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Topper Headon sjunger på Ivan Meets G.I. Joe...

...fast den är inte värd att rekomendera.



Artist: Huey Lewis & The News

Låt: Jacob's Ladder

Album: The Heart Of Rock And Roll

Kommentar: Grym 80-talspop/rock. Pwn.


I met a fan dancer

Down in South Side Birmingham

She was running from a fat man

Selling salvation in his hand

Now he's trying to save me

We'll I'm doing alright the best that I can

Just another fallen angel

Trying to get through the night

Step by step, one by one, higher and higher

Step by step, rung by rung climbing Jacob's ladder

Coming over the airwaves

The man says I'm overdue

Sing along, send some money

Join the chosen few

Well mister I'm not in a hurry

And I don't want to be like you

And all I want from tomorrow

Is to get it better than today

Step by step, one by one, higher and higher

Step by step, rung by rung climbing Jacob's ladder

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Haha, visst: den är reko. Helt okej. Skön. Lustig. Men inte riktigt något jag vill gå ut med som en av The Clash's pärlor : )

...det var dock en av mina favoriter på Sandinista! då jag var ung och musikaliskt in-exprimentell...

...? Kan man uttrycka det så ?...

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Artist: Huey Lewis & The News

Låt: Jacob's Ladder

Album: The Heart Of Rock And Roll

Kommentar: Grym 80-talspop/rock. Pwn.


I met a fan dancer

Down in South Side Birmingham

She was running from a fat man

Selling salvation in his hand

Now he's trying to save me

We'll I'm doing alright the best that I can

Just another fallen angel

Trying to get through the night

Step by step, one by one, higher and higher

Step by step, rung by rung climbing Jacob's ladder

Coming over the airwaves

The man says I'm overdue

Sing along, send some money

Join the chosen few

Well mister I'm not in a hurry

And I don't want to be like you

And all I want from tomorrow

Is to get it better than today

Step by step, one by one, higher and higher

Step by step, rung by rung climbing Jacob's ladder

Woho, min egen stege! :rolleyes:


Band: Franz Ferdinand

Låt: This Boy

Album: You Could Have It So Much Better...

Kommentar: En temopfylld låt, gillar den. Bra mixad också.

It seems this boy's bathed in ridicule

Too forward, way too physical

It's time that I had another

I'm always wanting more, if there's another one

Give me some more, I'll have another one

I'll have a slice of your mother

This boy's quite spectacular

Not a boy, but a wealthy bachelor

I want a car

I want a car

I sees losers losing everywhere

If I lose it'll only the damn I give for another

I am complete, invincible

If I have one set principle

Then it's to stand on you, brother

This boy is so spectacular

Not a boy, but a wealthy bachelor

I want a car

I want a car

If I like cocaine, I'm racing you

For organic fresh Echinacea

One kick's as good as another

If I'm tired, I'm tired of telling you

I'm never tired, I'm always better than you

Bye-bye boy, run to your mother

This boy is so spectacular

Not a boy, but a wealthy bachelor

I want a car

I want a car

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Njae, måhända inte. Diggar dock ljudeffekterna i början av låten.



"Join the army, see the world, meet interesting people - and kill 'em."

- Woody Allen.

(Ovanstående har ingenting med tråden att göra, men nu blev detta inlägg iallafall lite småroligt...)

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Njae, måhända inte. Diggar dock ljudeffekterna i början av låten.

Där sa du nåt!

Första gången jag hörde Ivan meets var när jag åkte buss hem ifrån skolan. Ibland stängde jag av freestylen för att ta reda på om det var bussen eller the clash som lät :P

The Cardigans - I, I need some fine wine and you, you need to be nicer

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Artist: Bob Dylan

Låt: Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues

Album: Highway 61 Revisited

Kommentar: Genial, eh.


When you're lost in the rain in Juarez

And it's Eastertime too

And your gravity fails

And negativity don't pull you through

Don't put on any airs

When you're down on Rue Morgue Avenue

They got some hungry women there

And they really make a mess outa' you

Now if you see Saint Annie

Please tell her thanks a lot

I cannot move

My fingers are all in a knot

I don't have the strength

To get up and take another shot

And my best friend, my doctor

Won't even say what it is I've got

Sweet Melinda

The peasants call her the goddess of gloom

She speaks good English

And she invites you up into her room

And you're so kind

And careful not to go to her too soon

And she takes your voice

And leaves you howling at the moon

Up on Housing Project Hill

It's either fortune or fame

You must pick up one or the other

Though neither of them are to be what they claim

If you're lookin' to get silly

You better go back to from where you came

Because the cops don't need you

And man they expect the same

Now all the authorities

They just stand around and boast

How they blackmailed the sergeant-at-arms

Into leaving his post

And picking up Angel who

Just arrived here from the coast

Who looked so fine at first

But left looking just like a ghost

I started out on Burgundy

But soon hit the harder stuff

Everybody said they'd stand behind me

When the game got rough

But the joke was on me

There was nobody even there to call my bluff

I'm going back to New York City

I do believe I've had enough

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Artist: Alice Cooper

Låt: Freedom

Album: Raise Your Fist And Yell

Kommentar Yeah, favoriten är igång igen.


