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Kristen nöt på YouTube "bevisar" att evolution är satans ver


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Såg du inte filmen som man kunde hitta genom att söka bland related videos. Och någon related till nån related. Ska söka. Där var det åtta steg man skulle följa för att komma till himelen, enligt Jesus. Och dom stämde inte alls ihop. Ska som sagt leta.

Edit: Inte den filmen jag snackade om här ovanför men en annan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UP41G1dNMY...;watch_response

Edit2: Found the one i was talking bout: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzzORZhnCao

Redigerad av VickeX
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Så ingen här tror att ni kommer till himlen när ni dör? Verkar som om ni kört för mycket GTA här ser jag.

[Pwnzor]Snarare du som gjort, ingen annan gjorde nån sån koppling.[/Pwnzor] :unsure:

Fan va illa om man skulle komma till himmlen. Vad ska man göra där i resten av all oändlighet?

Spela PS3 och utveckla PS4 som kommer från himlen 2015. Det är skrivet i bibeln! :P

Sätta på brudar, äta god mat, dricka gott och köra snabba bilar.

Hell yeah! B)

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If you come from a God, doesn't that give you the right to act like one too?

AAAHHH!!! >_< Goddamn it! Den ska jag ta med! Tack för tipset! Satte in en grej om det, tack ska du ha! :)

Han har svarat, dumt nog använder han samma argument jag spottade honom i ansiktet med:

"But if you really need a good example, how about microorganisms' sudden resistance against antibiotics? " -you

When we inject our children with vaccines, we expose them to virus' so their bodies can build the proteins to resist these sicknesses. This is not evolution, this is the design God has given to all creatures to create an immune system.

"Mutations such as stronger beaks, smaller beaks, longer beaks, stronger claws, faster claws and so on" -you

Those are not mutations. The birds already had beaks, and claws. Changing their properties exists within the genetic code of every bird. That is called natural selection, as the traits most useful to the creatures survival become prodominant.

Jag svarade honom med... (läs och njut):

"When we inject our children with vaccines, we expose them to virus' so their bodies can build the proteins to resist these sicknesses. This is not evolution, this is the design God has given to all creatures to create an immune system." -You.

When did I mention vaccines? Why would vaccinations have anything to do with the evolution in nature, since the only animals having vaccinations are those who do no longer participate in natural selection, such as humans or pets? The inclusion of vaccines in this question proves these animals now have so high standards in living, the natural selection's cruelty does no longer apply in the same way as for wild animals, plants, fungi, archae and bacteria. And no, evolution has nothing to do with vaccinations since genetic diseases are NOT TREATED with vaccine. Even bringing up vaccine in the discussion of evolution is truly ignorant, evolution does not concern vaccinations whatsoever because vaccinations are NOT transmitted to the offspring. If that were the case, why on Earth would you have to go to the doctor for a shot against Clostridium tetani, the patogene bacteria causing tetanus/lockjaw disease, if your parents are already vaccinated? Stop trying to outsmart me in my own niche, I know what I'm talking about and you do clearly not.

Interesting paradox: If it was God who "gave us" resistance, why would he do it with vaccinations, and not let us have the resistance from the day we are born? Why would so many die because they have no immunal system of their own against these diseases, and instead have to vaccinate to recieve resistance? If it is God's work that gives us resistance, why aren't we immune from day 1? Is it because God hasn't learned it yet, so us humans will have to outsmart him with vaccinations? Is it? If so, how come humans then are superior God in giving us resistance against mortal bacteria? Doesn't that fact deny there is a God of your descriptions, with him being almighty and all?

"Those are not mutations. The birds already had beaks, and claws." -You.

They have claws and beaks, yes of course, good to hear you knew that. That gives this situation just a glimpse of hope, but it fades away in the shadow of all your other ignorant arguments. Oh, I'm sorry, was I too harsh? There there, you'll get over it soon.

"Changing their properties exists within the genetic code of every bird. That is called natural selection, as the traits most useful to the creatures survival become prodominant." -You.

OH REALLY?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! WOW!! NO KIDDING?! That's the EXACT thing I told you in the last message, last paragraph. Great to hear you actually listened. Or did you? If you did, why would you tell me something I know so much better than you, and quite frankly already have told you? Read that section of my last message again. Was it not exactly what I told you? Do remember that I study the science of biology, not you. So now that you prove you DO believe in natural selection, why are you so antagonistic in the matter of evolution when natural selection is almost the same thing, only another Håller med till 100%! for one of the steps in the process? Evolution is not a question of how life originated, it is a matter of how it developed and still develops.

"If you came from a monkey, does that not give you permission to act like one too?" -You.

Au contraire: If you come from a God, doesn't that give you the right to act like one too - killing sinful humans and sending them to the everlasting sea of flames? No? Only God can do that? True? Then stop using that blasting ignorant argument in your so called "proof" that evolution is an evil bidding from Satan. You don't prove anything by saying "God is the almighty creator of this world and everything in it", unlike science with all the proof you could ever wish for - WITHOUT using Adobe Photoshop for creating ludicrous "giant men" as "evidence".



