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Magnus Uggla - Va ska man ta livet av sig för när man ändå inte får höra snacket efteråt

Från singeln, Va ska man ta livet av sig för när man ändå inte får höra snacke efteråt / Yeh, why not (1977)

Läs hur det va' när Uggla drog med gänget ner' på "Vickan" :ermm:

Och vi drog hela gänget ner på Vickan,

det var Perre, Jerry och Bobbo och jag,

och alla polare stod ner på Vickan,

vi skulle alla in i dimman, vilket drag.

Och vi försvann åt varsitt håll in på stället,

och Jerry va den som var först tänd med en biff, han är bra.

Och jag stod vid baren och hängde hela kvällen,

och då kom hon äntligen, modellen, fram och sa;

- Jag har suttit där borta i hörnet hela kvällen.

Och jag kände mitt hjärta lyftas och trånas.

Och jag snacka, och jag snacka, och jag snacka,

och jag log och jag kände jag var glad.

Men då hände nånting som förstörde resten av kvällen,

plötsligt kom den där förbannade jävla aktören,

och det var honom hon hade väntat och ville ha.

Han tog'na stödigt under armen och gick,

och den blick han gav mig minns jag än i dag,

så jag stod och tjöt och skrek in på stället;

Va fan är en aktör mycket bättre än en rockartist,

va fan är en aktör mycket bättre än en rockartist,

va fan är en aktör mycket bättre än en rockartist,

va fan är en aktör mycket bättre än en rockartist,

va fan är en aktör mycket bättre än en rockartist.

Så jag tog min skinnpaj och gick ut i natten,

och jag gick hem till min kvart i Gamla Stan.

På vägen hem passerade jag strömmen,

och drömmen om självmord slog mig i ett slag.

Måsarnas eviga tjut,

strömmens eviga brus,

här kunde lika gärna helvetet ta slut.

Men då slog mig en tanke som sa,

faller en bort står det åter tusen nästa dag,

så jag vände på klacken och gick.

För va ska man ta livet av sig för när man ändå aldrig får höra snacket efteråt,

för va ska man ta livet av sig för när man ändå aldrig får höra snacket efteråt,

för va ska man ta livet av sig för när man ändå aldrig får höra snacket efteråt,

för va ska man ta livet av sig för när man ändå aldrig får höra snacket efteråt.

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Clawfinger - Biggest & the best :ermm:

Noo Corez glider i på rap-metal!

Men bästa Clawfingerlåten, enligt mig, är Two Sides

There's nothing a god can give to me that i can't give to myself

I put my beliefs in the things I believe and a god can take care of himself

there's not enough love in the world for me to think about wasting my time

It's not that I don't believe at all but I don't need a heavenly sign

I can achieve the things I need without getting down on my knees

I can respect your religion but i don't want to pay your fees

I don't want to hear you talk about the things you think that i need

so don't help me back on my feet again until you can hear me pled

Just look in the holy book of crooks and tell me what you can find

all the rules and the regulations made to manipulate your mind

don't pretend that you're blind just open your mind and study historical times

the bigger thew loss the bigger the cost the bigger the cross and it's crimes

I don't believe in a god that I need to worship

I don't believe that I need to get down on my knees

I don't believe that a voice from above can help me

I only believe in what I can see and the things that I can achieve

Whatever belief you belong to there is always a reason to doubt

and there's always another opinion as to what life is all about

there's always a bigger dimension and a different point of view

so I don't want to try to change you that decision is up to you

Whatever your final choice is and however you choose to live

you better be happy for what you can get and happy with what you can give

there's only one thing to remember there is only one thing you can do

and that is to do unto others as you'd have others do unto you


Two sides two sides to every story

two stories more makes four new ones to choose

Four sides four sides to every story

four stories more makes eight new ones to choose

Eight sides eight sides to every story

eight stories more now which one should you choose

now which one can you use

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Magnus Uggla - Yeh, why not

Här kommer andra sidan av singeln jag postade innan. Är för övrigt en av Ugglas bästa låtar musikaliskt sett. Den har en jävligt skön text också.

Från singeln Va ska man ta livet av sig för när man ändå inte får höra snacket efteråt / Yeh, why not (1977)

Yeh, why not, yeh, why not, yeh, why not, yeh, why not,

yeh, why not, yeh, why not, yeh, why not, yeh, why not.

