Lofon Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Rapportera Share Skrivet 20 september, 2007 I den här tråden så tänkte jag att vi skulle kunna ta och diskutera texterna till vissa bands/artisters låtar! Vilken musikstil det är spelar så klart ingen roll - samma gäller textens stil! Oavsett om den är komisk, allvarlig, sorglig eller annat så är det ju kul om ni tipsar! Huvudsaken är ju att texten i fråga tilltalar! Känns som att man fokuserar allt på musiken nuförtiden, och att texterna kommer lite i skymundan, trots att man kan ha lagt ned flera timmar på en text! Så kommer ni på någon låt med en riktigt bra text - släng upp den här! Over and out! // Lofon Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
VickeX Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Rapportera Share Skrivet 20 september, 2007 VickeX - Håll Käften... Sedan är väll alla Björn Rosenströms låtar helt igenom genialiska. Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
kicken Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Rapportera Share Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Kent - Socker Spelar inte längre någon roll Jag orkar inte slåss Det är bortom min kontroll Du lämnade mig ensam Och självklart blev jag rädd Min sista gnista hopp var att synas att bli sedd Och jag glömmer bort att andas För sex, musik och våld var det vackraste som hänt mig sen själen min blev såld Att synas utan att verka ser enkelt ut på håll Men jag lever på impuls nu via fjärrkontroll Men jag sa alltid nej Men ingen, ingen, ingen, ingen hör... Och gäst ikväll är Jesus Han har kickat heroin Han läppjar på sitt glas och Ramlösa blir vin Han berättar om sina vapen, sin tid i San Tropez Om att ge sig själv en chans, om sin nya Z3 I en värld av idioter står han först i kön Han berättar framför kameran om hur han bytte kön Eller något helt annat som också är privat Om alla dom han älskat och dom han bara sög av Men han sa alltid nej Men ingen, ingen, ingen, ingen hör... Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
KvaddadPadda Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Rapportera Share Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Dire Straits - Romeo and Juliet A lovestruck Romeo, sings a streetsus serenade. Laying everybody low... with me a lovesong that he made. Finds a convenient streetlight, steps out of the shade. Says something like 'You and me babe, how about it?' Juliet says 'Hey it's Romeo you nearly gimme a heart attack'. He's underneath the window, she's singing 'Heyla, my boyfriend's back.' You shouldn't come around here singing up at people like that. Anyway, what you gonna do about it? Juliet, the dice were loaded from the start, and I bet and you exploded in my heart... And I forget the moviesong When you wanna realise it was just that the time was wrong, Juliet? Come up on differents streets, they both were streets of shame. Both dirty, both mean. Yes, and the dream was just the same. And I dreamed your dream for you. and your dream is real... How can you look at me as if I was just another one of your deals? Where you can fall for chains of silver, you can fall for chains of gold. You can fall for pretty strangers and the promises they hold. You promised me everything, you promised me think and thin. Now you just says 'Oh, Romeo, yeah you know I used to have a scene with him.' Juliet... when we made love you used to cry. You said I love you like the stars above, I'll love you til' I die. There's a place for us... you know the moviesong When you gonna realise, it was just that the time was wrong, Juliet? I can't do the talk, like they talk on tv. And I can't do a lovesong, like the way it's meant to be. I can't do everything, but I'd do anything for you. I can't do anything except be in love with you. And all I do is miss you, and the way we used to be. All I do is keep the beat and bad company. All I do is kiss you, through the bars of a rhyme. Julie, I'd do the stars with you... anytime. Juliet... when we made love you used to cry. You said I love you like the stars above, I'll love you til' I die. There's a place for us... you know the moviesong When you gonna realise, it was just that the time was wrong, Juliet? A lovestruck Romeo, sings a streetsus serenade... Laying everybody low, with me a lovesong that he made. Finds a convenient streetlight steps out of the shade. Says something like 'You and me babe, how about it?' Den finaste texten jag vet. En av mina absoluta favoritlåtar, lyssnar alltid på den när jag är nedstämd. The Killers har gjort en cover på den. Ganska bra, dock inte i närheten av originalet. Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Lofon Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Skapat av Rapportera Share Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Loke - Allt Du Är (Okay, han är jävligt underground - men en av de mest geniala textförfattare jag vet om - den här låten handlar till exempel om hur han vill göra sig av med sin KK!) Artist: Loke Nyberg Skiva: Vackra Människor Låt: Allt du är Du andas ganska tyst jag tror du somna´ till slut. Tårar gör en sömnig. Inte sant? Både du och alla ljusen i mitt rum har brunnit ut. De slockna när de brann som mest och du gjorde likadant. Du ligger i min säng med täcket draget över hakan som du gjort så många baktunga dar. Bland välbekanta dofter mellan välbekanta lakan som ifall vi nånsin hade vart ett par. Och här ligger jag på golvet på en obäddad madrass och ute dansar stjärnorna på taken. Nyss var luften fuktigt het. Nu är det kall och vass och du sover. Jag är obönhörligt vaken. Och den filt som jag har över mig känns rättvist kort och tunn när jag tänker på de ord jag hörde komma ur min mun. Att jag älskar dina ögon och jag älskar din röst. Jag älskar dina nästan obefintliga bröst. Jag älskar när du vaknar och är tjurig och yr. I T-shirt och trosor och knullrufsfrisyr. Och dina barnsliga stölder av min uppmärksamhet, din självdestruktiva generositet, ditt kriminella, livsfarliga sätt att köra bil och jag älskar din ”Ung och singel tjej i storstan”-stil. Att du slänger dig med talesätt och kända citat. Att Cola-light och popcorn är din favvo dryck och mat och att du svarar på nåt annat när jag frågar hur du mår. Jag älskar att du skrattar när du går. Men trots all denna kärlek blir det aldrig dig och mig jag bara älskar allt du är… men inte dig. Du kom hit strax innan midnatt, ja du brukar ju göra så. Som vanligt blev jag glad för att du kom. Klev som vanligt in i lägenheten utan att knacka på