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Tänkte rekommendera en låt..

Låttitel: Bring back the revoltist

Artist: La resistance


Crice, crice, they're making you a mice!

Crice, crice, stop fooding at dice!

..den går sådär i ca 5minuter, men den är bra. Tro mig.

Mycket bra låt. Rekommenderar alla album av La Resistance, särskilt "Crice 'Em All" och "Crice On Crice".

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Låt:Legend of Zelda

Artist:System of a down

Kommentar:Skummaste låt genom SOAD:s historia nästan :huh:


'Link, he come to town

Come to save the Princess Zelda

Ganon took her away

Now the children don't play

But they will when link saves the day


Now Link, fill up your hearts

So you can shoot your sword with power

And when you're feeling all down

The fairy will come around

So you'll be brave in your decisive hour

Now Link has saved the day

Put Ganon in his grave

So now Zelda is free

And now our hero shall be

Link! I think your name shall go down into history.

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Så Motherfucking Goddamn Pussyfucking W0RD! En av världens bästa låtar. Jag vill gråta och vråla samtidigt när jag hör den :) !

Been there, done that. :P

Grät för många år sen, typ 3. När man var helt ensam från omvärlden. Man betydde typ luft.

Sen vrålade jag när morsan var borta, och skrek till alla låtarna jag har! :huh:

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Låt:Legend of Zelda

Artist:System of a down

Kommentar:Skummaste låt genom SOAD:s historia nästan :lol:


'Link, he come to town

Come to save the Princess Zelda

Ganon took her away

Now the children don't play

But they will when link saves the day


Now Link, fill up your hearts

So you can shoot your sword with power

And when you're feeling all down

The fairy will come around

So you'll be brave in your decisive hour

Now Link has saved the day

Put Ganon in his grave

So now Zelda is free

And now our hero shall be

Link! I think your name shall go down into history.

Det är väl inte SOAD som har gjort den?

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