Älska på egen hand på stan,

ta en brud mitt på Stureplan,

och leva ett liv i sus och dus,

aldrig va nykter alltid gå i ett rus.

För allt jag vill är att va som jag är,

och få bestämma över min egen kropp och själ,

och slippa höra folks förbannade prat,

nu är jag trött på ert tjat.

Yeh, why not, yeh, why not, yeh, why not, yeh, why not.

Aldrig banga när det är drag,

som tonårsbarn är man aldrig svag,

och hålla igång till hundra procent,

nån dag på jobbet kan väl va hänt.

För allt jag vill är få va som jag är,

och få bestämma över min egen kropp och själ,

och slippa höra folks förbannade prat,

nu får ni säga hur ni vill ha't.

Yeh, why not, ta en brud på en Chevrolet,

yeh, why not, hon får nog lust i en cabriolet.

Yeh, why not, och färga håret rött och grönt,

yeh, why not, bara göra det som är skönt.

Yeh, why not, aldrig ha några problem,

yeh, why not, det är du som vet och du som vill.

Yeh, why not, bara säj, bara säj: yeh, why not,

yeh, why not, inget kan vara lättare.

Yeh, why not, aldrig ha några problem,

Yeh, why not, bara säj, bara säj: yeh, why not,

yeh, why not, aldrig ha några problem.

Yeh, why not, det är du som vet och du som vill,

yeh, why not, bara säj, bara säj: yeh, why not.

Yeh, why not, inget kan vara lättare...

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Magnus Uggla - Yeh, why not

Här kommer andra sidan av singeln jag postade innan. Är för övrigt en av Ugglas bästa låtar musikaliskt sett. Den har en jävligt skön text också.

Från singeln Va ska man ta livet av sig för när man ändå inte får höra snacket efteråt / Yeh, why not (1977)

Yeh, why not, yeh, why not, yeh, why not, yeh, why not,

yeh, why not, yeh, why not, yeh, why not, yeh, why not.

Älska på egen hand på stan,

ta en brud mitt på Stureplan,

och leva ett liv i sus och dus,

aldrig va nykter alltid gå i ett rus.

För allt jag vill är att va som jag är,

och få bestämma över min egen kropp och själ,

och slippa höra folks förbannade prat,

nu är jag trött på ert tjat.

Yeh, why not, yeh, why not, yeh, why not, yeh, why not.

Aldrig banga när det är drag,

som tonårsbarn är man aldrig svag,

och hålla igång till hundra procent,

nån dag på jobbet kan väl va hänt.

För allt jag vill är få va som jag är,

och få bestämma över min egen kropp och själ,

och slippa höra folks förbannade prat,

nu får ni säga hur ni vill ha't.

Yeh, why not, ta en brud på en Chevrolet,

yeh, why not, hon får nog lust i en cabriolet.

Yeh, why not, och färga håret rött och grönt,

yeh, why not, bara göra det som är skönt.

Yeh, why not, aldrig ha några problem,

yeh, why not, det är du som vet och du som vill.

Yeh, why not, bara säj, bara säj: yeh, why not,

yeh, why not, inget kan vara lättare.

Yeh, why not, aldrig ha några problem,

Yeh, why not, bara säj, bara säj: yeh, why not,

yeh, why not, aldrig ha några problem.

Yeh, why not, det är du som vet och du som vill,

yeh, why not, bara säj, bara säj: yeh, why not.

Yeh, why not, inget kan vara lättare...

Bara för att jag läst allt om Magnus Uggla så kommer här nu:

Magnus Uggla - Nu har pappa laddat bössan

Magnus Uggla - Efterfest


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Magnus Uggla - Matta Hari

Outgiven låt som enligt Uggla själv é den sämsta han har gjort så den gavs aldrig ut. Den hette enligt Magnus gitarrspelare Dante "I duschen" men det ändrades senare. Har endast spelats i radio en gång på julafton 1977. Det finns ingen upplagd text till den men jag ska försöka klura ut den nu.

-Äh va fan. Den é ju för bra för att komma på platta. Den här låten har jag gjort speciellt för skivspegelns special..

Han jobba' som dragshowartist på ett place, han va' fin som fan, utklädd till tjej,

där sitter stans alla kråkor på min scen, när det é dansens drottning som gör sin entrè.