men du sa; ”Det är nåt jag vill prata om.” ”För det har liksom börjat svida, det dansar, snurrar runt. Och jag vet inte riktigt vad det är. Kanske är det som det brukar att jag bara pratar strunt men jag börjar nästan tro att jag är kär. Och jag vet att det är helt ur fas med allt vi bestämt om oberoende och distans. Jag kanske fuckar upp allt nu, det gör jag ju nästan jämt men tror du inte att vi har en chans?” Och där stod du och såg på mig, så kall och underbar. Och där satt jag och stamma fram mitt fruktansvärda svar. Att jag älskar när du kommer och vi försover oss med flit. Jag älskar att din hud är så onaturligt vit. Och jag älskar varje gång du tvingat med mig ut på stan och varje misslyckat försök du gjort att bli vegetarian. Och ditt eviga tjat om hur kul det är med rave. Och jag älskar när vi leker PJ Harvey och Nick Cave. Att du alltid ska stampa i varenda vattenpöl och att du fyllnar till rejält på bara fyra mellanöl. Jag älskar dina omöjliga lysande idéer, att du gråter när vi bakisglor på Disney-matinéer. Jag älskar till och med din göteborgska dialekt. Jag fattar väl att det hade vart perfekt så kan du fatta hur puckat det känns att säga nej, att bara älska allt du är men inte dig. Det gick inte att hindra. Det var som en vulkan. Du spändes du darrade och brast. Som en skadeskjuten varg eller en döende svan högg du tag i mig och höll dig fast. Du föll ner på knä, du hävde dig upp på tå. Du skrek nåt som inte gick att höra. Med en drunknandes förtvivlan vägrade du att lyssna på allt jag ville viska i ditt öra just då. Jag älskar när du rör mig. Och när du är här. Och jag hatar mer än allting att jag inte kan bli kär. Jag önskar mer än nånting att det fanns alternativ till detta bittra, torra, trötta slöseri med liv. Men jag måste konstatera, fan det känns helt oerhört, att det jag älskade med oss har själva kärleken förstört. För jag har ingen chans att ge det du vill ha av mig. Jag bara älskar allt du är, jag älskar allt du gör, jag älskar allt du är… …men inte dig. Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Mark Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Rapportera Share Skrivet 20 september, 2007 (redigerad) Soilwork - Nerve Edit: Ändrade mig! Hatebreed - Destroy Everything A new life begins Destroy everything Obliterate what makes us weak Destroy everything Decimate what threatens me Cleanse this world with flame End this, cleanse this Rebuild and start again Obliterate what makes us weak End this and embrace the destruction And this and embrace new life NEW LIFE Even an empty threat deserves a response you won't soon forget I must destroy everything that tries to infect Even an empty threat deserves a response you won't soon forget I must destroy everything that tries to infect Destroy everything Obliterate what makes us weak Destroy everything Decimate what threatens me Cleanse this world with flame End this, cleanse this Rebuild and start again Obliterate what makes us weak End this and embrace the destruction And this and embrace new life NEW LIFE Even an empty threat deserves a response you won't soon forget I must destroy everything that tries to infect Even an empty threat deserves a response you won't soon forget I must destroy everything that tries to infect A new life begins Destroy everything Obliterate what makes us weak Destroy everything Decimate what threatens me Destroy everything So a new life can begin Destroy everything Rebuild and start again....again Redigerad 20 september, 2007 av Marky Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
GTApimpfoolife Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Rapportera Share Skrivet 20 september, 2007 (redigerad) Art Brut - Rusted Gun of Milan I know I can, I know I can I know I can, I know I can. I know I can, I know I can. I know I can, I know I can. I doesn't mean that I don't love you, one more try with me above you. It's got nothing to do with anything I had to drink. It's more to do with the way I think. Leave the lights on! Leave the lights on! Leave the lights on for me. Leave the lights on! Leave the lights on! Leave the lights on for me. I know I can, I know I can. I know I can, I know I can. I know I can, I know I can. I know I can, I know I can. I know I can, I know I can. I know I can, I know I can. I know I can, I know I can. I know I can, I know I can. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Can I get you a cup of coffee? Don't tell your friends! Don't tell your friends! I promise, it won't ever happen again. Leave the lights on! Leave the lights on! Leave the lights on for me. It's frustrating for you, well, it's frustrating for me. You're lying there and you're beautiful. You're beautiful. And of course I want to, why wouldn't I? I doesn't mean, I don't love you. One more try with me above you. Leave the lights on! Leave the lights on! Leave the lights on for me. It's got nothing to do with anything I've had to drink. It's something wrong with the way I think. I know I can, I know I can. I'm fine when I am with my own hands. Never used my rusted gun of Milan. EDIT: Sen ska självklart alla läsa detta också! Redigerad 20 september, 2007 av GTApimpfoolife Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
mr_tobbe Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Rapportera Share Skrivet 20 september, 2007 För att nämna några droppar i havet. [size=4][b]Neil Young - Thrasher[/b][/size] They were hiding behind hay bales, They were planting in the full moon They had given all they had for something new But the light of day was on them, They could see the thrashers coming And the water shone like diamonds in the dew. And I was just getting up, hit the road before it's light Trying to catch an hour on the sun When I saw those thrashers rolling by, Looking more than two lanes wide I was feelin' like my day had just begun. Where the eagle glides ascending There's an ancient river bending Down the timeless gorge of changes Where sleeplessness awaits I searched out my companions, Who were lost in crystal canyons When the aimless blade of science Slashed the pearly gates. It was then I knew I'd had enough, Burned my credit card for fuel Headed out to where the pavement turns to sand With a one-way ticket to the land of truth And my suitcase in my hand How I lost my friends I still don't understand. They had the best selection, They were poisoned with protection There was nothing that they needed, Nothing left to find They were lost in rock formations Or became park bench mutations On the sidewalks and in the stations They were waiting, waiting. So I got bored and left them there, They were just deadweight to me Better down the road without that load Brings back the time when I was eight or nine I was watchin' my mama's T.V., It was that great Grand Canyon rescue episode. Where the vulture glides descending On an asphalt highway bending Thru libraries and museums, galaxies and stars Down the windy halls of friendship To the rose clipped by the bullwhip The motel of lost companions Waits with heated pool and bar. But me I'm not stopping there, Got my own row left to hoe Just another line in the field of time When the thrashers comes, I'll be stuck in the sun Like the dinosaurs in shrines But I'll know the time has come To give what's mine.