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Taking it for the team


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Jag har vunnit en gång i alla teamspel, inkluderat Coop-grenarna. Jag klarade nyss min första (och andra) Team Car Jack City-match men fortfarande har inget dykt upp. Jag såg en checklista för AWP-trofén där de delat upp Cops n Crooks i "Cop win, Crook win" gånger två (för både "One for all" och "All for one"), men hur går den uppdelningen till?

Ni som fått denna trofé/achievement, hur gick det till när ni fick den?

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Ska nog bara fortsä'tta spela det tills du får det. =/

*A few people have problems with this trophy. I assure you that not all these games need to be done in the same online session, however, it doesn't take long to do so. Make sure the host knows how the games work so that he can set the limits accordingly to waste as little time as possible. If you have achieved a victory in all these games and still don't have the trophy just keep playing them. You will get it eventually.


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