Ner på klubbens mörka ljus går det sus från sus till sus. När han kommer fram, é det där verkligen en man som far förbiiii. Nej, det é Matta Hari!

Matta Hari, Matta Hari, Matta Hari, Matta Hari, Matta Hari...

Efter mörkret när solen gått upp, går han hemma (?) spännande. Och drar sig undan framför skymningen, då é det dags att byta skepnad igen.

Ner på klubbens mörka ljus går det sus från sus till sus. När den kommer fram, é det där verkligen en man som far förbiiii. Nej, det é Matta Hari!

Matta Hari, Matta Hari, Matta Hari, Matta Hari, Matta Hari...

-Bo, bo. That was the worst thing I ever heard

-It was terrible

-Hurraines! (?)

-Oh, it was'nt that bad?

-Oh, yeah

-It was personal (?) what I like

-Yeah, I like a ot of it

-Yeah, it was good

-It was great!

-Wonderful! More!


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Låt: Zombies

Artist: Looptroop

Album: Modern Day City Symphony


Yo, on the rear, let me tell you how I feel

Recordcompanies seems to misunderstand the word 'deal'

That means something in it, for both parties

Not a big piece for the company, and a small one for the artist

I work the hardest, you sit on a chair

On ya fat ass, expecting me to share (What?!)

My name ain't Cher, yours ain't Sonny

That means; no love between us, only relation is money

That don't sound funny, but if that is how you want it

Be consistent, and face the consecvenses

I'll give you yours, if you give me mines

But if you give me shit, then I'll step in no time

Cause I got no time, to waste on BI

If the BI's BS I'll rather chill in the beehive, cuz

Just because I'm an up and coming, hungry MC

Don't mean I'll settle for a "happymeal-recorddeal"

I'd rather steal, take your whole shit

You never gave me nothing, so why should we split the profit? (why?)

Why should I listen to your opinion if my shit is hot or not,

When you know nothing 'bout Hip Hop?

That's why I don't shop my demos

But instead I let them shop their record-deal, see if I'm interested

Cause the time's dead, when we stood around

With the hands in our hands, asking for a helping hand

Nowadays we cut off your hand, steal your Rolex,

You still don't know the time, judging from the shit you signed

Yo kid, rewind (ah, ah)

Listen to the shit again

Next time you might comprehend the message I sent

Independent is not a trend,

But the only way of life

Cause I'm not really alive

If somebody else control my destiny,

Making the important choices for me

Then I'm a walking dead -A Zombie.

yo, I whisch styles under control like the 'Break-crew'

Cause when we breakthrough

When I control my supervises like you

Telling you the shit you got here, is not hot

See it's as a bunch of Davids, with rocks and slingshots (pow!)

Pointed out Goliath, come on and try us

But they ain't a crew of lions, represent can never buy us

Zombies for hire, occasional hit-makers

Resurrect to the expect to collect papers

Wake up, it's your relation (ah, ah) built on loyalty

And what about self-respect and royalties? (What?)

Diviest G's, forever independent MC's

As long as the industry is still filled with friend enemies

You got yourself deal, but good luck

But since the honesty is the best policy, -Ha you suck!

While me and mines be legendary like Swob and Dondi

You be a walking dead -A Zombie.

Yo kid, rewind (ah, ah)

Listen to the shit again

Next time you might comprehend the message I sent

Independent is not a dream,

But the only way of life

Cause I'm not really alive

If somebody else control my destiny,

Making the important choices for me

Then I'm a walking dead -A Zombie.

Yo, MCs are living dead, giving head to majors

But ain't no recordcompany humping me, cause I got flavor

They can't calm me, into being a zombie

As long as EmBee keeps hooking me with bomb beats

So blow up "the Vampire Snake building"

We building, on how to protect the children

From the modern day tyro bagel

To overcome Gods language buried a two-turntables

And a microphone, the forces of he darkness in the danger zone

Cause ugh, LoopTroop represent the sons

So when you nosferatus, we desperados with guns, and torpedos

Blowing up blood sucking (ah) mosquitoes, and reload

To kill super eagles and libidos

Not a question of 'if', It's a question of 'when'

You and your punk friends, ain't no longer a trend

You get dropped like Jim, from your bullshit label

Now you're at home, watching bullshit cable

At your bullshit table, with your remote control

Wishing that you would have had at least remotely created control

Of your product, before you cremated your soul

Got packed like corned beef, marked it in and sold (whoa)

Yo kid, rewind (ah, ah)

Listen to the shit again

Next time you might comprehend the message I sent

Independent is not a dream,

But the only way of life

Cause I'm not really alive

If somebody else control my destiny,

Making the important choices for me

Then I'm a walking dead -A Zombie.

