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Stranger: david?

Stranger: is that u?

You: pedobear here

You: sup

Stranger: do u liek mudkipz?

You: my tits are so hard

You: give me your credit card

Stranger: 12983-123704-46392-23498-23414



Hittade omegle för någon månader sen, underbart påhitt. <3

Redigerad av Sikorka
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Skulle trolla lite för ett par veckor sedan och blev totalt ägd! :wub:

Ber om ursäkt för alla låga och dåliga skämt men det var roligt en sen lördagsnatt... :P

You: Hi!
Stranger: Oh hello
You: I have urgent news!
You: I come from the future
Stranger: Oh yes, do tell
You: and I am to deliver a message to a certain someone...
You: Do you know anybody by the name... Adolf Hitler?
Stranger: You fail, you came back too late
You: Oh snap!
Stranger: better get back to your time machine and redial for 1935
You: 1935 you say?
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: Might be an idea
You: I'll try that one
Stranger: good plan
You: Do you have any other tips?
Stranger: Try not to mess with the nature of causality
Stranger: that can get things very messy
You: oh
You: So that means... I should not go back to the past and not have sex with your mother
You: cause that would unborn you?
Stranger: Wait, double negative
You: mhm
Stranger: does not compute
You: Or does it?
Stranger: Basically you are saying that you should go back to the past and have sex with my mother
You: Or am I?
Stranger: If you are interpreting that sentence from a gramatical point of view
You: Or ain't I?
Stranger: Fuck knows
Stranger: Go ask fuck
You: Just give me an answer
Stranger: to what question?
You: To the question about life, the universe and everything?
Stranger: 42
Stranger: Indeed
Stranger: Not really
You: True...
You: I just wish my life had a meaning...
Stranger: Due to the fact that the answer 42 is only given because the question doesn't make sense
Stranger: Meaning is subjective
You: D:
Stranger: So you can define your own meaning of life and noone can argue as there cannot by definition be an objective meaning to life
You: So that basicly means that if I want to have sex with your mother, it's okay?
Stranger: Sure, she is 60 though
You: MILF?
Stranger: allthough she only looks 50
You: well that's nice
Stranger: Not really, she is getting on a bit
You: That's more than I wanted to know...
Stranger: Hey, you are the one wanting to shag her
You: I never said I wanted to
You: D:
You: I'm screwed, am I?
Stranger: Who knows?
You: That... Is a very good question
You: This is getting... Awkward... Very awkward.
Stranger: Excellent
You: Indeed
Stranger: Oh well
Stranger: Anyways, I must do one so to speak, so wonderful to have a surrealistic chat with you, take care
You: Have a great life!
Stranger: you too boss[/codebox]

Den här goatseen är fruktansvärt rolig att använda vid rätt tillfällen! :naughty:










_______\___.__C____)_.you just_(_(____>__|__/













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Min första Omegle konveration slutade ,hrm, väldigt seriöst *host host*

2854 users onlineYour Ad Here

Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Oi!

Stranger: hey

You: what's up?

Stranger: nothing

You: same here :D

You: just heard about Omegle at a forum

You: thought i might check it out

Stranger: me too

You: asl?

Stranger: u first

You: ok, i'm a man, 17-years-old, from Stockholm, Sweden

You: like Europe lol

You: great band

Stranger: im chinese

You: awsome!

You: NOT *disconnecting*

Min andra chat blev snäppet värre. Allt är mitt fel :mellow:

Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hey!

Stranger: hello

Stranger: kkkk

Stranger: hi

You: do you like kk downing?

You: is that y you're righting K's

You: ?

Stranger: ^^

I min tredje chat anspelar jag på politik på hög nivå!



Stranger: Where are you from?

You: Sweden

You: u?

Stranger: korea

Stranger: how old are you?

You: 17. are you allowed to chat with non-koreans?

You: or are you breaking the law right now?

You: you are, arn't you?

Stranger: ok

You: that's badass

You: you are a badass dude

Redigerad av Renard
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Min mest fuckade hittills:

Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hey!

Stranger: hello, stranger

You: do you like heavy metal?

You: or do you hate it?

Stranger: i like some

You: cool

Stranger: the good shit

You: haha, hell yeash

You: yeah*

Stranger: most of it's shite though

You: now there you are wrong friend

You: i love it all

You: im a headbanger

Stranger: well, I'll bow to your superior knowledge

You: now for that, i thank you stranger

You: you may rise

Stranger: thank you, sire

You: now go and cut the crops like the cattle you are!

You: non-believer!

Stranger: yes sir

Stranger: thank you sir

You: the king is upset

Stranger: [doffs cap]

Stranger: [bows]

You: [cuts your head off and runs for his life]

Stranger: bugger

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

@Siana: Jag vet det lilla gubben, men jag bryr mig inte när jag sitter och jiddrar i ett oseriöst chattrum :mellow:

Redigerad av Renard
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Had my serious face on.

You: Hi there

Stranger: hey there

You: Mind if i ask you ASL?

Stranger: if u have to...27 m ger

You: Well, it helps knowing "what" you are talking to

Stranger: so give me your data :confused:

You: 15/m/swe

Stranger: quite young..

