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tommy vercetti

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R* har inte sagt det rakt ut utan mer att de vill att man använder knytnävarna så mycket som möjligt. Tidningar och sidor som har prövat spelet har sagt att grunden i spelet är att använda händerna för att slåss och att vapen är sälsynta och kommer inte finnas så tillgängliga under första timmarna.

Vad jag har förstått så är det bara så i början av spelet? :whistling:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lite news!


Update alert on Grand Theft Auto 4 (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360). The latest edition of EGM had a feature on the game, and we're given a lot of new info. This is great news as updates on GTA4 seem to come in bite-sized pieces recently.

Here are the updates from EGM as summarized by N.HalesLegacy. We particularly like the part where... well, we like a lot of parts. Check it out for yourselves:

* Sam Houser - "Its Official, Im American now...I can now vote but for anyone but Hillary Clinton. I love America." (Note: Sam Houser is the founder and executive producer of Rockstar Games)

* The Sixaxis will be used in GTA4 but in a way thats done Right.

* A possible MMPOG GTA in the future. May be subscription based.

* Beat up cars will eventually stall, leaving you to flee on foot.

* Tired will shred apart when they are shot.

* Ps3 Version will have warmer colors while the 360 version will have more vibrant colors.

* Tap Up on the D-pad brings up the Cell phone. Up a second time brings up the key pad.

* There are several different cell phones you gain through out the game. the basic has contacts, organizer, camera, and multiplayer mode. The MP3 version is obtained later in the game.

* You can kill anyone and everyone, even your contacts.

* Theres a conservative talk station called WKTT (We Know the Truth). This is making fun of Rush limbaugh and will have those red stater rants that was recorded from real fans that called in doing that time period R* was taking calls from fans.

* DJ Lazlow Returns

* Bloggers play some form in the game.

* The old GTA cheat codes we come to love seem to have returned.

* You can drop grenades out of the vehicle while driving. you can also "cook" the grenades.

* R* is really getting into episodic downloads. may see some for the PS3 version.


Källa: http://ps3.qj.net/New-details-for-Grand-Th...g/49/aid/114957

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Lite news!


Update alert on Grand Theft Auto 4 (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360). The latest edition of EGM had a feature on the game, and we're given a lot of new info. This is great news as updates on GTA4 seem to come in bite-sized pieces recently.

Here are the updates from EGM as summarized by N.HalesLegacy. We particularly like the part where... well, we like a lot of parts. Check it out for yourselves:

* Sam Houser - "Its Official, Im American now...I can now vote but for anyone but Hillary Clinton. I love America." (Note: Sam Houser is the founder and executive producer of Rockstar Games)

* The Sixaxis will be used in GTA4 but in a way thats done Right.

* A possible MMPOG GTA in the future. May be subscription based.

* Beat up cars will eventually stall, leaving you to flee on foot.

* Tired will shred apart when they are shot.

* Ps3 Version will have warmer colors while the 360 version will have more vibrant colors.

* Tap Up on the D-pad brings up the Cell phone. Up a second time brings up the key pad.

* There are several different cell phones you gain through out the game. the basic has contacts, organizer, camera, and multiplayer mode. The MP3 version is obtained later in the game.

* You can kill anyone and everyone, even your contacts.

* Theres a conservative talk station called WKTT (We Know the Truth). This is making fun of Rush limbaugh and will have those red stater rants that was recorded from real fans that called in doing that time period R* was taking calls from fans.

* DJ Lazlow Returns

* Bloggers play some form in the game.

* The old GTA cheat codes we come to love seem to have returned.

* You can drop grenades out of the vehicle while driving. you can also "cook" the grenades.

* R* is really getting into episodic downloads. may see some for the PS3 version.


Källa: http://ps3.qj.net/New-details-for-Grand-Th...g/49/aid/114957

Samma information finns sedan tidigare på GTAnytt, fast på svenska. Inte för att jag vill göra reklam eller för att jag inte förstår engelska, utan för att det är ett smart alternativ om man vill ha färska GTA-nyheter nästan varje dag.

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Lite news!


* You can kill anyone and everyone, even your contacts.

Källa: http://ps3.qj.net/New-details-for-Grand-Th...g/49/aid/114957

Lite skeptisk till detta, vad händer om man dödar alla sina kontakter? kommer dom att respawna som tidigare GTA spel eller förblir dom döda? :confused:

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Det blir troligen mission failed som i tidigare spel, och så får man man göra om uppraget på nytt.

Nej se det tror inte jag! Jag tror att alla framtida uppdrag av den kontakten försvinner och alla kontaktens vänner blir nu Nikos fiender. Vore sketanajs!

V.I.L.L. H.A. I.V. N.U.

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Om man verkligen kan döda sina kontakter tror jag de förblir döda. Man kunde ju också ''döda'' dem i GTA3, SA och VC men då fick man bara Mission Failed.

Det kommer antagligen vara möjligt att döda dem, eller med ett fulare ord deleta dom från spelet. Tänk om CJ dyker upp; kommer att slå ihjäl honom i en mörkt gränd!

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Om man verkligen kan döda sina kontakter tror jag de förblir döda. Man kunde ju också ''döda'' dem i GTA3, SA och VC men då fick man bara Mission Failed.

Det kommer antagligen vara möjligt att döda dem, eller med ett fulare ord deleta dom från spelet. Tänk om CJ dyker upp; kommer att slå ihjäl honom i en mörkt gränd!

Nu var du för snäll. Skulle skjuta av honom knäskålarna och sparka ihjäl honom!

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