Whoa, whoa, a zombie

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Artist: Avantasia

Låt: Farewell

Album: The Metal Opera

Kommentar: Awg.. Härlig låt! ^_^


Days had come, winters had gone,

and we gamboled like siblings in Paradise.

I was your knight, holding you tight

as a brother when I saw your crying eyes.

Time went by and we had to say goodbye.

Staring up to the clouds above

Children - so little and sad.

Hoping the saints could help one day

Lead us together again.

Holding the key to the alley of dreams

still in hands.

Time telling me to say farewell

but I knew that I would fight hell

and I knew: We will

go for another time we can see,

for another time we'll be free,

for no more farewell.

Stepbrother tell me where have you been

when they brought me to this godforsaken place.

Sign of the cross - they took me away

for healing with herbs by the way of grace.

Now I wait for the day to feed the flames.

I have been caught in a cage of despair.

My heart as a monk's cell so empty and bare.

But no holy water can make me

forget you again...

Time telling me to say farewell

but I knew that I would fight hell

and I knew: We will

go for another time we can see,

for another time we'll be free,

for no more farewell.


No farewell could be the last one.

If you long to meet again...

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Artist: Tom Waits

Låt: Frank's Wild Years

Album: Beautiful Maladies

Kommentar: Mannen med musikhistoriens sämsta/coolaste/bästa röst mumlar en bisarr liten historia med jazz-lounge-toner som ackompanjemang. Det är skitbra.


Well Frank settled down in the Valley

and hung his wild years

on a nail that he drove through

his wife's forehead

he sold used office furniture

out there on San Fernando Road

and assumed a $30,000 loan

at 15 1/4 % and put down payment

on a little two bedroom place

his wife was a spent piece of used jet trash

made good bloody marys

kept her mouth shut most of the time

had a little Chihuahua named Carlos

that had some kind of skin disease

and was totally blind. They had a

thoroughly modern kitchen

self-cleaning oven (the whole bit)

Frank drove a little sedan

they were so happy

One night Frank was on his way home

from work, stopped at the liquor store,

picked up a couple Mickey's Big Mouths

drank 'em in the car on his way

to the Shell station, he got a gallon of

gas in a can, drove home, doused

everything in the house, torched it,

parked across the street, laughing,

watching it burn, all Halloween

orange and chimney red then

Frank put on a top forty station

got on the Hollywood Freeway

headed north

Never could stand that dog

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Artist: Counting Crows

Låt: Sullivan Street

Kommentar: Sköneliskön


Take the way home that leads back to Sullivan Street

Cross the water and home through the town

Past the shadows that fall down wherever we meet

Pretty soon now I won't come around

I'm almost drowning in her sea

She's nearly fallen to her knees

Take the way home

Take the way home that leads back to Sullivan Street

Where all the bodies hang on the air

If she remembers, she hides it whenever we meet

Either way now, I don't really care

Cause I'm gone from there

I'm almost drowning in her sea

She's nearly crawling on her knees

She's down on her knees

Take the way home that leads back to Sullivan Street

Where I'm just another rider burned to the ground

Come tumbling down

I'm almost drowning in her sea

She's nearly crawling on her knees

It's almost everything I need

I'm down on my knees

I'm down on my knees

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Band: The White Stripes

Låt: Take, Take, Take

Platta: Get Behind Me Satan

Kommentar: Skön låt med roliga effekter. Jack White sjunger jävligt vackert här.


I was sitting there in a comfortable chair

And that was all that I needed

Then my friend offered me a drink for us to share

And that was all that I needed

Well, then I felt at ease

But then I'm not too hard to please

I guess you couldn't call me greedy

Then I was shocked to look up

And see rita hayworth there in a place so seedy

She walked into the bar with her long, red, curly hair

And that was all that I needed

And I said to my friend, "good god, we're lucky men just to even see her"

Take, take, take

Take, take, take

Take, take, take

And I could not resist, I just had to get close to her

And that was all that I needed

I walked and loomed around her table for a while

And that was all that I needed

Then I said, "i hate to bug you, ma'am, but can I have your autograph?"

