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Alice cooper - Teenage Frankenstein.

The local freak with the twisted mind.

(Stämmer faktist jävligt bra in på mig, lokalt psyko som tänker på hur man skulle kunna döda klasskamrater. Haha. Jag är påväg och bli mördare.)

Alice cooper - He's back. (The man behind the mask.)

Jason låt, jävligt skön.

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Alice cooper - Teenage Frankenstein.

The local freak with the twisted mind.

(Stämmer faktist jävligt bra in på mig, lokalt psyko som tänker på hur man skulle kunna döda klasskamrater. Haha. Jag är påväg och bli mördare.)

Alice cooper - He's back. (The man behind the mask.)

Jason låt, jävligt skön.

Underbara, puss på dig sötnos ;)

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Ozzy Osbourne - Mr. Crowley

Album: Blizzard of Ozz

Kommentar: Hans näst bästa låt efter Crazy Train

*Skönt intro*

Mr. Crowley, what went on in your head

(Oh) Mr. Crowley, did you talk to the dead

Your lifestyle to me seemed so tragic

With the thrill of it all

You fooled all the people with magic

(Yea)You waited on Satan's call

Mr. Charming, did you think you were pure

Mr. Alarming, in nocturnal rapport

Uncovering things that were sacred, manifest on this earth

(Ah)Conceived in the eye of a secret

Yeah, they scattered the afterbirth


Mr. Crowley, won't you ride my white horse

Mr. Crowley, it's symbolic of course

Approaching a time that is classic

I hear that maidens call

Approaching a time that is drastic

Standing with their backs to the wall

Was it polemically sent

I wanna know what you meant

I wanna know

I wanna know what you meant, yeah!


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Ozzy Osbourne - Mr. Crowley

Album: Blizzard of Ozz

Kommentar: Hans näst bästa låt efter Crazy Train

*Skönt intro*

Mr. Crowley, what went on in your head

(Oh) Mr. Crowley, did you talk to the dead

Your lifestyle to me seemed so tragic

With the thrill of it all

You fooled all the people with magic

(Yea)You waited on Satan's call

Mr. Charming, did you think you were pure

Mr. Alarming, in nocturnal rapport

Uncovering things that were sacred, manifest on this earth

(Ah)Conceived in the eye of a secret

Yeah, they scattered the afterbirth


Mr. Crowley, won't you ride my white horse

Mr. Crowley, it's symbolic of course

Approaching a time that is classic

I hear that maidens call

Approaching a time that is drastic

Standing with their backs to the wall

Was it polemically sent

I wanna know what you meant

I wanna know

I wanna know what you meant, yeah!


Jag skulle ju tipsa om den nu! :'(

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