You: Yeah, that's what they say

Stranger: but u dont see it like that?

You: Well, depends on what you compare my age with

Stranger: to what u can compare a age?

You: To other ages

Stranger: ok :D

Stranger: compare dto my age yiu are quite young :(

You: Yes sir, can't argue with that

You: Although i see myself to be more mature that alot of people on the internet

Stranger: you are right....there are a lot of freaks who cant behave on the net

You: That's quite right, sir

Stranger: dont call me sir :P

You: Well, i like to be polite

Stranger: ok... then do so if u like

You: So tell me, what's new in Germany

You: ?

Stranger: one moment ... i have to look in the newspaper

You: I'll wait

Stranger: theres alot of discussion about the future of "Opel"

You: Never cared much for them Opels

You: My friend had an Astra, from the 90's, was in great condition

You: Then during ONE summer, the rust came

You: Ate the whole car up

You: Incredible

Stranger: yeag that was a big issue of the older opels...but atm they build very nice , efficient cars...only GM is the reason for the crisis

You: Well, i couldnt care less about SAAB, but it's a shame what's happening to the American brands within GM

Stranger: yep....but its their own fault if they built cars which are not suitable for people in the 21st century

You: Yeah, i guess that's digging their own grave

You: I still like american cars over any car

Stranger: sorry, but i have to bring our conversation to an end. i have to shower and the go to bed...i have to go to work early next morning...so...sorry

You: That's cool

You: Have a good night, sir

Stranger: you too

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Stranger: hi
You: Hello
You: Please save me.
Stranger: asl
Stranger: save u from what
You: I'm trapped in a basement.
You: Dad won't let me out.
You: He comes down sometimes.
You: And do bad things with me.
You: Please, you need to help me out of here.
Stranger: where do u live
You: Austria.
Stranger: uhh
Stranger: i live in the United states of America
Stranger: sry
You: Please.
Stranger: cant help u
You: You've got to help me.
You: Oh no!
You: Dad's coming.
You: He's going to do bad things with me.
Stranger: if u have a computer im sure u can contact the police
You: GDA
You: Hello.
You: Who is this?
You: Hello?
You: Are you there?
You: Did you just talk to my daughter?
You: Sir.
You: Did you or did you not just tak to my daughter?
You: Hello?
Stranger: form words
Stranger: ill leave this chat roo
Stranger: u ok
Stranger: what does that mean?
Stranger: now
Stranger: *room
You: Hello?
You: Who is this?
Stranger: Shit
Your conversational partner has disconnected.[/codebox]

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Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hi!

Stranger: 你好

You: i'm sorry?

Stranger: http://www.discoverybayforum.com/save/upload/fat2.jpg

You: jesus, this is gtasajten material

"Konversationen" ägde rum för ca 1 min sen :D.

Kunde inte vara seriös längre:

Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: i want talk to a girl..aren't u?

You: i'm a girl

Stranger: really??i said it i want talk to a girl..aren't u?

Stranger: i said it voluntariness

You: well, i am a girl, so start talking big boy

Stranger: ...omg..i not big boy..

Stranger: talk boy..and ..

You: you big girl?

Stranger: thin boy~~

You: you need to eat more fat

You: thin boys are disgusting

Stranger: 180cm..120g..need i??

Stranger: am i thin??180cm..125g..

You: g = grams?

Stranger: .....er

Stranger: i don't know this in english..

Stranger: 60kg..

You: oh, sorry, i come from Sweden, we dont have a weight system here, we measure things in meatballs stacked in very large piles

