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Prestandan i Vice City (PC)


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Lite citat från GTAForums + Gouranga


Man VC is awesome, I didn't think it'd run on my system, but it runs smooth, no frame rate drop. GTA3 runs like shit on my system, I guess the engine tweaks helped! I run a AMD Thunderbird 1.4ghz, 512mb pc2100 DDR ram and a GF4 Ti 4200 card 64mb DDR ram. Man VC is great, if they top this... I'll be amazed.

I'm running:

Athlon 1Ghz OC to 1.3Ghz

Creative GeForce 4 4400Ti 128Mb

512Mb RAM

Hercules Gamessound Fortissimo II with 4x speakers.

Runs very well. Don't know how many FPS I'm getting, but the distance is set full at 1024x768 with ansotropic filtering at 2x and it's nice and playable. VC performs much better than GTA3 on my system.

1.2 Ghz


Ge Force2 32mgb MX400 + latest drivers

all run SUUUUPER!

1.4ghz T-bird

512 megs ram

Geforce Ti200 128mb DDR

run it at 1600x1200 without probs.. it runs great

runs sweet on my comp

I have a P4 2.26 Ghz

GF2 MX400 64 mb

256 mb DDR

It runs without 1 stutter anywhere @ 1024*768

Cant believe the smoothness

Constant 30 fps (frame limiter on)

Not at all happy about this... GTA Vice forall its moneys worth runs terribly on my system.

My specs,


512mb ram

AC '97 on board sound

Nvidia GeForce 2 64mb graphics


Anyway whenever something major happens the game slows down, and the sound really starts to get choppy and stutter. THis never happened with GTA3 on my PC which always ran perfectly.

Rockstar it seems did a lousy job bug-fixing!

My specs,


512mb ram

AC '97 on board sound

Nvidia GeForce 2TI 64mb graphics

Mine are almost identical to yours and mine runs flawlessly. Do you have frame limiter turned off?  Mine does the same thing with frame limiter off. GTA3 runs poorly on my system, and Vice runs great.

Ive been playing all day with 1280x1024x32 draw dist max with no probs on my

amd 1800xp

512mb ddr

gf3 ti500


I run GTA3 and VC at 1024x768x32 with 6x FSAA and 16x Anisotropic Filtering, without frame limiter on (because I run both on my Win98SE partition, and everybody knows that on any Windows platform other than XP, you don't get the textures taking long to load bug when frame limiter is off) at around 75fps on GTA3 and around 85 fps on VC (because it is more optimized)

1.9 Ghz pentium 4

64mb Geforce 2 mx400 (my drivers are not apdated, they are about a year old!

256mb ram

Vice City runs great! Much better than i expected.

I play it on lowest resolution but with draw distance set to max and with 2x anti-aliasing. I only get occasional stuters when changing radio stations, and some lag when it rains.

I can run this game at a constant rate of about 35-40fps. Its soooooo good. Much better than gta3 ran!

Ran Fraps newest edition for some accurate fps so on first test run FPS came in at 35fps in car and 40fps out car, next test was using 3d-Analyze to see if it would help them fps like it did for me with GTA3 and it sure did taking in car fps up 42fps and out car 47fps so some improvement. I also use the no cd patch which helps aswell. all I have to say is Thank f*cking God Rockstar did a better job this time. Yippie .

Amd XP 1600 1.44Ghz

256mb DDR

Geforce 2 mx 200 64mb

Win98 SE

700 Mhz

128 MB Ram

32 MB Geforce graphics card

40 GB hard drive

All appears fine here.

Runs like a dream on my:

Windows ME

Pentium 4 1.4Ghz

256Mb RAM

GeForce 3 Ti 200

Frame limiter off, 2x AF, Quincunx AA - runs at about an average of 60FPS at 1024*768*32. Everything's fine apart from the sensitivity on the Y-axis bug.

runs superb at 1024x768x32 on a

p4 1.5


radeon 9700pro

that card smacks it!

P4 2800 MHz

Geforce4 TI4600


Runs a sometimes very lagging at 800x600 and about 40% distance

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Jag har ju Vice City sen tidigare men jag ska berätta lite ändå......

Det rullar fint...även om minium var 1.2GHz Celeron...

Min dator:

Geforce 4 Mx440 128Mb

1.2GHz Celeron

320Mb RAM

Har också kopplat stereo högtalarna till datorn...

Snacka om upplevelse :)

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1,4 Ghz

256 Ram

GeForce 2 Ultra/Pro 64mb

Det småhackar lite på 1024x768, och då har jag lagt draw distance på minsta.

Sedan om jag kommer in i en stor eldstrid börjar det lagga ganska hyffsat B)

Något tips om hur man fixar till det så det rullar på jämnt?

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os[Windows XP Personal, cpu Intel Pentium 4 "Willamette" @2,392GHz]

mem 255Mb

NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 420

kör spelet på standard upplösningen (förmodligen 640 då)

har inga som hellst problem. vissa hopp och så, men de e inget större lagg man kan störa sej på.

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  vigge89 skrev:


1,4 Ghz

256 Ram

GeForce 2 Ultra/Pro 64mb

Det småhackar lite på 1024x768, och då har jag lagt draw distance på minsta.

Sedan om jag kommer in i en stor eldstrid börjar det lagga ganska hyffsat B)

Något tips om hur man fixar till det så det rullar på jämnt?

ställ ner upplösningen till 800x600 eller 640x400

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mitt flyter på mkt fint har en



640 sd ram

geforce3 ti 200

kör på 1024x768 16

det ända lilla problem jag har är att dvd romen låter som en elvisp ibland när jag kör VC vilket den inte gör på GTA3...

Redigerad av walen
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