[/codebox] [codebox] [b][size=4]Bob Dylan - Brownsville Girl[/size][/b] Well, there was this movie I seen one time, About a man riding 'cross the desert and it starred Gregory Peck. He was shot down by a hungry kid trying to make a name for himself. The townspeople wanted to crush that kid down and string him up by the neck. Well, the marshal, now he beat that kid to a bloody pulp as the dying gunfighter lay in the sun and gasped for his last breath. Turn him loose, let him go, let him say he outdrew me fair and square, I want him to feel what it's like to every moment face his death. Well, I keep seeing this stuff and it just comes a-rolling in And you know it blows right through me like a ball and chain. You know I can't believe we've lived so long and are still so far apart. The memory of you keeps callin' after me like a rollin' train. I can still see the day that you came to me on the painted desert In your busted down Ford and your platform heels I could never figure out why you chose that particular place to meet Ah, but you were right. It was perfect as I got in behind the wheel. Well, we drove that car all night into San Anton' And we slept near the Alamo, your skin was so tender and soft. Way down in Mexico you went out to find a doctor and you never came back. I would have gone on after you but I didn't feel like letting my head get blown off. Well, we're drivin' this car and the sun is comin' up over the Rockies, Now I know she ain't you but she's here and she's got that dark rhythm in her soul. But I'm too over the edge and I ain't in the mood anymore to remember the times when I was your only man And she don't want to remind me. She knows this car would go out of control. Brownsville girl with your Brownsville curls, teeth like pearls shining like the moon above Brownsville girl, show me all around the world, Brownsville girl, you're my honey love. Well, we crossed the panhandle and then we headed towards Amarillo We pulled up where Henry Porter used to live. He owned a wreckin' lot outside of town about a mile. Ruby was in the backyard hanging clothes, she had her red hair tied back. She saw us come rolling up in a trail of dust. She said, "Henry ain't here but you can come on in, he'll be back in a little while." Then she told us how times were tough and about how she was thinkin' of bummin' a ride back to where she started. But ya know, she changed the subject every time money came up. She said, "Welcome to the land of the living dead." You could tell she was so broken-hearted. She said, "Even the swap meets around here are getting pretty corrupt." "How far are y'all going?" Ruby asked us with a sigh. "We're going all the way 'til the wheels fall off and burn, 'Til the sun peels the paint and the seat covers fade and the water moccasin dies." Ruby just smiled and said, "Ah, you know some babies never learn." Something about that movie though, well I just can't get it out of my head But I can't remember why I was in it or what part I was supposed to play. All I remember about it was Gregory Peck and the way people moved And a lot of them seemed to be lookin' my way. Brownsville girl with your Brownsville curls, teeth like pearls shining like the moon above Brownsville girl, show me all around the world, Brownsville girl, you're my honey love. Well, they were looking for somebody with a pompadour. I was crossin' the street when shots rang out. I didn't know whether to duck or to run, so I ran. "We got him cornered in the churchyard," I heard somebody shout. Well, you saw my picture in the Corpus Christi Tribune. Underneath it, it said, "A man with no alibi." You went out on a limb to testify for me, you said I was with you. Then when I saw you break down in front of the judge and cry real tears, It was the best acting I saw anybody do. Now I've always been the kind of person that doesn't like to trespass but sometimes you just find yourself over the line. Oh if there's an original thought out there, I could use it right now. You know, I feel pretty good, but that ain't sayin' much. I could feel a whole lot better, If you were just here by my side to show me how. Well, I'm standin' in line in the rain to see a movie starring Gregory Peck, Yeah, but you know it's not the one that I had in mind. He's got a new one out now, I don't even know what it's about But I'll see him in anything so I'll stand in line. Brownsville girl with your Brownsville curls, teeth like pearls shining like the moon above Brownsville girl, show me all around the world, Brownsville girl, you're my honey love. You know, it's funny how things never turn out the way you had 'em planned. The only thing we knew for sure about Henry Porter is that his name wasn't Henry Porter. And you know there was somethin' about you baby that I liked that was always too good for this world Just like you always said there was something about me you liked that I left behind in the French Quarter. Strange how people who suffer together have stronger connections than people who are most content. I don't have any regrets, they can talk about me plenty when I'm gone. You always said people don't do what they believe in, they just do what's most convenient, then they repent. And I always said, "Hang on to me, baby, and let's hope that the roof stays on." There was a movie I seen one time, I think I sat through it twice. I don't remember who I was or where I was bound. All I remember about it was it starred Gregory Peck, he wore a gun and he was shot in the back. Seems like a long time ago, long before the stars were torn down. Brownsville girl with your Brownsville curls, teeth like pearls shining like the moon above Brownsville girl, show me all around the world, Brownsville girl, you're