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Svepande landskapsbilder


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Hejsan, först och främst vill jag be om ursäkt för min tredje tråd inom en kort tid, men jag är så nyfiken angående moviemaking och inte minst stunting. :lol:

Till frågan, Hur gör man såna här svepande landskapsbilder man brukar använda i intron med mera, någon plugg typ?

De "svepande landskapsbilderna" görs ofta med programmet camhack. Camhack fungerar som så att du istället för att styra gubben åker omkring och kan kika vart du vill med enkla knapptryckningar.

Jag gissar att det är SA du ska ha det till? HÄR har du det, ingår troligtvis en readme-textfil som förklarar mer precis hur du går till väga.

Lycka till!

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SA/VC Camhack.

Lätt att använda, du lär dig på några minuter. :)


Du kan också börja lära dig SCM-scripting om du vill ha riktigt kontrollerande intron. Då kan du få bilar att åka där du vill osv.

Och Fyrhjuling kan skita ner sig :lol:

Redigerad av Godfather
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Huhm, jag kan ta ett axplock ur en guide till hur du förflyttar kameran i VC.

[VC] Camera Moves Tutorial

Do you want to do an intro or a themed vid, but CamHack isn't enough?

Now you will learn how to code camera moves!

First of all make sure you make a backup of the original "main.scm" file, which is located in the "...\GTA Vice City\data" folder.

- this will help you if you won't code the scm propertly, and if the game will crash.

Second, you will need BW's GTA VC Mission Builder version v1.1 - you can download it HERE.

- this will help you to open and view the main.scm file.

- extract the "mission_builder_barton_waterduck.zip" file that you have just downloaded, somewhere in your computer.

- after the extraction completes, you should see a folder named "Stripped scripts". Open it, and copy-paste the "Totally_stripped.txt" file, in your "...\GTA Vice City\data" folder and rename it to "main.scm" - be sure to have the same txt extension! This will remove all scripted features available, like missions, saving and loading saved games, pay-n-sprays etc.

Third, you must have GTA Vice Ultimate Trainer By LithJoe - you can download it HERE.

- you will need a jetpack for your camera settings.

The third thing is to get Player Pos 1.3 - you can download it HERE.

- this will show you the world coordinates of the player (Tommy) in the game. There are more tools like this one, but this one is simple and very easy to use.

And if you want to learn something more, visit kaneda's "Basic Mission Scripting Tutorial" - click HERE.

After you have done all the steps above, the fun part will come.

Open the "ViceBuilder11.exe" file, and a window will appear. Select your GTA Vice City folder.

Now, go to 'File' -> 'Open file', and open the main.scm txt file that you copy-pasted some minutes ago.

Your camera moves code will be between those two lines.


; Put your create_thread commands here


This is how mine looks (I will explain step by step how to make it):


; Best for testing purposes, like MAP modding.

; No scripted features available, like no garages set up, saving and loading saved games not possible,

; no interiours, no doors on buildings, no pay-n-spray, no AmmuNations, no shops, no missions, no parked

; cars, no busses at bus stops, no securety.

; This file has been modified from a file I found somewhere. I don't know who's the original writer.


0002: jump ££SecondSegment



0002: jump ££ThirdSegment


DEFINE OBJECT (no name) \\ This is an unused object. You can put anything here.


0002: jump ££LabelMAIN




03A4: name_thread "MAIN"

016A: fade 0 0 ms

01F0: set_max_wanted_level_to 6

0111: set_wasted_busted_check_to 0 (disabled)

00C0: set_current_time 12 0

04E4: unknown_refresh_game_renderer_at 83.0 -849.8

03CB: set_camera 83.0 -849.8 9.3

0053: $PLAYER_CHAR = create_player #NULL at 80.0 -849.8 9.3

01F5: $PLAYER_ACTOR = create_emulated_actor_from_player $PLAYER_CHAR

0001: wait 0 ms

01B6: set_weather 0

00D6: if 0

8118: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR dead

004D: jump_if_false ££LabelMAIN2

0352: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR skin_to "PLAYER"

