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The Crow - Rebel Angel


Inhale glory, exhale fear...no God or master to make me kneel

Inhale courage, explode force...I am Lord I break your laws

I raise my fist in blasphemy, with the sign of the horns...In praise of the rebel angel.

Who stood proud, stood strong, alone, against God

Cast out, thrown down. Hated, feared and left to die!

I am the rebel angel, living like the devil

Rebel angel, to the death!

Call of the devil, follow the devil, fall like an angel, rise like the devil.

I take pleasure, the forbidden fruits...you fear my freedom and call me evil

Inhale darkness, feel the strength: every wound just makes me harder

I am demon, burning feathers...the wings of my soul turn into leather

Inhale vengeance, feed the flames: howling in hatred, screaming in Hell

You cannot control me; I'm so much stronger.

I'm your enemy, I'm your Satan...and this fire burns deeper than you'll ever know!

I am the rebel angel, living like the devil

Rebel angel, to the death!

Call of the devil, follow the devil, fall like an angel, rise like the devil

Call of the devil, follow the devil, fall like an angel, rise like the devil

Take it to the sky...from below...

Arise from the ashes...come take your revenge:

Burn through the heavens!! Fallen angel fly again!!

I am the saint of sinners, defender of the devil

Rebel angel, to the death!

Flying through these nightmares, burning worlds of hell, yeah

Horror angel, till I die!

And on this path of pain, I stand all alone...

Rebel angel, to the end and to the death!

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Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - We Can Win Missouri


Vill bara tillägga att 2008 varit ett sjukt bra musikår, helt klart det bästa jag upplevt. Har suttit i Spotify och försökt göra en playlist med favoriter från året, men det finns så mycket bra att det är svårt att välja när man ska sluta lägga in fler låtar...

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Jag skulle vilja tipsa om WHY? - These Few Presidents, men jag och Tweak kommer nog ändå inte att bli kompisar så jag tipsar om låten som kommer direkt efter på fullängdare samt kom ut som singel på en rosa 12" (grön, om man bor i USA): WHY? - The Hollows.

As I lay me down to fall asleep

with my demons dying and my pilot light weak,

I curse the last six months

I've been hiding behind a mustache, yeah.

And to those last 10 years

I've been howling a paper moon.

Well fuck you.

This goes out to all my underdone and undertongued, monk-lunged frontmen.

As all this earth grows I'm planted.

That's some pull.

You shine a flashlight in, my head box and spin,

an empty oyster shell, and celebrate the hollows.

This goes out to dirty dancing, cursing, back-masking, back-slitting pranksters, kids.

As all this earth grows I'm planted

That's some pull.

In Berlin I saw two men fuck

in the dark corner of a basketball court.

Just a slight jangle of pocket change pulsing.

In the tourist part I lost 50 euros

to a guy with the walnut shells and the marble.

and it really pissed me off

so eww, I thought I'd go back to get my money,

but all my money's mummy, OH NO

those gypsys probably got knives.

This goes out to all my under-brewed, double duked, two time troopin fools.

As all this earth grows, I'm planted,

that's some pull.

I got them shaky gums and a couple of loose tooths.

Now tell me what should I do?

My God, the clock's always stuck yellin' 11:11, at 3:32.

This goes out to all to my under-done, under-tongued blung-wunged frontmen.

As all the earth's growing, I'm planted,

that's some pull.

This goes out to my under-tongued, over-done, blung-wung frontmen.

As all this earth's stuck doin' the crow like it ain't no joke.

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