Troxie Skrivet 28 juli, 2010 Rapportera Share Skrivet 28 juli, 2010 Snark Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Maimstream Skrivet 29 juli, 2010 Rapportera Share Skrivet 29 juli, 2010 Fett lam. Lika läskig som "The Holders" eller vad dom jäkla historierna heter. Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
VickeX Skrivet 29 juli, 2010 Rapportera Share Skrivet 29 juli, 2010 There were two roommates. One was named Ellissa and the other was named Jane. Elissa liked to constantly study while Jane preferred to party. So that night there was a party but Elissa had stayed home to study while Jane had gone out. To make it easier on Jane, Elissa left the door open so that Jane wouldn’t have to take her keys. At 3 p.m. that night Jane came into the room to get some of her things because she was going back out with some of her other friends. So she did not want to disturb the sleeping Jane therefore she kept the light off , grabbed her stuff and left. The next morning when she came back into her room she saw her roommate murdered and written on the wall was “Aren’t you glad you didn’t Turn On the Light?" Inte direkt läskigt men lite creepy. Shit... Nice! Men... Engelskt uppslagsord creepy Svensk översättning (vardagligt) kuslig, läskig (adjektiv) som känns skrämmande visst, sure. Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Maimstream Skrivet 5 september, 2010 Rapportera Share Skrivet 5 september, 2010 (redigerad) Om man gillar uppbyggnad så kan man la' titta på hela, men jag minns att jag skippade cirka halva första gången jag tittade på den. Välgjord, om jag får säga mitt. Redigerad 5 september, 2010 av Maimstream Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
ZcruweN Skrivet 1 februari, 2011 Rapportera Share Skrivet 1 februari, 2011 Oi 1 Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Mordos Skrivet 1 februari, 2011 Rapportera Share Skrivet 1 februari, 2011 BEN är så november 2010. Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Renard Skrivet 1 februari, 2011 Rapportera Share Skrivet 1 februari, 2011 Oi Det där var riktigt jävla creepy! Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Xersize Skrivet 4 mars, 2011 Rapportera Share Skrivet 4 mars, 2011 I was out in the woods one day, picking mushrooms. It was Friday and I was tired after a hard weeks work, so this was my way of blowing off steam. I was in a part of the forest I had never visited before, however, my friend had told me that he had seen many acres of mushrooms here so I thought that it couldn't hurt to have a look. Looking back, it may have been stupid to venture alone into a place I've never before seen, but at the time, I didn't think much of it. And my friend was right, everywhere I went, I saw almost nothing but delicious mushrooms. I got so excited that I didn't keep track from where I came or in what direction I was going, and before I knew it, it had started to become a little darker outside. I felt like I should go back to my car and head home while I could still see, but at this point I had no idea what was “back”, which resulted in me probably walking in circles. As it started to become darker, I started to feel a little bit more confused. I didn't know what way to go and I couldn't see any kind of tracks from my feet on the ground. As I said, it resulted in me walking in circles. I decided to walk one way, without turning at all, since sooner or later (I was really hoping on sooner) the forest will come to an end. After walking for what felt like hours, but was probably only around 5 minutes in reality, I heard a voice. “Are you lost, mate?”. I turned around and saw what appeared to be a hunter. He was standing with a rifle over his shoulder and a dead baby deer in his other hand. Judging from his accent, I guessed he was Irish. “Yeah,” I said, “I actually have no idea where I am or where I left my car”. He said that he had a hunting-cottage that I could use for the night if I wished, or at least join him for a cup of coffee to get warm and to get new batteries for my now dead flashlight. I thanked him and he showed me the way. He was polite and funny, he cracked me up a few times on the way to the cottage. We got there and he opened the door for me. When we got in, I saw a few rifles hanging on the wall, as well as a few deer-antlers. “Just heat up the coffee on the stove and I'll just put this away in the cellar” he said and open a little cellar-door on the floor. I heated up the coffee, as told, and after a minute or