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Jag säger väl star wars galaxies som Knarkuzz sa men det har blivit tråkigare nu efter den nya uppgraderingen (eller den kommer snart)


Everyone over level 20 will automatically recieve Boots of Death which will make the bearer die if he walks. These cannot be taken off. Also, if a player tries to trade with someone else, they will have their accounts permentanly locked and a fee of $500 will automatically be discharged from their credit card.


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Everyone over level 20 will automatically recieve Boots of Death which will make the bearer die if he walks. These cannot be taken off. Also, if a player tries to trade with someone else, they will have their accounts permentanly locked and a fee of $500 will automatically be discharged from their credit card.


Nej jag tänkte mer på att dom tar bort att man får välja flera professions och så, nu kommer man bara att kunna välja en profession + att detblir så jävla konstig styrning.

Men det sämsta är nog att man kan ha jedi som startyrke.

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Everyone over level 20 will automatically recieve Boots of Death which will make the bearer die if he walks. These cannot be taken off. Also, if a player tries to trade with someone else, they will have their accounts permentanly locked and a fee of $500 will automatically be discharged from their credit card.



Nåt sånt ja (w00t)

Har för mig de la till.


Every player under level 20 will automaticly be classified as: Toilet. They will only be able to move during night, and have to pay a fee of $20 every time they move one step. If their fee reaches over $19, the fee will automaticly doubble. If their fee reaches over $35 their account will be permantly suspended from every level exept the "Sho Contest" level.

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Every player that has any weapons in his/her inventory will become a little bush with dingle berries growing on it. The players will automatically loose their initial character names and be named Bush1, Bush2, Bush3 and so on. The Bush will have the following abilities:

Jedi Tickle

The character will stand completely still for 5 hours and tickle himself in private places. This action, when initiated, can not be deactivated.

Jedi Autodeath - Constant effect

The character will randomly call people names in the Game Chat and eventually die automatically after 5 minutes. After game restart, the timer starts over.

Jedi Comp Crasher

By activating this, the players computers CPU will automatically be overclocked and soon be fried and useless. This action is activated by pressing one of the following combinations:



- ALT-F4

- The WINDOWS-key



Typ, så...

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För den snåla så är spelet Knight Online ett bra och roligt alternativ men det är buggat och sega servrar.

Själv så har jag köpt mig GuildWars och ännu har jag inte fattar så mycket av det men det är kul så långt jag har spelat iallfal och så är det ingen månadskostnat. Dock så är det mer som ett COOPRPG-spel.

Sen så skulle jag vilja ha WoW men månadskostnaden skrämmer mig. :P

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Eller inte! WoW är 10 gånger bättre, testade star wars i typ 10 minuter, sen var det ingen roligt mer. Massa buggar och annat trams som segar ner spelet.

Du körde väl den dära trialen som man laddar ner ifrån deras sida för det är fullt med buggar men det riktiga seplet är riktigt bra ( roligare förrut dock )

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Every player with strenght under 13 will be forced to wear Heavy Gloves of Poo for 7(seven) hours. He or she will after that not be able to move in additional 7(seven) hours. When a player wearing Heavy Gloves of Poo tries to move, a fee of $50 will be removed for every step, and a sound of a flying dumpster will be heard all over the area where the player moves. All players with strenght over 13 will automaticly get their strenght set to 7, so that he or she will be forced to wear Heavy Gloves of Poo too.

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Every time Funnylin tries to act in a moderatorative way, a band of twenty hoboes dressed up as Hamburglar will come to his house and make him suffer the blinding consequences. There will be a Enchanted Stick of Ultimate Deadlonging Pain, and there will be anal penetration...

Redigerad av Ebeeto
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