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The Verve - Sonnet

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The Verve - Lucky man

Ahh underbart  :D  man får inte heller glömma; The Verve - The Drugs Don't Work

Mycket bra album de där, Urban Hymns

Glöm inte heller: The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony :huh:

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Jaha P-C har översatt lite Rammstein texter från nya skivan... Eller 2 st rättare sagt.

Artist : Rammstein

Title : [Mann Gegen Mann english version]


[enter lyrics]

Faith laughed me in the face

and has made me a gift

threw me to a warming star

the skin so close, the eyes so far away..

I take faith in my hands

my desire is a man!

Where the sweet water dies

becouse it's in salt disappears

I'll take the little prince to mind

A king without a .. queen

When a lady to me comes,

the brighted world is total strayed!

Man versus man!

My skin belongs to men

Man versus man!

Same sex with eachother

Man versus man!

I am the men's attendant

Man versus man!

Same sex with eachother

I am the corner of every room

I am in the shadows of every tree

My chain is complete

when the lust from behind comes (!!)

My sex says that I'm a traitor

I am the nightmare of every father!

Man versus man!

My skin belongs to men

Man versus man!

Same sex with eachother

Man versus man!

Although, my heart freezes sometimes

Man versus man!

Coldly forced to strike back

Coldly forced to strike back!


I'm not intersted in equilibration [(when something is balanced)]

The sun shines in my face

Although, my heart freezes sometimes

Coldly forced to strike back!!


Man versus man!


Man versus man!


*Pancy= Gay, queer, faggot etc.


Artist : Rammstein

Title : [Hilf mir english version]


I was all alone in my room

My parents were not at home

All of the sudden, I saw before me standing

a Schectelchen* was to be seen

"Ah", I said "How pretty and fine!"

"That must be a wonderful toy!"

I lit a match, like my mother use to do

Always, when I'm lonely

The light retracts the fire

Why is the sun round?

Why don't I get better? [He obviously suffers from some kind of discease.]

It reaches for me, I don't fight back

It jumps with his claws in my face

It attaches to my head, it hurts me much

I run, in my room around

Oh, no! The flame hits my clothes

The clothes burn, the room is lit up!

It burns my hand, it burns my hair

I burn, the entire body, too!

Always, when I'm lonely

The light retracts the fire

Why is the sun round?

Why don't I get better?

Help me! Help me!

Help me! Help me!

Help me! Help me!

Help me! Help me!

I burned down with skin and hair

It's ALL burned down, entirely

From the ashes, all alone

I stand up to sunshine!

The fire loves me

The fire loves me

The fire loves me

The fire loves me

Yes, the fire loves me


Help me! Help me!

Help me! Help me!

Help me! Help me!

Help me! Help me!


Redigerad av Frenzy
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