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Colan K

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Har precis installerat, och håller på att patcha. Ska heta Xennah o server aege :)

Edit: xennah var upptaget (w00t) få heta xennan istället :P

Edit2: Nu funkar xennah. konstigt :P

Kanske för du först stog Xennah och sen xennah`? :o

Ska spela nu har lvlat till 20 :huh:

Ska sammla 100 eyes.. :lol:

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1) Description of each job here...nothing interesting, except that "Venice" server in

kSRO apparently does not allow theiving...So can't theif there...weird lol, anywayz...

After this update, there will be major changes:

- After logging in for the first time after this update, all job items will be refunded in

in-game gold.

- Once u select a job, only that job's information will show and the rest of the job xp, info will reset. (more on this below)

2) There will be a job uhh...union? group? well, its like a gathering of same job people..

Each of the jobs will have their npcs in the place they get the suit from. As you see from the screenshot below, that is how u join a job union.


Joining Job Union:

- Must be over lvl 20, cannot be in another job union.

- Depending on lvl, must pay a fee to enter into union. (Higher the lvl, the higher the fee)

- If you have done another job before this, all the information from that job will reset back to 0.

- Everything before this update will reset as well.

Leaving Job Union:

- Can leave union even if not wearing job suit.

- The cover-up name u have used for another job union will be erased and u cannot

join another job union for the next 7 days.

- Everything about that job union will reset.


Here's the rest now ;), sry if some of it is kinda confusing, trying my best, so tired from work >.<;;

3) How the job works.


1) After joining job union, create a cover-up name, then put on job suit.

2) Party with traders and/or hunters.

3) Summon a caravan, and load goods.

4) Go to another town and sell goods for money.


1) After joining job union, create a cover-up name, then put on job suit.

2) Party with traders and/or hunters.

3) Protect trader from theives and npc theives.

4) After escorting trader to another town, receive money.


1) After joining job union, create a cover-up name, then put on job suit.

2) Party with other theives.

3) Attack hunter and/or trader and make the caravan drop loot on ground.

4) Summon caravan and steal items.

5) Use bandit scroll.

6) Sell stolen items for money.

In the previous system, you can choose to do any job at any time as you wish, however, in this new system, you must be more careful on what job ur going to choose. This is because once u select a new job, all ur past/other job experience will reset to 0.

4) Job cover-up name.

A cover-up name is a name for the job only. Only when you are wearing a job suit will the cover-up name be activated. This is so that ur job will not harm ur normal game experience.

A character that joins a job union, must create a cover-up name, you cannot do a job without it.

To create a job cover-up name:

- Talk to the npc that corresponds to ur job, and click on create cover-up name.

- Cannot create an already existing cover-up name, character name.

- Same rules as character-name creation applies here.

To change, remove cover-up name:

- After taking job suit off, you can talk to the npc to change cover-up name.

- To change cover-up name, there will be a fee depending on lvl of character.

- Cannot create an already existing cover-up name, character name.

- Once u leave the job union the cover-up name will be deleted, also once a cover-up name is changed or removed, that name cannot be used forever.

Rules to creating a cover-up name:

- You can tell its a cover-up name by looking at the * infront.

- You cannot whisper, mail, add friends with cover-up name.

- Once in cover-up name mode, party, party chatting, party match, targeting windows will all appear with cover-up name.

- Once in cover-up name mode, All-chatting (shout?) , guild chat, union chat, guild window will all show with REAL name.

- Once in cover-up name mode, guild name does not show above player.

5) You can lvl up ur job to 7.

Every lvl up, you will get a different ranking name attached to u.

Higher your job lvl, the higher lvl job suit u may equip.

Obtaining job xp is similar, so no need for explaining here :P.

And the job title name for each lvl, I can try to translate if anyone wants me to, but dunno if its worth it, so will leave that out for now.

6) Job item.

Job suits may be purchased at the appropriate npc.

Putting on job suit:

- Job item can be placed in the job item slot. (....obvious....)

- Can only be worn once a cover-up name has been created, also can only be put on in town.

- While in party, cannot put on job suit.

- Once a job item is worn, you will be directly teleported to the portal in town.

- Depending on job lvl, the job items that you can put on varies.

Job suit specifics:

- Job item can only be taken off in town.

- Cannot take off job suit while in party.

- Once job item is taken off, you will be taken back to town portal.

Job items:

- Job items varies and can be purchased to suit the need of the character. (not too sure, but I think there's a job suit for str, and int chars....don't quote me on it though, kinda tired atm >.<;; )

**This part is kinda iffy...hard to translate, can't find good enuf english words to describe it, will try my best***

7) Job activity uhh...money? reward?.....;;;;


- When a trader sells the goods, additional money is made.

- This additonal money is sent to hunter's union's activity bank...