038B: load_requested_models

0353: refresh_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR


016A: fade 1 (back) 1000 ms

00D6: if 0

0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined

004D: jump_if_false ££LabelMAIN3

04BB: select_interiour 0 \\ select render area

01B4: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR frozen_state 1 (unfrozen)

01B7: release_weather

; Put your create_thread commands here

; -------------------- CAMERA MOVES CODE STARTS HERE --------------------

; --- Init scene ---

01B4: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR frozen_state 0 (frozen)

02A3: toggle widescreen 1 (on)

016A: fade 0 () 1000 ms

0001: wait 1000 ms

016A: fade 1 () 1000 ms

0460: set_camera_pointing_time 0.0 3000

; --- Part 1 ---

015F: set camera position 507.909 -96.571 9.655 0.0 0.0 0.0

0160: point camera 502.396 -90.854 11.109 2

0001: wait 7000 ms

015F: set camera position 542.440 -103.905 23.590 0.0 0.0 0.0

0160: point camera 568.199 -93.754 30.975 1

; --- Part 2 ---

015F: set camera position 542.440 -103.905 23.590 0.0 0.0 0.0

0160: point camera 568.199 -93.754 30.975 1

0001: wait 4000 ms

015F: set camera position 364.927 -184.847 54.475 0.0 0.0 0.0

0160: point camera 341.394 -234.935 35.997 1

; --- Part 3 ---

015F: set camera position 356.038 -178.472 48.471 0.0 0.0 0.0

0160: point camera 342.037 -218.214 34.900 1

0001: wait 4000 ms

015F: set camera position 119.070 -293.952 34.477 0.0 0.0 0.0

0160: point camera 107.932 -299.516 30.977 1

; --- Back to normal game ---

0001: wait 5000 ms

016A: fade 0 () 1000 ms

0001: wait 1000 ms

02A3: toggle widescreen 0 (off)

01B4: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR frozen_state 1 (unfrozen)

02EB: restore_camera_with_jumpcut

016A: fade 1 () 1000 ms

; -------------------- CAMERA MOVES CODE ENDS HERE --------------------


0001: wait 2500 ms

0002: jump ££LabelMAIN3

; Put your mission mods here

Now you must read carefully, because any letter or any digit that you add in the incorrect place, will make the game to crash. However, if you want to add some notes in the script, use ";" before the line, so that line won't be red or executed by the game. Example:


0053: $PLAYER_CHAR = create_player #NULL at 80.0 -849.8 9.3;; this is the player's spawn coordinates

So the "this is the player's spawn coordinates" text won't be red by the game.


; --- Init scene ---

01B4: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR frozen_state 0 (frozen)

02A3: toggle widescreen 1 (on)

016A: fade 0 () 1000 ms

0001: wait 1000 ms

016A: fade 1 () 1000 ms

01B4: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR frozen_state 0 (frozen) - This will freeze the player (Tommy), so you can't control him until an opcode to unfreeze it is wrote. 0 = frozen, 1 = unfrozen.

02A3: toggle widescreen 1 (on) - I think you already know what this opcode is doing. It switches to widescreen, and it won't be deactivated until you write an opcode to deactivate it. 0 = off, 1 = on

016A: fade 0 () 1000 ms - This will start a fade out. 1000 is the fading's time in miliseconds. 1000 ms = 1 second. 0 = fade out, 1 = fade in.

0001: wait 1000 ms - This is the time till the fade in starts.

016A: fade 1 () 1000 ms - This will start the fade in. 1000 is the fading's time in miliseconds. 1000 ms = 1 second. 0 = fade out, 1 = fade in.

0460: set_camera_pointing_time 0.0 3000 - This is the time that the camera will need. 1500 = default. I added 3000 because I want slower camera moves.


; --- Part 1 ---

015F: set camera position 507.909 -96.571 9.655 0.0 0.0 0.0

0160: point camera 502.396 -90.854 11.109 2

0001: wait 7000 ms

015F: set camera position 542.440 -103.905 23.590 0.0 0.0 0.0

0160: point camera 568.199 -93.754 30.975 1

015F: set camera position 507.909 -96.571 9.655 0.0 0.0 0.0 - This will tell from where is watching. All you need to do is just to add your coordonaties (X,Y,Z) in the first three float numbers.