And that was all that I needed

She pressed her lips against a white piece of paper

And that was all that I needed

Then I saw what she wrote, my heart is in my mouth

And that was all that I needed

Then she handed it to me, and I think that she could see

That that was all that I needed

I started to walk away but then I remembered 'hey, I forgot to get a picture'

So I asked her one more time, "could I have another favor?"

That was all that I needed

She was kind and posed with me

Then I knew my friend would see my celebrity meeting

Take, take, take

Take, take, take

Take, take, take

She turned and said to me, "I need to go to sleep,"

And it seemed so mean

It's almost as if she could not appreciate how cool I was being

She said, "good night" and walked away

And I didn't know what to say

I just couldn't believe it

Well, it's just not fair

I want to get a piece of hair

That was all that I needed

Or maybe a kiss on the cheek

I wouldn't wash it for a week

That would be all that I needed

But she didn't even care

That I was even there

What a horrible feeling

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Låt:The Ultimate Showdown

Grupp:Lemon Demon

Platta:Finns inte på någon

Kommentar: Riktigt skön. Bara dåligt att Batman blir dödad av Cuck Norris. Power Rangers nämns ^_^


Old Godzilla was hopping around

Tokyo City like a big playground

when suddenly Batman burst from the shade

and hit Godzilla with a Batgrenade

Godzilla got pissed and began to attack

but didn't expect to be blocked by Shaq

who proceeded to open up a can of Shaq Fu

when Aaron Carter came out of the blue

and he started beating up Shaquille O'Neal

then they both got flattened by the Batmobile

but before it could make it back to the Batcave

Abraham Lincoln popped out of his grave

and took an AK47 out from under his hat

and blew Batman away with a rat-a-tat-tat

but he ran out of bullets and he ran away

because Optimus Prime came to save the day

this is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny

good guys, bad guys, and explosions as far as the eye can see

and only one will survive, I wonder who it will be

this is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny

Godzilla took a bite out of Optimus Prime

like Scruff McGruff took a bite out of crime

and then Shaq came back covered in a tire track

but Jackie Chan jumped out and landed on his back

and Batman was injured, and trying to get steady

when Abraham Lincoln came back with a machete

but suddenly something caught his leg and he tripped

Indiana Jones took him out with his whip

then he saw Godzilla sneaking up from behind

and he reached for his gun which he just couldn't find

'cause Batman stole it and he shot and he missed

and Jackie Chan deflected it with his fist

then he jumped in the air and did a summersault

while Abraham Lincoln tried to pole vault

onto Optimus Prime, but they collided in the air

then they both got hit by a Care Bear Stare, oooh

this is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny

good guys, bad guys, and explosions as far as the eye can see

and only one will survive, I wonder who it will be

this is the Ultimate Showdown...

angels sang out in immaculate chorus

down from the heavens descended Chuck Norris

who deliver a kick which could shatter bones

into the crotch of Indiana Jones

who fell over on the ground, writhing in pain

as Batman changed back into Bruce Wayne

but Chuck saw through his clever disguise

and he crushed Batman's head in between his thighs

then Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White and

"Monty Python and the Holy Grail"'s Black Knight and

Benito Mussolini and The Blue Meanie and

Cowboy Curtis and Jambi the Genie

Robocop, the Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader

Lo Pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger

Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan,

Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan

all came out of no where lightning fast

and they kicked Chuck Norris in his cowboy ass

it was the bloodiest battle the world ever saw

with civilians looking on total awe

and the fight raged on for a century

many lives were claimed, but eventually

the champion stood, the rest saw their better:

Mr. Rogers in a bloodstained sweater

this is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny

good guys, bad guys, and explosions as far as the eye can see

and only one will survive, I wonder who it will be

this is the Ultimate Showdown...

this is the Ultimate Showdown...

this is the Ultimate Showdown...

of Ultimate Destiny

Redigerad av Moongoose
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Dags för jävligt bra musik.

Artist: John Fogerty & Creedens Clearwater Revival

Låt: Bad Moon Rising

Album: The long road home

Kommentar: Så jävla skön.