Hunter receives money according to much they contributed and how much the trader earned.

- This is calculated and given at the end of the week.

- Once a week, this will be given out and resetted.

- The more the hunter contributes, the more money he/she will get.


- When a thief sells the goods to stolen goods dealer, additonal money is sent to thieves union.

- After a week, the more contribution the thief has made, the more money he/she will get.

- Will reset every week after money is given out.

8) Job Ranking

Depending on job rank and job experience, the ranking will be made.

The ranking will update once a week and the top 50 will be shown

Also below u can see that there will be ranking based on contribution as well.

Top 50 will be shown and resetted every week.

After the new update, players will have to choose which job they wish to pursue more carefully than before, job change is possible, but many penalties follow, therefore, it may be wiser to choose a job wisely and stick with it.

~~There you go guys, hope it's not too confusing, now I gotta go get some sleep :huh:, goodnight~~ ^^*

Taget från SRO Tavern ^^

Kommer nog vara thief...

EDIT: Thiefs som har loot kommer inte att få thief NPC efter sig, utan Hunter NPC...


Redigerad av Sniper
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Taget från SRO Tavern ^^

Kommer nog vara thief...

EDIT: Thiefs som har loot kommer inte att få thief NPC efter sig, utan Hunter NPC...


Läste de dära

Men isf ska man ju göra så NPC thief möter NPC HUnter :huh:

Och då kan ju inte thiefs göra den klassiska göra så deras thief kommer efter tradern...

Tänkte göra ett sro Forum för svenska spelare

Adress Silkroadswe

Får inte till så nån Kategori skapas ;)

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Taget från SRO Tavern ^^

Ja ja ja ja! Fan va bra! Nu fixas ju så jädra mycket, och ranking för jobb ;) Ballt!

Fast svårt att vara thief nu, ha på sig i stan och sen dra ut, får lvla mycket mer sen dra med nån höglvl :huh:

Men röv, cover-up name och allt! Hahaha, så grymt, ska banne me börja tänka på vad jag ska heta nu ^^


Som ni vet, ska jag vara thief. Lätt, utan tvekan. Grymt

Nemisis... äh, får tänka vad jag ska heta :P

Men denna fattar jag inte helt

When a thief sells the goods to stolen goods dealer, additonal money is sent to thieves union

Vad.. exakt menas med detta ?

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;) Tjenare, nu när endel svenskar vet vad Silkroad Online är så har jag tänkt lite på en att skapa en svensk fansite till det. Utrymme till sidan och pengar till domän finns, det enda som behövs nu är några personer som kan hjälpa till med diverse saker. Känner du dig manad att hjälpa till? Kontakta mig på Qrush1@hotmail.com :huh:

Jag har domän och webutrymme! Stäng ner ditt forum och hjälp mig istället så kan vi få en mycket mer seriös sida. :P

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Jag har domän och webutrymme! Stäng ner ditt forum och hjälp mig istället så kan vi få en mycket mer seriös sida. :huh:

Jag kan vara med

vtw Sniper tycker dem borde sätta Auto-kick efter 1 timme så de blir mindre stalls öppna eller nån player-limit-gräns

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This info is from here.


This page just lists what has been and will be added in the near future.

And yes, stalling will change ;), just read on ^^

I won't say what's already been updated there, because that seems sorta pointless so I'll say what's to come in there. Also, note that it took only about a month from releasing 3rd guild update. A month after 2nd guild update (which we got), they released the 3rd one, so hopefully it'll come here soon as well. I'll translate the 3rd guild update right after this, and it is very interesting. Well now for the translations:

Stall network system:

All the stalls will now be connected and changed into what is now called Stall network (something like that). You can now choose to stall normally and also can just go to network and search for the item you want, which will enable players to spend less time on searching for items and for the people selling to be more efficient.

The Roc Mountain:

There will be a new npc in roc mountain. This npc is the OWNER of the roc mountain. He will give u a PARTY quest. Yes party quest :huh::P So in order to do this quest, you MUST have a party set up before u talk to him. He will give a quest for the brave.

Europe Update:

They are just saying they are working hard on fine tuning the balance and everything before they release it, which will be soon.

Siege system:

Yes, a whole new style of warfare will be added, SIEGE, yep u heard it right, and I'm sure you all know what this is. :P

Verkar bli bra!

Edit ( ;P ) Ni som inte kan se den koreanska texst:en, installera Koreansk font, nästa gång du installerar Microsoft Håller med till 100%!

Edit2: WTF! Ovan så ska det stå Microsoft W.ord

Redigerad av Sniper
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Ah...Ok, this is pretty cool in my opinion, but read on to see for urself :P

Guild Shop:

Once a guild is above level 3, they are able to use this shop.