two he came back up and we took one cup each. He asked if I wanted to borrow the cottage for the night, and since it was almost completely dark and cold as hell outside, I said yes and thanked him. “Are you actually going home when it's this dark?” I asked. “There's room for two in here, you know”. He smiled at me and told him that he had promised his wife to come home, so he had no choice. We sat there for about an hour, sipping our coffee, until he said that he was about to head back. Before he went out the door, he suddenly stopped himself and looked at me. “Do you have a sleeping disorder?” he asked. I told him that I usually sleep like a dead baby. He laughed. “Well, just in case... There's some sleeping pills in the nightstand. Take two before you go to bed, a'right mate?”. Then he walked out before I could ask why. I didn't take any pills. I went to sleep on the couch in front of the bonfire and slept like a baby. But I had the strangest dreams... I had nightmares about horrible sounds from the basement, scratching noises from the roof, antlers on the walls replaced with human limbs... It was horrible! The next morning, I woke up sweaty and scared out of my frickin' mind. I put on my clothes, which seemed to have moved from the end of the couch to a stool next to it (although, at this point, I thought that I was only remembering wrong) and got the hell out of there. I walked through the forest for only about five minutes before I found my car. I got out and went home, still terrified from my nightmares. That very same day, I called up my friend who had tipped me off about that mushroom-filled part of the woods and told him about the cottage and that man. “Cottage? I've been through every inch of that forest hundreds of times, from every end to the other, and I have never seen any cottage. Are you sure you went to the right place?” he asked. I told him about all the mushrooms I found which convinced him that I actually had been where he told me to go, but he was still confused. And so was I, for that matter. But I thought nothing more of it, thought to myself that since the forest was actually pretty wide, he could have missed it even if he'd been there many more times than I had. That night, I once again had nightmares. This time, I heard the same noises as from the cottage, but in my bedroom. In my dreams, I woke up several times and saw silhouettes of people, dismembered bodies and dead deers. I also saw that Irish hunter a couple of times... The next morning when I woke up, there was no sign of any strange activity during the night, which helped convince me that it actually was nightmares and that I hadn't awoken for real in the middle of the night. This continued to happen the whole next week, and I started to get more and more freaked out. I never used to have nightmares! I told my friend, who had still never even heard of that cottage before, so I went on Google Earth and tried to find that little hut I've spent the night in a week earlier, but I couldn't find it. At this point, I got really freaked out! I went to the library to search for local legends and myths from that forest and found an article called “The Wicked Woodsman”. About a hundred years ago, an Irish hunter lived near the woods and used to hunt around there. He actually had a cottage there, right in the middle of the woods (which made it even more strange that I had been able to find my way out so quickly) where he used to work on his prey after he killed it, then take the meat home to him and his wife. One day, he found out that she had been cheating on him with another man. Blind with rage and jealousy, he had somehow lured both her, him and their two kids to that cottage where he shot them all. He had skinned his wife, dismembered the man and put the kids on the open fire. The arms, legs and torso of the man, he had hung on the walls where he used to have the deer-antlers and the skin of his wife, he had put on the floor where he used to have fur from a bear. Shortly after, he had shot himself in the head while sitting on her skin, and when the local authorities found out, they had burned the cottage to the ground. Horrified with what I just read, I thought to myself that it couldn't have been the man I had met. “He's dead and the cottage is gone, it couldn't have been...”