I see the bad moon arising.

I see trouble on the way.

I see earthquakes and lightnin'.

I see bad times today.

Don't go around tonight,

Well, it's bound to take your life,

There's a bad moon on the rise.

I hear hurricanes ablowing.

I know the end is coming soon.

I fear rivers over flowing.

I hear the voice of rage and ruin.

Don't go around tonight,

Well, it's bound to take your life,

There's a bad moon on the rise.

All right!

Hope you got your things together.

Hope you are quite prepared to die.

Looks like we're in for nasty weather.

One eye is taken for an eye.

Don't go around tonight,

Well, it's bound to take your life,

There's a bad moon on the rise.

Don't go around tonight,

Well, it's bound to take your life,

There's a bad moon on the rise.

Artist: John Fogerty & Creedens Clearwater Revival

Låt: Bootleg

Album: The long road home

Kommentar: Även denna äro jävligt skön.



Bootleg, Bootleg;

Bootleg, Howl.

Bootleg, Bootleg;

Bootleg, Howl.

Take you a glass of water

Make it against the law.

See how good the water tastes

When you can't have any at all.


Findin' a natural woman,

Like honey to a bee.

But you don't buzz the flower.

When you know the honey's free.


Suzy maybe give you some cherry pie,

But Lord, that ain't no fun.

Better you grab it when she ain't lookin'

'Cause you know you'd rather have it on the run.


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Artist: Bob Dylan

Låt: Sad Eyed Lady of The Lowlands

Album: Blonde on Blonde

Kommentar: Genial, n' such like.


With your mercury mouth in the missionary times,

And your eyes like smoke and your prayers like rhymes,

And your silver cross, and your voice like chimes,

Oh, who among them do they think could bury you?

With your pockets well protected at last,

And your streetcar visions which you place on the grass,

And your flesh like silk, and your face like glass,

Who among them do they think could carry you?

Sad-eyed lady of the lowlands,

Where the sad-eyed prophet says that no man comes,

My warehouse eyes, my Arabian drums,

Should I leave them by your gate,

Or, sad-eyed lady, should I wait?

With your sheets like metal and your belt like lace,

And your deck of cards missing the jack and the ace,

And your basement clothes and your hollow face,

Who among them can think he could outguess you?

With your silhouette when the sunlight dims

Into your eyes where the moonlight swims,

And your match-book songs and your gypsy hymns,

Who among them would try to impress you?

Sad-eyed lady of the lowlands,

Where the sad-eyed prophet says that no man comes,

My warehouse eyes, my Arabian drums,

Should I leave them by your gate,

Or, sad-eyed lady, should I wait?

The kings of Tyrus with their convict list

Are waiting in line for their geranium kiss,

And you wouldn't know it would happen like this,

But who among them really wants just to kiss you?

With your childhood flames on your midnight rug,

And your Spanish manners and your mother's drugs,

And your cowboy mouth and your curfew plugs,

Who among them do you think could resist you?

Sad-eyed lady of the lowlands,

Where the sad-eyed prophet says that no man comes,

My warehouse eyes, my Arabian drums,

Should I leave them by your gate,

Or, sad-eyed lady, should I wait?

Oh, the farmers and the businessmen, they all did decide

To show you the dead angels that they used to hide.

But why did they pick you to sympathize with their side?

Oh, how could they ever mistake you?

They wished you'd accepted the blame for the farm,

But with the sea at your feet and the phony false alarm,

And with the child of a hoodlum wrapped up in your arms,

How could they ever, ever persuade you?

Sad-eyed lady of the lowlands,

Where the sad-eyed prophet says that no man comes,

My warehouse eyes, my Arabian drums,

Should I leave them by your gate,

Or, sad-eyed lady, should I wait?

With your sheet-metal memory of Cannery Row,

And your magazine-husband who one day just had to go,

And your gentleness now, which you just can't help but show,

Who among them do you think would employ you?

Now you stand with your thief, you're on his parole

With your holy medallion which your fingertips fold,

And your saintlike face and your ghostlike soul,

Oh, who among them do you think could destroy you

Sad-eyed lady of the lowlands,

Where the sad-eyed prophet says that no man comes,

My warehouse eyes, my Arabian drums,

Should I leave them by your gate,

Or, sad-eyed lady, should I wait?

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