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Ipod nano problem


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Hejsan, idag när jag skulle ladda min Ipod så råkade jag dra ut USB sladden utan att använda "Säker borttagning av maskinvara" Och då hängde Ipoden sig. Fast jag har dragit ut sladden så står det Ansluten - Mata ut innan du kopplar ifrån. Hur går detta att lösa? Stängs den av när batteriet tar slut? Eller kommer den att fortsätta vara frusen?

Desperat efter hjälp, fick den för bara 2 dagar sedan :P

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1. Toggle the Hold switch on and off. (Slide it to Hold, then turn it off again.)

2. Press and hold the Menu and Center (Select) buttons simultaneously until the Apple logo appears, about 6 to 8 seconds. You may need to repeat this step.

Tip: If you are having difficulty resetting your iPod, set it on a flat surface. Make sure the finger pressing the Select button is not touching any part of the click wheel. Also make sure that you are pressing the Menu button toward the outside of the click wheel, and not near the center.

If the above steps did not work, try connecting iPod to a power adapter and plug the power adapter into an electrical outlet, or connect iPod to your computer. Make sure the computer is turned on and isn't set to go to sleep.

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