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Texture problem! En till ev. lösning!


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Detta är citerat från: http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=381648

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Används på egen risk. Varken jag eller topic "ägaren" står för ev. problem.

I've tried all the other methods of fixing the texture issues in this game. none of them worked, and my main problem is my system memory... I only have 1gb.

but i wont bore you with such details.. here is what worked for me and if you stop and think about it, it should work for everyone else. this tool will optimize the way applications use your RAM, and it will even clear the RAM that is used even after a program has been closed. so, even if you think this wont work for you, try it anyway. you have nothing to lose and it will most likely work.

firstly, grab some sort of memory management/optimization tool. there are free versions, trial versions, and paid versions. i only tested one and it worked 100% for me.

the one i used was Systweak CacheBoost

there is a fully functional 30-day trial availible Here

install the program and start it up. it will automatically do what it needs and u can monitor the usage of your RAM and Cache by double clicking the meter in the taskbar. there are advanced settings for enthusiests, and basic settings for the beginners.

now when you fire up your game and load your save, you should see all your textures and everything should be loaded.

NOTE: it may run slower than before, so just go into the Settings for CacheBooster and set them to what you want. it may have just been because i only have 1gb of RAM.

this program truely fixed my problem and i am almost certain it will fix your too. if it dont, you havnt lost anything.

give it a try and let me know if it fixes anything for you!



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