my honey love. [size=4][b]Elliott Smith - King's Crossing[/b][/size] The king's crossing was the main attraction Dominos are falling in a chain reaction The scraping subject ruled by fear told me Whiskey works better than beer The judge is on vinyl, decisions are final And nobody gets a reprieve And every wave is tidal If you hang around You're going to get wet I can't prepare for death any more than I already have All you can do now is watch the shells The game looks easy, that's why it sells Frustrated fireworks inside your head Are going to stand and deliver talk instead The method acting that pays my bills Keeps the fat man feeding in Beverly Hills I got a heavy metal mouth that hurls obscenity And I get my check from the trash treasury Because I took my own insides out It don't matter because I have no sex life All I want to do now is inject my ex-wife I've seen the movie And I know what happens It's Christmas time And the needles on the tree A skinny Santa is bringing something to me His voice is overwhelming But his speech is slurred And I only understand every other Håller med till 100%! Open your parachute and grab your gun Falling down like an omen, a setting sun Read the part and return at five It's a hell of a role if you can keep it alive But I don't care if I fuck up I'm going on a date With a rich white lady Ain't life great? Give me one good reason not to do it (Because we love you) So do it This is the place where time reverses Dead men talk to all the pretty nurses Instruments shine on a silver tray Don't let me get carried away Don't let me get carried away Don't let me be carried away[/codebox] [codebox][b][size=4]Neil Young - Needle And The Damage Done[/size][/b] I caught you knockin' at my cellar door I love you, baby, can I have some more Ooh, ooh, the damage done. I hit the city and I lost my band I watched the needle take another man Gone, gone, the damage done. I sing the song because I love the man I know that some of you don't understand Milk-blood to keep from running out. I've seen the needle and the damage done A little part of it in everyone But every junkie's like a settin' sun. [b][size=4]Songs: Ohia - Coxcomb Red[/size][/b] and I wanted that heat so bad I could taste the fire on your breath and I wanted in your storm so bad I could taste the lightning on your breath I watched you hold the son in your arms while he bled to death he grew so pale next to you the world is so pale next to you your hair is coxcomb red your eyes are viper black(x2) you said every road is a good road between the next road and your last road every love is your best love and every love is your last love and every kiss is a goodbye(x2) I watched you hold the son in your arms while he bled to death he grew so pale next to you the world is so pale next to you your hair is coxcomb red your eyes are viper black(x3)[/codebox] [codebox] [b][size=4]Jason Molina - Everything Should Try Again[/size][/b] Everything Should Try Again You don’t forgive the silence for not speaking up No matter how hard we’re trying it’s not hard enough Your eyes before the lightning to meet it by yourself You’ve been tired and a little sick You’ve been trying to work with it You drew your grave on every single map You don’t plan on staying long You plan on burning it No matter how wrong it went You don’t have much more room to forget (x2) You don’t forgive even the lightning For leaving you But everything should try again Even you You followed the train through every prarie dawn Said “I’d like to see Ohio one more time before it’s gone” You had your hands up high in a prayer to crush your heart And every single heart Was that eight point star Ever been tired Ever been a little sick Ever tried working through it [size=4][b]The Band - It Makes No Difference[/b][/size] It makes no diff'rence where I turn I can't get over you and the flame still burns It makes no diff'rence, night or day The shadow never seems to fade away And the sun don't shine anymore And the rains fall down on my door Now there's no love As true as the love That dies untold But the clouds never hung so low before It makes no diff'rence how far I go Like a scar the hurt will always show It makes no diff'rence who I meet They're just a face in the crowd On a dead-end street And the sun don't shine anymore And the rains fall down on my door These old love letters Well, I just can't keep 'Cause like the gambler says Read 'em and weep And the dawn don't rescue me no more Without your love I'm nothing at all Like an empty hall it's a lonely fall Since you've gone it's a losing battle Stampeding cattle They rattle the walls And the sun don't shine anymore And the rains fall down on my door Well, I love you so much It's all I can do Just to keep myself from telling you That I never felt so alone before [/codebox] [codebox][size=4][b]Bright Eyes - First Day of My Life[/b][/size] This is the first day of my life I swear I was born right in the doorway I went out in the rain suddenly everything changed They're spreading blankets on the beach Yours is the first face that I saw I think I was blind before I met you Now I don’t know where I am I don’t know where I’ve been But I know where I want to go And so I thought I’d let you know That these things take forever I especially am slow But I realize that I need you And I wondered if I could come home Remember the time you drove all night Just to meet me in the morning And I thought it was strange you said everything changed You felt as if you'd just woke up And you said “this is the first day of my life I’m glad I didn’t die before I met you But now I don’t care I could go anywhere with you And I’d probably be happy” So if you want to be with me With these things there’s no telling We just have to wait and see But I’d rather be working for a paycheck Than waiting to win the lottery Besides maybe this time is different I mean I really think you like me [size=4][b]Bright Eyes - Something Vague[/b][/size] Now and again it seems worse than it is, but mostly the view is accurate. You see your breath in the air as you'll climb up the stairs to that coffin you call your apartment. And you sink in your chair, brush the snow from your hair and drink the cold away. And you're not really sure what you're doing this for but you need something to fill up the days. A few more hours. There's a dream in my brain that just won't go away. It's been stuck there since it came a few nights ago And I'm standing on a bridge in the town where I lived as a kid with my mom and my brothers. And then the bridge disappears and I'm standing on air with nothing holding me. And I hang like a star, fucking glow in the dark, for all those starving eyes to see, like the ones we've wished on. But now I'm confused. Is this death really you? And do these dreams have any meaning? No. No, I think it's more like a ghost that's been following us both. Something vague that we're not seeing, something more like a feeling.