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Interstellar marines


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Vad tror ni om Interstellar marines?

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Platforms: Pc Ps3 Xbox 360

Release datum: Inte satt

Tillverkare: Zero point soft

At the dawn of the 22nd century, man’s lust for resources has taken him beyond Earth and into space. This new frontier has brought new challenges and opportunities, dangers and rewards, and out there, in the dark, awaits the ultimate discovery: another sentient species.

A next generation FPS, INTERSTELLAR MARINES puts the player in the role of an Interstellar Marine soldier and lets him experience the thrill of a tour of duty in outer space where his decisions can affect the future of mankind.

INTERSTELLAR MARINES is an AAA, FPS, Sci-fi, action and adventure game with an original and unpredictable storyline featuring single and cooperative gameplay, with heavy focus on realism. It is a trilogy, with a target audience that is estimated to be 17+ and aimed at the next generation PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 platforms. It is intended to utilize Epic Games “Unreal Engine 3” technology.

Key features

• Singleplayer or up to four players cooperative

• Custom game modes featuring arcade, RPG and tactical elements

• Captivating storyline with heavy focus on realism

• Advanced weapons simulation

• Randomized and non-linear gameplay

• Character growth and specialization

• Fully interactive environments

INTERSTELLAR MARINES combines its unique features with the highest quality in visuals and animation to deliver an experience unlike any other: a serious, well-researched science fiction FPS that gives a realistic vision of what “first contact” might be like.

Redigerad av VaXXoR
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Det är ganska fula vapen , men grafik är snygg så..

Kollat på trailern btw?

Säg ett vapen från ett spel som ser snyggt ut enligt dig då så ska vi se hur vi kan tracka din syn på snygga vapen, något som inte är värkligt, så inga ak47'or här inte :rolleyes:

Redigerad av emo
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De första bilderna är LÄSKIGT likt F.E.A.R enligt mig :mf_doof:

Tänkte precis skriva samma sak. Får starka FEAR vibbar. Ser bra ut. Riktigt bra. Ännu en anledning för mig att skaffa en next-gen. Vi skandinaver brukar ju göra bra spel. Ännu ett kanske?

Redigerad av Renard
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