You: *diconnecting*

Redigerad av Renard
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Min första seriösa chatt. Den var riktigt trevlig och rolig på sina ställen.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey dude!
Stranger: hey
You: where you from?
Stranger: well... when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much....
You: hahahahaha! good one!
You: havn't heard that one before
Stranger: really? didn't get that talk from your parents
You: haha, well, i was kinda asking you from where you were from, you know, what country
You: not flowers and bees
Stranger: isn't that birds and the bees?
You: haha, nope
Stranger: well you didn't specify
You: havnt heard that version
You: well, most people get it when you ask the question "where you from"
You: wait, you're fucking with me right?
You: hahaha
Stranger: yeah
You: thought so
Stranger: you seem a little slow, haha
You: you never know man, there are some seriously retarded people out there who dont understand simple questions
You: fucking hate m
You: em*
Stranger: . that's why i use big words to confuzzle them
You: good thing to do, separate the slow from the quick
Stranger: exactly
You: but seriously dude (or maybe you are a chick) where are you from?
You: what COUNTRY lol
You: not what mother
You: trust me, i dont wanna find out
Stranger: haha
Stranger: USA if you must know
You: cool, im from sweden myself
You: age?
You: im 18
Stranger: 17
You: cool
You: omegle is cool
You: fucking random shit
Stranger: sometimes. other times it's just annoying
You: i like luring people
You: told one i was an Hells Angel wanting my money back
Stranger: lol
You: he got scared shitless
Stranger: poor guy
You: what if i, by accident, happened to chat with a guy who was actually in debt with tthe HA
You: he thought he could hide here HAHAHAHAHA
Stranger: he'd probably be scared into paying up
You: but the hells angels found him
You: haha yeah
Stranger: nowhere is safe from the hells angels
You: in that way, i did the HA a favor
You: maybe theyll accept me for it
You: turn me into a prospect or some shit
Stranger: haha. yeah. they'll give you a jacket and then beat the crap out of you from pretending to be an HA
Stranger: *for
You: hahaha! yeah
You: so mutch for beeing a badass
Stranger: you'd be one for a few seconds at least
You: yeah, then i'd be some fat mexican gangsters bitch in jail
You: that ought to hurt
Stranger: that's what you get for trying to be a badass
You: yep, hopefully that gangster will think you are a "goodass" or he'll kill you for not beeing
You: if you know what im saying *blink blink*
Stranger: lol
You: say, since you are a New Yorker and all, have you seen my favorite movie called The Warriors?
Stranger: lol. so you assume that because i'm from america i'm a new yorker?
You: you said you were
You: no wait!
You: sorry, my bad
You: you said USA
You: i checked it
You: fucking embarrassing
You: lol
Stranger: haha
Stranger: fail
You: epic fail that is
You: should send it to failblog for real
Stranger: it's too much fail even for failblog
You: haha, yeah, their servers would crash
You: too mutch fail for one server
You: poor server
Stranger: yeah. i'm surprised omegle hasn't crashed
You: haha! yeah!
You: maybe their servers are used to bullshit by now ay?
You: they are immune
Stranger: probably
Stranger: they're so used to fail that it doesn't affect them anymore
You: my point exactly
You: ever been to sweden?
Stranger: no, but i'd like to
You: dude, all we have is IKEA, Abba and som old hair metal, one hit wonder, band called Europe haha
You: and some damn hot women
Stranger: haha
You: seriously, our wool sure beats the britts
You: susan boyle haha
You: ugly ugly britts!
Stranger: lol
Stranger: ever been to america?
You: yep! twice, i like it there more than in sweden
You: i understand the american culture, but i dont understand the swedish
Stranger: if it makes you feel better, i don't understand swedish culture either
You: thats a good thing!
You: did you know, that each summer, we raise poles all around the country, get pissed drunk and jump around them in circles sounding like frogs?
Stranger: haha
Stranger: is that a holiday? or do you just do that for no reason
You: its a holliday, thank God
You: if swedes did it for no reason i would lit for america faster than a rabbit gets fucked
Stranger: haha
You: to quote omar in scarface
Stranger: i've only seen part of scarface
You: oh ok
You: the ending?
You: "say ello to ma little friend"
Stranger: yeah, probably the last 30 minutes or so
You: yep
You: do you think im good at english? i have had four straight A's for the last four years
Stranger: it's good. better than a lot of the americans i've talked to on here, lol
You: for real? thank you! i bow to your superior knowlage
You: knowledge*
You: my spelling duck though
You: suck*
You: haha
Stranger: haha
You: i guess it duck to
You: too*
Stranger: omegle needs spellcheck
You: haha, yeah
You: i do have the google bar, that one has a spell check
Stranger: i have that too. but i never use it
You: haha, likewise
Stranger: it's just easier to type and hope for the best
You: damn straight!
You: not that anybody cares if you spell wrong anyways
You: this is a chat for christs sake
You: haha
Stranger: not really as long as you get the basic idea
You: yep
You: do you have facebook?
Stranger: no. i used to but i never used it and then i forgot my password...
You: oh, ok
You: i know its an old an annoying question, but do you have msn?
You: i hate it when people ask me that haha
You: but you seem like a cool dude
Stranger: i have yahoo messenger
You: ok, i dont
Stranger: haha. that's cause i'm not a dude
You: you're a chick?
You: awsome!
Stranger: yeah
You: mindfuck at the same time
You: i thought you were a dude al along
You: all*
You: haha
Stranger: you're a dude, though right?
You: yep!
Stranger: okay. one of us guessed right then
You: and it wasn't me *cry*
Stranger: haha
Stranger: i win
You: it's a win/lose situation
Stranger: yep
You: hey listen, it was nice talking to you but im a little tired (its 12:05 AM here in Stockholm), i got to go now!
You: bye!
Stranger: bye!

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  • 3 weeks later...

You: Hello

Stranger: hi

Stranger: i'm tonya

You: I'm tony

Stranger: hey look.. your name is in my name

You: Yes it is.

You: Where are you from Tonya? Are you from Russia?

Stranger: no

You: Please tell me you are from Russia.

Stranger: no

Stranger: amer.

You: DO IT.

Stranger: ok

Stranger: i am

You: thanks.

You have disconnected.

Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Well um hello i'm not good with stragners

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: BOOM

You: Holy shit

Stranger: BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM i want you in my room

You: Are you sure you could withstand the awesome force of my raging hard-on?

Stranger: im sure

You: Aw snap. :w000t:

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You: v

Stranger: ?

Stranger: v?

Stranger: female

Stranger: ivana

Stranger: haha

Stranger: i will go to

Stranger: ähm donä

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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