[/codebox] Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Kiedis Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Rapportera Share Skrivet 20 september, 2007 (redigerad) Nine Inch Nails - Hurt I hurt myself today To see if I still feel I focus on the pain The only thing that's real The needle tears a hole The old familiar sting Try to kill it all away But I remember everything What have I become? My sweetest friend Everyone I know Goes away in the end You could have it all My empire of dirt I will let you down I will make you hurt I wear this crown of shit Upon my liar's chair Full of broken thoughts I cannot repair Beneath the stains of time The feelings disappear You are someone else I am still right here What have I become? My sweetest friend Everyone I know Goes away in the end You could have it all My empire of dirt I will let you down I will make you hurt If I could start again A million miles away I would keep myself I would find a way Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under The Bridge Sometimes I feel Like I don't have a partner Sometimes I feel Like my only friend Is the city I live in The city of angels Lonely as I am Together we cry I drive on her streets 'Cause she's my companion I walk through her hills 'Cause she knows who I am She sees my good deeds And she kisses me windy I never worry Now that is a lie I don't ever want to feel Like I did that day Take me to the place I love Take me all the way It's hard to believe That there's nobody out there It's hard to believe That I'm all alone At least I have her love The city she loves me Lonely as I am Together we cry I don't ever want to feel Like I did that day Take me to the place I love Take me all that way Under the bridge downtown Is where I drew some blood Under the bridge downtown I could not get enough Under the bridge downtown Forgot about my love Under the bridge downtown I gave my life away Elliott Smith - Angeles Someone's always coming around here trailing some new kill Says I seen your picture on a hundred dollar bill And what's a game of chance to you, to him is one Of real skill So glad to meet you Angeles Picking up the ticket shows there's money to be made Go on and lose the gamble that's the history of the trade Did you add up all the cards left to play to zero And sign up with evil Angeles Don't start me trying now u-huh u-huh u-huh Cos I'm all over it Angeles I could make you satisfied in everything you do All your 'secret wishes' could right now be coming true And be forever with my poison arms around you No one's gonna fool around with us No one's gonna fool around with us So glad to meet you Angeles Redigerad 20 september, 2007 av Kiedis Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
AngryAxel Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Rapportera Share Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Conor Oberst är typ ett geni. [b][size=4]Bright Eyes - Four Winds Skiva: Cassadaga[/size][/b] Your class, your caste, your country, sect, your name or your tribe There's people always dying trying to keep them alive There are bodies decomposing in containers tonight In an abandoned building where A squatter's made a mural of a Mexican girl With fifteen cans of spray paint in a chemical swirl She's standing in the ashes at the end of the world Four winds blowing through her hair But when great Satan's gone, the whore of Babylon She just can't sustain the pressure where it's placed She caves The Bible's blind, the Torah's deaf, the Qu'ran's mute If you burn them all together you get close to the truth still They are pouring over sanskrit on the ivy league moons While shadows lengthen in the sun Cast on a school of meditation built to soften the times And hold us at the center while the spiral unwinds It's knocking over fences, crossing property lines Four winds, cry until it comes And it's the sum of man Slouching towards Bethlehem A heart just can't contain all of that empty space It breaks, it breaks, it breaks Well, I went back to my rented Cadillac and company jet Like a newly orphaned refugee, retracing my steps All the way to Cassadaga to commune with the dead They said, "You'd better look alive" And I was off to old Dakota where a genocide sleeps In the black hills, the bad lands, the calloused east I buried my ballast, I made my peace Heard four winds leveling the pines But when great Satan's gone, the whore of Babylon She just can't remain with all that outer space She breaks, she breaks, she caves, she caves[/codebox] [codebox][b][size=4]Bright Eyes - At the Bottom of Everything Skiva: I'm Wide Awake its Morning[/size][/b] So there was this woman and she was on an airplane and she's flying to meet her fiancé sailing high above the largest ocean on planet earth and she was seated next to this man who you know she had tried to start conversation with but really the only thing she heard him say was to order his bloody mary and she's sitting there and she's reading this really arduous magazine article about this third world country that she couldn't even pronounce the name of and she's feeling very bored and very despondent and then suddenly there's this huge mechanical failure and one of the engines gave out and they started just falling thirty thousand feet and the pilots on the microphone and he's saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Oh My God, I'm Sorry" and apologizing and she looks at the man and she says, "Where are we going?" and he looks at her and he says, "We're going to a party, it's a birthday party. It's your birthday party, happy birthday darling. We love you very, very, very, very, very, very, very much." And then he starts humming this little tune and it kind of goes like this: One, Two, One, Two, Three, Four We must talk in every telephone, get eaten off the web We must rip out all the epilogues from the books we have read And to the face of every criminal strapped firmly to a chair We must stare, we must stare, we must stare. We must take all of the medicines too expensive now to sell Set