- Guild shop is accessable in each of the 3 town guild manager npcs.

- Only the guild leader can purchase items from these shops.

- Guild shop seperates into mark(logo?),/ mercenary/ etc (goods).

- In the logo part, u can purchase items that relate to mark/logo.

- In the mercenary part, u can purchase guild mercenary summoning scroll (more on this below ;))

- In the goods part, u can purchase items that summon guild members.

- More description on items below.

Guild Mercenary:

Guild Mercenaries are able to be summoned in war.


- Guild mercenaries are purchased with gold and GP and they turn into items.

- There are three types of guild mercenaries for each of weapons and magical department. Weapon focused guild mercenaries have a bonus life, and magic focused guild mercenaries have a bonus in dmg.

- Guild mercenary can only be used by a guild leader with a guild lvl of 3 or above.

- Guild mercenary summoning item could only be used once every 20minutes and will disappear after one use.

- The number of guild mercenaries that the GUILD LEADER can summon depends on the guild lvl.

Guild lvl 3 = 1 mercenary

Guild lvl 4 = 3 mercenaries

Guild lvl 5 = 6 mercenaries

- The number of guild mercenaries that the UNION LEADER can summon depends on the guild lvl.

Guild lvl 3 = 1 mercenary

Guild lvl 4 = 5 mercenaries

Guild lvl 5 = 10 mercenaries (!!!!!!!!!)

- Once a guild mercenary's hp hits 0, it will disappear, OR if the guild leader happens to die, then all mercenaries will disappear as well.


^^^^^ Its the guild mercenary upgrade window ^^^^^

Guild mercenaries features:

- The summoned guild mercenary is the same lvl as the guild leader, and above the head of the mercenary, it will show the guild name of the summoned guild leader.

- Will ONLY attack guild leader's enemies, will not attack monsters. Also, if the enemy "pet" attacks, then it will respond after being attacked.

- Guild mercenary's exp will disappear with the mercenary, and all the items acquired by guild mercenary will go into the property of guild leader.

- Once the guild lvl hits 4 and above, guild leader will be able to give additonal abilities to the guild mercenaries.

- The additional skills all act as passives and can add a maximum of 2.

- Following are the additional skills: Defense increase, attack increase(dmg), parry/hit ratio increase, HP regenration rate increase. reset all skills given.

Guild mark!!!

This is to give the guild members a more increased sense of belonging.


- Guild/Union mark can be purchased and entered in by the guild npc.

- When purchasing mark, money and GP will be used.

- Guild mark can only be used by guild lvl 4 and above.

- Union mark can only be used by guild lvl 5 and above (union leader guild lvl)


- When you use guild mark item, the file guildmark.bmp in the silkroad installation folder will be used.

- When you use union mark item, the file unionmark.bmp in the silkroad installation folder will be used.

- The default installation folder is C:\Program Files\Silkroad

- The mark size has to be (MUST BE) 16*16 24bit bmp.

- Guild mark will show infront of guild name.

- Union mark will show infront of guild name, infront of guild mark.

- If you wish to change ur guild/union mark, you must purchase the deletion item and buy it again.

Guild summon system:

In case of an emergency where all members must meet immediately, u can use guild summon to get all guild members to one spot.


- Guild summon item can be purchased at guild npc.

- Requires gold and GP to buy.

- Guild lvl 5 and above could use this.

- Once the summon item is used, all current online guild members will all get a window asking whether or not u wish to be summoned.

- Can agree or disagree.

- Once agreed, after 30 seconds (not too sure bout this), all members will appear before the guild leader.

- The summoning msg will last 3 minutes, if not answered within 3minutes, the window will automatically cancel.

- Can only be used once every hour.

- Guild summon can only be used in town.

Guild Nickname:

This is to allow other guild members to see what u do in the guild.


- A guild above lvl 4 can use this. The guild leader assigns the nicknames to the members he/she wishes.

- Open guild window, click on nickname feature.

- The nickname shows up after the guild name.

Guild donate:

If a guild member wishes, he/she can donate the sp they currently have to the guild in the form of gp.


- Does not matter what guild lvl, can use at any time.

- Only a character IN the guild can donate gp.

- You can donate up to however much sp u have.


Hmm, my personal opinion on this update is....!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT :huh:

And although some may think donating sp is horrible, it will allow us to see who really is dedicated to the guild, so it might not be THAT bad. Everything else looks pretty cool, well, enjoy~

Hopefully it won't be too long before we get this update, since the kSRO got this 3rd update only after a month of 2nd update (which we already have) :P

*Time for work again >.<;;*

YAY! Vill ha den nu ;P

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Men röv vad bra SRO kommer bli ändå, dreglar över den guildshoppen

Sen siege... är det... som.. en battleground? :huh:

åååhh, ^^ ... saknar ord nästan nu.. glad som ***

Seige är nog som Batleground (i wow, skulle jag tro)

Och i guildshopen kan väl bara guildleaders köpa :P

Ska nog spela nu om lagget gått och lagt sig

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For the gambling system:


In jangan, there is a magicpang beside the grocery shop (the accessory shop I believe)

You must purchase an item called pang from item mall (cash shop).