. But the nightmares keep on coming, and little by little, I realized that it wasn't nightmares. I really did wake up in the middle of the night to those horrible sights and noises. I tried sleeping at hotels and at friends' houses, but it didn't disappear. It's like I was haunted. After a little deeper research, I found that the local legend continues. Some wanderers in the forest have been said to find the cottage, and those sleeping there had been haunted either until they go insane or they kill themselves. That was a year ago, and the nightmares have become worse. I wake up to the sound of hellish laughter, the sight of that Irish hunter with his shotgun, his shirt all covered in blood. I wake up to the pain of something gnawing on my leg and someone cutting my skin, I'm bruised and scarred all over my body. I have a feeling that those haunted ones didn't commit suicide... I think they've been killed. And I probably will to. I'm writing this to you so that you may know my story. I learned the hard way that it's better to wander alone in a dark forest all night than use a cottage a stranger lends me. I'm going to bed now, and one way or another, I'm going to finish this with the Wicked Woodsman. Nothing, not even death or Hell, can be worse than this. Good night. 2 Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Wu Zi Mu Skrivet 29 april, 2011 Rapportera Share Skrivet 29 april, 2011 Oi Teh video: Truth?: Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
felshoe Skrivet 25 maj, 2011 Rapportera Share Skrivet 25 maj, 2011 Det där är creepy men coolt på samma gång, ifyaknowhatimean. EDIT: What it sounds like. FUCK Uppdatering: I Augusti 2010 snappades ett meddelande upp på samma kanal. En snubbe som rabblar upp en massa siffror och namn. Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
VaXXoR Skrivet 1 juni, 2011 Rapportera Share Skrivet 1 juni, 2011 Jag har kollat mycket om dolda meddelanden i film och musik. Och en sak jag tycker är creepy är att lyssna på musik baklänges. I låten We made you med eminem så sjunger tjejen "Oh devils i want'em giving me happiness". Sånt tycker jag kan vara väldigt läskigt att höra, man får lite kalla kårar! Lyssna från 1:00 Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Martin-123 Skrivet 1 juni, 2011 Rapportera Share Skrivet 1 juni, 2011 Jag har kollat mycket om dolda meddelanden i film och musik. Och en sak jag tycker är creepy är att lyssna på musik baklänges. I låten We made you med eminem så sjunger tjejen "Oh devils i want'em giving me happiness". Sånt tycker jag kan vara väldigt läskigt att höra, man får lite kalla kårar! Lyssna från 1:00 En hel samling med sådanna. Tycker själv att Stairway to heaven är grymt läskig! Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
SilentViper Skrivet 1 juni, 2011 Rapportera Share Skrivet 1 juni, 2011 Får lite kalla kårar av dessa två bilder Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Pixiegnom Skrivet 1 juni, 2011 Rapportera Share Skrivet 1 juni, 2011 Jag som hade glömt den där bilden! 2 Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Vice. Skrivet 1 juni, 2011 Rapportera Share Skrivet 1 juni, 2011 Får lite kalla kårar av dessa två bilder det där är ju en känd bild. vad är det för en? Tavla? Lite info om den? Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Pixiegnom Skrivet 1 juni, 2011 Rapportera Share Skrivet 1 juni, 2011 (redigerad) det där är ju en känd bild. vad är det för en? Tavla? Lite info om den? Den heter The Hands Resist Him. Finns en tråd om den här på forumet, men lyckas inte hitta.¨ Edit: http://www.gtasajten...__1#entry900844 Edit 2: Läste igenom tråden och får så många flashbacks... Det var jag och två kompisar som satt hemma hos mig och tittade på bilden samt diskuterade den. Sen satte vi den som bakgrundsbild och jag kan säga att allt jag nämnde i mitt inlägg faktiskt hände, även fast det kanske inte var något häpnandsväckande. Redigerad 1 juni, 2011 av Pixiegnom Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Jacker Skrivet 3 juli, 2011 Skapat av Rapportera Share Skrivet 3 juli, 2011 2 Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Sniper Skrivet 1 augusti, 2011 Rapportera Share Skrivet 1 augusti, 2011 Tycker den är rätt creepy... Gillar inte clowner. Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Renard Skrivet 1 augusti, 2011 Rapportera Share Skrivet 1 augusti, 2011 Jag tycker den är rolig . Finns det inte någon sida i stil med ""? Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
ZcruweN Skrivet 17 oktober, 2011 Rapportera Share Skrivet 17 oktober, 2011 2 Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
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