EDIT: Han har svarat igen med ett totalt intetsägande meddelande, och jag svarade honom med ytterligare lite sans.

Hans svar:

"he natural selection's cruelty does no longer apply in the same way as for wild animals," -you

There is nothing cruel about natural selection. The theory of evolution however is a cruel system, whereby animals must live and die so that the newer, better specimens can survive. Natural selection only selects, thus it's name.

"Interesting paradox: If it was God who "gave us" resistance, why would he do it with vaccinations, and not let us have the resistance from the day we are born?" -you

The Bible makes that clear. God made us perfect, and we chose to rebel and thus seperated ourselves from God's protection and perfection. Thus, through sin, death and sickness entered into this now fallen world. I find it funny how people who attack The Bible are the ones who didn't even read the first 3 chapters of it.

"If you come from a God, doesn't that give you the right to act like one too - killing sinful humans and sending them to the everlasting sea of flames?" -you

We are made in the image of God, but we are not God. We are to adhere to His standards of morality and goodness, however since He is the Creator and we are the creation, He has a higher rank and authority over us, and determins our purpose and meaning.

"There is nothing cruel about natural selection. The theory of evolution however is a cruel system, whereby animals must live and die so that the newer, better specimens can survive. Natural selection only selects, thus it's name." -You.

Get the names straight, hippie. Evolution equals enhancements and development of species and takes generations of time, natural selection equals death to all non-profited mutations and happens every day. Evolution is what follows natural selection, not vice versa. Out of natural selection comes benefitial developments, which cause evolution to take place.

I saw your cat, can't you realise that when he/she is out hunting mice at nights, it participates strongly in natural selection of mice? The mice with more sophisticated perception will survive, whilst deaf, blind mice will be eaten and will not be able to reproduce their weak genes coding for perception of eyes and ears. Ergus, evolution will come out of the natural selection your cat has caused. Which is "cruel" of natural selection and evolution? To me, none of them since nature has its rules. But if I would say one of them is "cruel", I'd go for the killing part, not the development. I bet you think so too.

"The Bible makes that clear. God made us perfect, and we chose to rebel and thus seperated ourselves from God's protection and perfection. Thus, through sin, death and sickness entered into this now fallen world." -You.

I suppose you speak of Eve, the first sinner? Fair enough, we are now in a fallen world. Of course we are, if you say so. But I'm talking about NOW, today! You have still not answered why we are not immune against Clostridium tetani, but instead your only answer is "we live in a fallen world". I think you're losing it, more than before.

"We are made in the image of God, but we are not God. We are to adhere to His standards of morality and goodness, however since He is the Creator and we are the creation, He has a higher rank and authority over us, and determins our purpose and meaning." -You.

That still is not an answer to what I said: Don't use that argument against evolution, unless we can apply it to your God.

Jag börjar tröttna på skitungen, han har ju inga argument som duger över huvud taget. Har jag bräckt honom, eller vet han inte om det ens? :P

Redigerad av Henkibojj
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AAAHHH!!! >_< Goddamn it! Den ska jag ta med! Tack för tipset! Satte in en grej om det, tack ska du ha! :P

Han har svarat, dumt nog använder han samma argument jag spottade honom i ansiktet med:

Jag svarade honom med... (läs och njut):



EDIT: Han har svarat igen med ett totalt intetsägande meddelande, och jag svarade honom med ytterligare lite sans.

Hans svar:

Jag börjar tröttna på skitungen, han har ju inga argument som duger över huvud taget. Har jag bräckt honom, eller vet han inte om det ens? :blink:

Bra jobbat av dig, totalsänkt :) . Tyvärr kommer han inte ge sig, som skribb sa. Kommer sluta med att han sitter och läser upp kristna förbannelser för dig.

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Det där med valarnas bakben...

Om benen kan användas till att hjälpa till vid förökningen så är det självklart att det används och kommer på så sätt att utvecklas efter den nya funktionen. Men det motbevisar inte att benen utvecklats från att ha varit fungerande ben när djuret levde på land.

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AAAHHH!!! :) Goddamn it! Den ska jag ta med! Tack för tipset! Satte in en grej om det, tack ska du ha! :lol:

Förövrigt är han ju goddamn trög.

"We are made in the image of God, but we are not God. We are to adhere to His standards of morality and goodness, however since He is the Creator and we are the creation, He has a higher rank and authority over us, and determins our purpose and meaning."

Om man sedan...

"We are made in the image of a monkey, but we are not monkeys. We are to adhere to the ancestors standards of morality and goodness, however since the ancestors are the monkeys and we are the descents, the monkeys has a higher rank and authority over us, and determins our purpose and meaning."

Det gör precis lika mycket sense som hans svar.

Redigerad av Maimstream
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