0160: point camera 502.396 -90.854 11.109 2 - Where is watching before the camera move starts. Replace the coordonaties. DO NOT delete the "2" at the end of the line.

0001: wait 10000 ms - The time until the camera move starts. I've added 10s, so there will be enough time for the textures to load.

015F: set camera position 542.440 -103.905 23.590 0.0 0.0 0.0 - This will tell the camera where to go to watch from. Just replace the coordonaties with yours.

0160: point camera 568.199 -93.754 30.975 1 - This will tell the camera where to watch. The "1" at the end will tell the camera to do the move. If it was 0 instead of 1, the camera would instantly jump to the coordonaties.


; --- Part 2 ---

015F: set camera position 542.440 -103.905 23.590 0.0 0.0 0.0

0160: point camera 568.199 -93.754 30.975 1

0001: wait 4000 ms

015F: set camera position 364.927 -184.847 54.475 0.0 0.0 0.0

0160: point camera 341.394 -234.935 35.997 1

015F: set camera position 542.440 -103.905 23.590 0.0 0.0 0.0 - From where is watching...copy-pasted from above. (the last but one coordonaties set of 'Part 1')

0160: point camera 568.199 -93.754 30.975 1 - Where is watching before the second camera move start...copy-pasted from above. (the last coordonaties set of 'Part 1')

0001: wait 4000 ms - The waiting time before the camera move starts. It must be equal or greater with the camera pointing time. I've added 4s to have a better result.

015F: set camera position 364.927 -184.847 54.475 0.0 0.0 0.0 - This will tell the camera where to go to watch from. Just replace the coordonaties with yours.

0160: point camera 341.394 -234.935 35.997 1 - This will tell the camera where to watch.


; --- Part 3 ---

015F: set camera position 356.038 -178.472 48.471 0.0 0.0 0.0

0160: point camera 342.037 -218.214 34.900 1

0001: wait 4000 ms

015F: set camera position 119.070 -293.952 34.477 0.0 0.0 0.0

0160: point camera 107.932 -299.516 30.977 1

015F: set camera position 356.038 -178.472 48.471 0.0 0.0 0.0 - From where is watching...copy-pasted from above. (the last but one coordonaties set of 'Part 2')

0160: point camera 342.037 -218.214 34.900 1 - Where is watching before the second camera move start...copy-pasted from above. (the last coordonaties set of 'Part 2')

0001: wait 4000 ms - The waiting time before the camera move starts. It must be equal or greater with the camera pointing time. I've added 4s to have a better result.

015F: set camera position 119.070 -293.952 34.477 0.0 0.0 0.0 - This will tell the camera where to go to watch from. Just replace th

0160: point camera 107.932 -299.516 30.977 1 - This will tell the camera where to watch.


; --- Back to normal game ---

0001: wait 5000 ms

016A: fade 0 () 1000 ms

0001: wait 1000 ms

02A3: toggle widescreen 0 (off)

01B4: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR frozen_state 1 (unfrozen)

02EB: restore_camera_with_jumpcut

016A: fade 1 () 1000 ms

0001: wait 5000 ms - The time till the fade start. It must be equal or greater than the fading time.

016A: fade 0 () 1000 ms - This will start a fade out.

0001: wait 1000 ms - This is the time till the fade in starts.

02A3: toggle widescreen 0 (off) - This will swich back to normal screen mode.

01B4: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR frozen_state 1 (unfrozen) - This will unfreeze the player (Tommy), so now you will be able to control him.

02EB: restore_camera_with_jumpcut - This will restore the camera, right behind the player (normal camera).

016A: fade 1 () 1000 ms - This will start the fade in.

After you have finished your scripting, press F7 to compile in the main.scm

That's all, I tried to explain it as well as I could. I hope this will help you, and if you followed this guide carefully, you will succes in your scripting.

Now go and play with it, and remember: scripting needs alot of writing, so you must have patience.

Feel free to post your camera moves here if you want.

Shoutout to Fox for teaching me all that I know about scripting in SCM. Thanks again man.


Gärna en kram Qouad! :lol:

Redigerad av Godfather
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