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Flaskans Star Wars-tråd


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Om ni nu hade ett lasersvärd i handen och ni fick bestämma färg på det.

Vilken färg hade ni tagit ? :)

Jag skulle tagit......grön.

Nu är det eran tur att bestämma er. :P

May the force be with you.

Orange. Varför? Det är en skön färg som inte stör ögonen för mycket, samt att folk skulle inte riktigt veta om jag var elak eller snäll! B)

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You Scored as Blue Lightsaber

You would have a blue lightsaber. You can be a rogue loner or march to the beat of your own drummer, but you are a good person deep down.

75% Blue Lightsaber

75% Green Lightsaber

50% Yellow/Orange Lightsaber

50% Red Lightsaber

25% Purple Lightsaber

25% Black Lightsaber

Redigerad av Boomer
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You Scored as Purple Lightsaber

You have a purple lightsaber. You are signified by red and blue combined showing two sides of you. Nevertheless, you are very wise and intelligent, and respected amongst your peers.

Purple Lightsaber 100%

Yellow/Orange Lightsaber 75%

Red Lightsaber 67%

Blue Lightsaber 58%

Black Lightsaber 58%

Green Lightsaber 33%

:):PB) B) B) B) B) B)

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Yellow/Orange Lightsaber


Blue Lightsaber


Purple Lightsaber


Red Lightsaber


Green Lightsaber


Black Lightsaber


Jag fick det som Boomer ville ha. :P

Men bara 33% på grönt. :)

Omg 50% på röd...

För att citera Yoda.

"Much anger in him... like his father."


Redigerad av Flaskan
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*erhm* Fast när Luke väl fick bygga sin egen ljussabel valde han grönt. :)

Detta är sant, efter en snabb titt på Wookiepedia så såg jag detta. :P

After losing his father's lightsaber on Bespin, Luke wielded another lightsaber of unknown origin until, half a standard year after the duel, he used designs in Kenobi's home on Tatooine to build a new weapon similar to the late Jedi Master's saber, a practical weapon with a green Synth-crystal blade. Inadvertently Kenobi and Skywalker kept the tradition of the apprentice modeling their lightsaber on their master's. Luke used it during the rescue of his friends from Jabba the Hutt, his final duel with Vader, and kept using it up to and during the Second Corellian Insurrection.

Redigerad av Flaskan
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You Scored as Purple Lightsaber

You have a purple lightsaber. You are signified by red and blue combined showing two sides of you. Nevertheless, you are very wise and intelligent, and respected amongst your peers.

Purple Lightsaber 92%

Black Lightsaber 83%

Green Lightsaber 75%

Yellow/Orange Lightsaber 58%

Blue Lightsaber 33%

Red Lightsaber 8%

Det var faktist det jag tänkte svara innan jag gjorde testet också. Lila lightsaber! :)

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You Scored as Purple Lightsaber

You have a purple lightsaber. You are signified by red and blue combined showing two sides of you. Nevertheless, you are very wise and intelligent, and respected amongst your peers.

Purple Lightsaber 92%

Black Lightsaber 83%

Green Lightsaber 75%

Yellow/Orange Lightsaber 58%

Blue Lightsaber 33%

Red Lightsaber 8%

Det var faktist det jag tänkte svara innan jag gjorde testet också. Lila lightsaber! :P

Men vafan, jag är fortfarande ensam på Orange/Gul. :)

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Men vafan, jag är fortfarande ensam på Orange/Gul. :)

You Scored as Yellow/Orange Lightsaber

Black Lightsaber


Blue Lightsaber


Yellow/Orange Lightsaber


Purple Lightsaber


Green Lightsaber


Red Lightsaber


TRE stycken på 83%!!

Ingen beskrivning på orange. :P

Var det någon mer än jag som fick tie break:a?

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