fire to the preacher who is promising us hell And in the ear of every anarchist that sleeps but doesn't dream We must sing, we must sing, we must sing. And it'll go like this While my mother waters plants my father loads his gun. He says, "Death will give us back to God, just like the setting sun is returned to the lonesome ocean." And then they splashed into the deep blue sea. It was a wonderful splash. We must blend into the choir, sing as static with the whole, We must memorize nine numbers and deny we have a soul, And to this endless race for property and privilege to be won We must run, we must run, we must run. We must hang up in the belfry where the bats in moonlight laugh We must stare into a crystal ball and only see the past And in the caverns of tomorrow with just our flashlights and our love We must plunge, we must plunge, we must plunge. And then we'll get down there, way down to the very bottom of everything and then we'll see it, oh we'll see it, we'll see it, we'll see it. Oh my morning's coming back The whole world's waking up Oh the city bus is swimming past. I'm happy just because I found out I am really no one. [size=5][b]Bright Eyes - Landlocked Blues [/b][/size]If you walk away, I’ll walk away First tell me which road you will take I don’t want to risk our paths crossing some day So you walk that way, I’ll walk this way And the future hangs over our heads And it moves with each current event Until it falls all around like a cold steady rain Just stay in when it’s looking this way And the moon’s laying low in the sky Forcing everything metal to shine And the sidewalk holds diamonds like the jewelry store case They argue walk this way, no, walk this way And Laura’s asleep in my bed As I’m leaving she wakes up and says “I dreamed you were carried away on the crest of a wave Baby don’t go away, come here” And there’s kids playing guns in the street And ones pointing his tree branch at me So I put my hands up I say “enough is enough, If you walk away, I’ll walk away” And he shot me dead I found a liquid cure From my landlocked blues It’ll pass away like a slow parade It’s leaving but I don’t know how soon And the world’s got me dizzy again You think after 22 years I’d be used to the spin And it only feels worse when I stay in one place So I’m always pacing around or walking away I keep drinking the ink from my pen And I’m balancing history books up on my head But it all boils down to one quotable phrase If you love something, give it away A good woman will pick you apart A box full of suggestions for your possible heart But you may be offended and you may be afraid But don’t walk away, don’t walk away We made love on the living room floor With the noise in the background of a televised war And in the deafening pleasure I thought I heard someone say “If we walk away, they’ll walk away” But greed is a bottomless pit And our freedom’s a joke We’re just taking a piss And the whole world must watch the sad comic display If you’re still free start running away Cause we’re coming for you! I’ve grown tired of holding this pose I feel more like a stranger each time I come home So I’m making a deal with the devils of fame Saying “let me walk away, please” You’ll be free child once you have died From the shackles of language and measurable time And then we can trade places, play musical graves Till then walk away, walk away So I’m up at dawn Putting on my shoes I just want to make a clean escape I’m leaving but I don’t know where to I know I’m leaving but I don’t know where to[/codebox] Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Tweak Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Rapportera Share Skrivet 20 september, 2007 (redigerad) Mm. Bright Eyes - When the president talks to God http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuyhSE2SUNE When the president talks to God Are the conversations brief or long? Does he ask to rape our women’s' rights And send poor farm kids off to die? Does God suggest an oil hike When the president talks to God? When the president talks to God Are the consonants all hard or soft? Is he resolute all down the line? Is every issue black or white? Does what God say ever change his mind When the president talks to God? When the president talks to God Does he fake that drawl or merely nod? Agree which convicts should be killed? Where prisons should be built and filled? Which voter fraud must be concealed When the president talks to God? When the president talks to God I wonder which one plays the better cop We should find some jobs. the ghetto's broke No, they're lazy, George, I say we don't Just give 'em more liquor stores and dirty coke That's what God recommends When the president talks to God Do they drink near beer and go play golf While they pick which countries to invade Which Muslim souls still can be saved? I guess god just calls a spade a spade When the president talks to God When the president talks to God Does he ever think that maybe he's not? That that voice is just inside his head When he kneels next to the presidential bed Does he ever smell his own bullshit When the president talks to God? I doubt it I doubt it Redigerad 20 september, 2007 av Tweak Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
R2D2 Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Rapportera Share Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Denna är ganska självklart tror jag. [b]Låt: The Streets - The Irony Of It All Skiva: Original Pirate Material [/b]Hello, Hello My name's Terry and I'm a law-abider There's nothing I like more than getting fired up on beer And when the weekend's here I exercise my right to get paralytic and fight Good bloke fairly But I get well leery when geezers look at me funny Bounce 'em round like bunnies I'm likely to cause mischief Good clean grief you must believe And I ain't no thief, law-abiding and all, all legal And who cares about my liver when it feels good? What you need is some real manhood Rasher, Rasher, burning cash up Putting people's backs up Public disorder, I'll give you public disorder I down eight pints and run all over the place Spit in the face of an officer See if that bothers ya 'Cause I never broke a law in my life Some day I'm gonna settle down with a wife Come on lads let's have another fight Um, Hello My name's Tim and I'm a criminal In the eyes of society I need to be in jail For the choice of herbs I inhale This ain't no wholesale operation Just a few eighths and some Playstation's my vocation I