Now you insert this into the magicpang (the vase/bin looking thing) like this:


Clicking on magicpang will produce a screen similar to the one above.

Now you click on which item you wish to win.

Insert pang card into empty slot

Once you click play, the balls in magicpang will start rotating and will select an item, if your lucky, it may end up being the item you chose.

If the item that you chose is selected, then you will get a red item exchange ticket.

If not, you will get a blue item exchange ticket.

The pang card will disappear after this. (one usage)


Now you take the ticket to the item exchange npc near the fountain in jangan.

Red ticket = you get the item that you wanted

Blue Ticket = even if you didn't get the item you wanted, you still get an item from the list. The one that got randomly selected.

Det låter väldigt intressant :P

Now for the new trading system update:

1) It's just talking about how you can do 1 to 5 stars of trade and etc etc.

2) Here's where it gets interesting.

In this update there's a major change to the party system.

- A person who is currently in job suit cannot party with non-jobbing character

In another words, u can't party someone who's not wearing job suit if u are wearing a job suit.

- Trader/Hunter cannot party with theives

- While ur in a party, u cannot take off ur job suit.

Ah, and this part, is in my opinion, a great addition.

- When selling trade goods, for each additional person in party, there will be bonus job xp given. (when the trade is successful, obviously)

- When someone in party kills someone of opposing job, for each additonal person in party, there will be bonus job xp given.

- When the trader successfully completes the trade run, and sells off the goods, the hunter will be given money for his work.

- For each additonal person in party, there will be bonus MONEY made for a successful trade.

3) Trade posts.


As you can see, there are 7.

Right now, in iSRO there are 3, one for each of the towns, in the picture, 1, 3, and 5

I believe should be obvious. (its jangan, donwhang, and hotan in that order)

2, 4, 6, 7 are the new outposts that are going to be created in this update.

Simply put, these act almost similar to the trade posts already in the towns. A trader

could buy/sell goods here. However, in order for a trader to use these posts,

he must have completed a quest that corresponds to each of these.

2 = lvl 20+

4 = lvl 30+

6 = lvl 60+

7 = lvl 70+

The quest npcs are located at the same trading post spot.

4) This is just talking about the new way of purchasing goods.


As you can see, using the window, u can purchase the amount u wish with only 1 click, instead of clicking 99999 times

the first field is for amount of goods, 2nd field shows the money required, or u can

select the trade good size (stars? not too sure bout this) and it'll auto buy accordingly.

5) Now you all know that there are theif npcs that spawn when doing trade runs, or

when ur a theif with goods inside caravan.

In this new update, there will be theif npcs as well as HUNTER npcs.

For traders, theif npcs will spawn.

For theives, hunter npcs will spawn .


Previously, a npc theif will attack anyone nearby, this includes ANYONE.

Which means u can technically kill others that are not even wearing job suit.

(if u let ur npc theif and that person unfortunately finds it)

Also anyone (even jobless) people may attack npc theives, and npc theives

will attack them back.

This whole new update changes that all!

Normal Character(jobless) = Cannot attack or be attacked by theif/hunter npc.

Theif npc = Can only attack trader and hunter characters.

Hunter npc = Can only attack theif characters.

Trader/Hunter characters = cannot attack hunter npc.

Thief character = cannot attack theif npc.

6) Talks about caravan summoning here.

- Traders and Theives can only summon caravans.

- Thieves cannot summon a caravan inside of the town, nor could they bring

one into town

- Any character that has a summoned transport can not use any type of return scrolls.

7) This part is just about how they are going to reset every job items out there, and

refund it all in game gold. (goods, etc)

Finns bara en sak att säga... :huh:

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Det låter väldigt intressant :P

Finns bara en sak att säga... :huh:

Jaa :'( Om det var något jag djupt hatade.. verkligen kunde få damp på... så var det bli dödad av någon **** NPC thief, hur fan kul är det. wiee 10 minuters mer grind liksom. Tack tack tack tack

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Jaa :'( Om det var något jag djupt hatade.. verkligen kunde få damp på... så var det bli dödad av någon **** NPC thief, hur fan kul är det. wiee 10 minuters mer grind liksom. Tack tack tack tack

Tänk dig om en lvl 1 vinner en sos Lvl 52 Glavie :huh:

Vart hittar man Koreansk Font då?

Och vet nån när allt kommer?11

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