte jag i kontrollen i slot2 så kunde jag skada honnom sedan <_<

Visste inte du det? det var en sak som alla vet som spelar MGS det är nästan som en liten klassiker

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