pose a threat to the nation And down at the station the police hold no patience Let's talk space and time I like to get deep sometimes And think about Einstein and Carl Jung And old Kung Fu movies I like to see Pass the hydrator please Yeah, I'm floating on thin air Going to Amsterdam in the New Year - top gear there 'Cause I take pride in my hobby Home-made bongs using my engineering degree "Dear leaders, please legalize weed for these reasons." Like I was saying to him I told him, "F**k with me and you won't live." So I smacked him in the head and downed another Carling Bada Bada Bing For the lad's like, mad fight His face a sad sight, Vodka and Snake Bite Going on like a right geez He's a twat! Shouldn't have looked at me like that Anyway, I'm an upstanding citizen If a war came along I'd be on the front line with 'em Can't stand crime either, them hooligans on heroin Drugs and criminals Those thugs are the pinnacle of the downfall of society I've got all the anger pent up inside of me You know, I don't see why I should be the criminal How can something with no recorded fatalities be illegal? And how many deaths are there per year from alcohol? I just completed Gran Turismo on the hardest setting We pose no threat on my setee Ooh the pizza's here, will someone let him in please? We didn't order chicken Not a problem, we'll pick it out I doubt they meant to mess us about After all we're all adults, not louts As I was saying, we're friendly peaceful people We're not the ones out there causing trouble We just sit in this hazy bubble with our quarters Discussing how beautiful Gail Porter is MTV, BBC 2, Channel 4 is on until six in the morning Then at six in the morning the sun dawns and it's my bedtime Causing trouble?! Your stinking rabble boys Saying I'm the lad who's spoiling it You're on drugs It really bugs me when people try and tell me I'm a thug Just for getting drunk I like getting drunk 'Cause I'm an upstanding citizen If a war came along I'd be on the front line with 'em Now Terry, you're repeating yourself But that's okay, drunk people can't help that A chemical reaction happening inside your brain causes you to forget what you're saying What? I know exactly what I'm saying I'm perfectly sane You stinking student lame-o Go get a job and stop robbing us of our taxes Um, well actually according to research Government funding for further education pales in insignificance When compared to how much they spend on repairing leery drunk people at the weekend In casualty wards all over the land Why you cheeky little swine, come here! I'm gonna batter ya! Come here![/codebox] [codebox][b]Låt: Modest Mouse - Bukowski Skiva: Good News For People Who Love Bad News [/b]Woke up this morning and it seemed to me, that every night turns out to be A little more like Bukowski. And yeah, I know he's a pretty good read. But God who'd wanna be? God who'd wanna be such an asshole? God who'd wanna be? God who'd wanna be such an asshole? Well we sat on the edge of the river, the crowd screamed, "Sacrifice the liver!" If God takes life, he's an Indian giver. So tell me now why, you'll tell me never. Who would wanna be? Who would wanna be such a control freak? Well who would wanna be? Who would wanna be such a control freak? Well see what you wanna see. You should see it all. Well take what you want from me. You deserve it all. Nine times out of ten our hearts just get dissolved. Well I want a better place or just a better way to fall. But one time out of ten, everything is perfect for us all. Well I want a better place or just a better way to fall. Here we go! If God controls the land and disease, keeps a watchful eye on me, If he's really so damn mighty, my problem is I can't see, well who would wanna be? Who would wanna be such a control freak? Well who would wanna be? Who would wanna be such a control freak? Evil home stereo, what good songs do you know? Evil me, oh yeah I know, what good curves can you throw? Well all that icing and all that cake, I can't make it to your wedding, but I'm sure I'll be at your wake. You were talk, talk, talk, talkin' in circles that day, when you get to the point make sure that I'm still awake, OK? Went to bed and didn't see why every day turns out to be a little bit more like Bukowski. And yeah, I know he's a pretty good read. But God who'd wanna be? God who'd wanna be such an asshole? Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
okka Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Rapportera Share Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Pet Shop Boys - Being Boring (om AIDS) I came across a cache of old photos And invitations to teenage parties Dress in white one said, with quotations From someones wife, a famous writer In the nineteen-twenties When youre young you find inspiration In anyone whos ever gone And opened up a closing door She said: we were never feeling bored cause we were never being boring We had too much time to find for ourselves And we were never being boring We dressed up and fought, then thought: make amends And we were never holding back or worried that Time would come to an end When I went I left from the station With a haversack and some trepidation Someone said: if youre not careful Youll have nothing left and nothing to care for In the nineteen-seventies But I sat back and looking forward My shoes were high and I had scored Id bolted through a closing door I would never find myself feeling bored cause we were never being boring We had too much time to find for ourselves And we were never being boring We dressed up and fought, then thought: make amends And we were never holding back or worried that Time would come to an end We were always hoping that, looking back You could always rely on a friend Now I sit with different faces In rented rooms and foreign places All the people I was kissing Some are here and some are missing In the nineteen-nineties I never dreamt that I would get to be The creature that I always meant to be But I thought in spite of dreams Youd be sitting somewhere here with me cause we were never being boring We had too much time to find for ourselves And we were never being boring We dressed up and fought, then thought: make amends And we were never holding back or worried that Time would come to an end We were always hoping that, looking back You could always rely on a friend And we were never being boring We had too much time to find for ourselves And we were never being boring We dressed up and fought, then thought: