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Redan kommit ut skiller till fjärde jobbet för dom nu

4th Job Infighter(Captain).


Unknown translation.


Unknown translation. Has something to do with skill cooldown times.


Summons Leviathan to fight with you.

Level 30 - 680% Damage, target 2 enemies, 200 range.

Insanity - Powered up version of Stimulationlvl 20 : 70 MP , 160sec , +str 40 , +def 160 , +mdef 160 , +speed 40 , +jump20

Blind Strike - Only useable in Insanity mode.

lvl 30 : 40 MP , 300% dmg , atk 8 times , 1sec , targets 1 enemy only

Capture - Unknown what it does - Useable only in Insanity mode

lvl 30 : 40 MP , 480% dmg , targets 6 enemies , 1sec

Sonic Move

lvl 30 : 35 MP , 280% dmg , atk 6 times

4th Job Gunslinger(Outcaster)

Elemental Mastery

Enhances fire/ice shot.

lvl 30 : 150% dmg , freeze time +3sec , Mastery 30%

Octopus Enhancer. Summons 2 octo instead of one, fires at a faster rate.

lvl 30 : 35 MP , 120% dmg , 40sec , cooldown 10sec

Guidance Enhancer

lvl 20 : 30 MP , 480% dmg , area 350

Advanced Bombardment. Bird summon fires stronger bombs and can hit up to 15 enemies

lvl 30 : 55 MP , 1000 physical atk , 15sec , cooldown 5sec

Sonic Blow. Works like Hurricane for bowmasters, x2-3 faster than hurricane probably.

lvl 30 : 10 MP , 80% dmg , area 350

Pirate Ship. Decreases speed to add defense, also allows more skills to be used.

lvl 10 : 30 MP , +def 150 , +mdef 150 , cooldown 360sec

Continuous Shot. Only useable with pirate ship, fires x4 bullets at a fast pace.

lvl 30 : 40 MP , 200% dmg , 4 bullets r shot , area 400

Fireball. Only Useable with pirate ship, fires a fireball.

lvl 30 : 40 MP , 450% dmg , targets 6 enemies , area 400

Mind Control - Controls monsters, it will attack other monsters and itself.

lvl 20 : 30 MP , 30sec , area 350

Tror inte ens jag har sett alla tredje än

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