make amends And we were never being boring We were never being bored cause we were never being boring We were never being bored Pet Shop Boys - It Couldn't Happen Here (om AIDS) Yesterday, remember how clear it seemed in six-inch heels quoting magazines Go all the way, you knew you could So far, so good Someone asked: Who do you think you are? Who pays your bills? How come you came this far? Shrugged him off and locked the door So good, this far Now it almost seems impossible We've drunk too much and woke up everyone I may be wrong, I thought we said it couldn't happen here I don't expect to talk in terms of sense our dignity and injured innocence It contradicts your battle scars still healed so far Now it almost seems incredible We've laughed too loud and woke up everyone I may be wrong but I thought we said it couldn't happen here Now it almost seems impossible We've found ourselves back where we started from I may be wrong, I thought we said it couldn't happen here Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Merkky Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Rapportera Share Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Sum 41 - Walking Disaster I haven't been home for a while I'm sure everything's the same Mom and Dad both in denial And only jokes to take the blame Sorry, Mom, but I don't miss you Father's no name you deserve I'm just a kid with no ambitions Wouldn't come home for the world Never know what I've become The king of all that's said and done The forgotten son This city's buried in defeat I walk along these no-name streets Wave goodbye to home As I fall... At the dead-end I begin To burn a bridge of innocence Satisfaction guaranteed A pillow-weight catastrophe Our own mission nowhere bound Inhibitions underground A shallow grave I Have dug all by myself And now I've been gone for so long I can't remember who was wrong All innocence is long gone I pledge allegiance to a world of disbelief Where I belong A walking disaster The son of all bastards You regret you made me It's too late to save me (You regret you made me It's too late to save me) As far as I can tell It's just voices in my head Am I talking to myself? 'Cause I don't know what I just said (And she said) As far as where I fell Maybe I'm better off dead Am I at the end of nowhere Is this as good as it gets? And now I've been gone for so long I can't remember who was wrong All innocence is long gone I pledge allegiance to a world of disbelief Where I belong A walking disaster The son of all bastards You regret you made me It's too late to save me (To save me, to save me, to save me, ...) ("It's too late") To save me, to save me, to save me, to save me And now I've been gone for so long I can't remember who was wrong All innocence is long gone I pledge allegiance to a world of disbelief Where I belong A walking disaster The son of all bastards You regret you made me It's too late to save me I will be home in a while You don't have to say a Håller med till 100%! I can't wait to see you smile Wouldn't miss it for the world I will be home in a while You don't have to say a Håller med till 100%! I can't wait to see you smile Wouldn't miss it for the world Sum 41 - Confusion And Frustration In Modern Times (bara en liten bit från slutet) divided we stand together we fall there isn't a god that can save us all so don't pray on your knees just beg on your hands there is no belief in this promised land divided we stand together we fall there isn't a god that can save us all so don't pray on your knees just beg on your hands there is no belief in this promised land Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Weener Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Rapportera Share Skrivet 20 september, 2007 SUM 41 Två sjukt bra låtar Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Shady_4_life Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Rapportera Share Skrivet 20 september, 2007 The Streets - The Irony Of It All FYFAN VAD KASS LÅTEN VAR! detta är århundradets SÄMSTA artist asså.. verkligen hatar dom.. dom pratar bara på saker som dom kallar "beats"! för de där e INTE en beat!! Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
R2D2 Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Rapportera Share Skrivet 20 september, 2007 FYFAN VAD KASS LÅTEN VAR! detta är århundradets SÄMSTA artist asså.. verkligen hatar dom.. dom pratar bara på saker som dom kallar "beats"! för de där e INTE en beat!! Okej. Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Tweak Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Rapportera Share Skrivet 20 september, 2007 FYFAN VAD KASS LÅTEN VAR! detta är århundradets SÄMSTA artist asså.. verkligen hatar dom.. dom pratar bara på saker som dom kallar "beats"! för de där e INTE en beat!! Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
okka Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Rapportera Share Skrivet 20 september, 2007 FYFAN VAD KASS LÅTEN VAR! detta är århundradets SÄMSTA artist asså.. verkligen hatar dom.. dom pratar bara på saker som dom kallar "beats"! för de där e INTE en beat!! Okej. Hora. Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
gizmo91 Skrivet 20 september, 2007 Rapportera Share Skrivet 20 september, 2007 White Lion - When the Children Cry Little child Dry your crying eyes How can I explain The fear you feel inside ´cause you were born Into this evil world Where man is killing man and no one knows just why What have we become Just look what we have done All that we destroyed You must build again When the children cry Let them know we tried ´cause when the children sing Then the new world begins Little child You must show the way To a better day For all the young ´cause you were born For the world to see That we all can live with love and peace No more presidents And all the wars will end One united world under God When the children cry Let them know we tried ´cause when the children sing Then the new world begins What have we become Just look what we have done All that we destroyed You must build again No more presidents And all the wars will end One united world under God When the children cry Let them know we tried ´cause when the children fight Let them know it ain´t right When the children pray Let them know the way ´cause when the children sing Then the new world begins.. Och Självklart Dire Straits - Romeo and Juliet <3 Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
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