We the people of the United States

In order to form a more perfect union

Stop pretending that you've never been bad

You're never wrong and you've never been dirty

You're such a saint, that ain't the way we see you

You want to rule us with an iron hand

You change the lyrics and become Big Brother

This ain't Russia, you ain't my Dad or Mother

(They never knew anyway)

'Cuz I never walk away from what I know is right

But I'm gonna turn my back on you

Freedom, we're gonna ring the bell

Freedom to rock, freedom to talk

Freedom, raise your fist and yell

Freedom to rock, freedom to talk


You're playing God from your ivory tower

Back off preacher, I don't care if it's Sunday

I ain't no angel, but I never felt better

We're a make-up metal degeneration

We're not as stupid as you want to make us

You better leave us man

'Cuz you sure can't take us

Nobody better tell you how to live your life

You gotta do it on your own

Freedom, we're gonna ring the bell

Freedom to rock, freedom to talk

Freedom, raise your fist and yell

Freedom to rock, freedom to talk


Cuz I never walk away from what I know is right

But I'm gonna turn my back on you

Freedom, we're gonna ring the bell

Freedom to rock, freedom to talk

Freedom, raise your fist and yell


Redigerad av Matteus
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ManowaR - Warriors of the World

Here our soldiers stand from all around the world

Waiting in a line to hear the battle cry

All are gathered here, victory is near

The sound will fill the hall, bringing power to us all

We alone are fighting for metal that is true

We own the right to live the fight, we're here for all of you

Now swear the blood upon your steel will never dry

Stand and fight together beneath the battle sky


Brothers everywhere - raise your hands into the air

We're warriors, warriors of the world

Like thunder from the sky - sworn to fight and die

We're warriors, warriors of the world

Many stand against us, but they will never win

We said we would return and here we are again

To bring them all destruction, suffering and pain

We are the hammer of the gods, we are thunder, wind and rain.

There they wait in fear with swords in feeble hands

With dreams to be a king, first one should be a man

I call about and charge them all with a life that is a lie

And in their final hour they shall confess before they die

[Repeat chorus]

If I should fall in battle, my brothers who fight by my side

Gather my horse and weapons, tell my family how I died

Until then I will be strong, I will fight for all that is real

All who stand in my way will die by steel

Brothers everywhere - raise your hands into the air

We're warriors, warriors of the world

[Repeat chorus to fade]

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ManowaR - Warriors of the World

Here our soldiers stand from all around the world

Waiting in a line to hear the battle cry

All are gathered here, victory is near

The sound will fill the hall, bringing power to us all

We alone are fighting for metal that is true

We own the right to live the fight, we're here for all of you

Now swear the blood upon your steel will never dry

Stand and fight together beneath the battle sky


Brothers everywhere - raise your hands into the air

We're warriors, warriors of the world

Like thunder from the sky - sworn to fight and die

We're warriors, warriors of the world

Many stand against us, but they will never win

We said we would return and here we are again

To bring them all destruction, suffering and pain

We are the hammer of the gods, we are thunder, wind and rain.

There they wait in fear with swords in feeble hands

With dreams to be a king, first one should be a man

I call about and charge them all with a life that is a lie

And in their final hour they shall confess before they die

[Repeat chorus]

If I should fall in battle, my brothers who fight by my side

Gather my horse and weapons, tell my family how I died

Until then I will be strong, I will fight for all that is real

All who stand in my way will die by steel

Brothers everywhere - raise your hands into the air

We're warriors, warriors of the world

[Repeat chorus to fade]

Haha du måste erkänna att heavymetal-texter bara är löjliga. Power, glory, die in combat, honur, frun ska stå vid spisen och mannen ut och kriga, osv.

Detta stycket är ju bara för mycket, men den gälla rösten dessutom xD

If I should fall in battle, my brothers who fight by my side

Gather my horse and weapons, tell my family how I died

Until then I will be strong, I will fight for all that is real

All who stand in my way will die by steel

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ManowaR - Warriors of the World

Here our soldiers stand from all around the world

Waiting in a line to hear the battle cry

All are gathered here, victory is near

The sound will fill the hall, bringing power to us all

We alone are fighting for metal that is true

We own the right to live the fight, we're here for all of you

Now swear the blood upon your steel will never dry

Stand and fight together beneath the battle sky


Brothers everywhere - raise your hands into the air

We're warriors, warriors of the world

Like thunder from the sky - sworn to fight and die

We're warriors, warriors of the world

Many stand against us, but they will never win

We said we would return and here we are again

To bring them all destruction, suffering and pain

We are the hammer of the gods, we are thunder, wind and rain.

There they wait in fear with swords in feeble hands

With dreams to be a king, first one should be a man

I call about and charge them all with a life that is a lie

And in their final hour they shall confess before they die

[Repeat chorus]

If I should fall in battle, my brothers who fight by my side

Gather my horse and weapons, tell my family how I died

Until then I will be strong, I will fight for all that is real

All who stand in my way will die by steel

Brothers everywhere - raise your hands into the air

We're warriors, warriors of the world

[Repeat chorus to fade]

. aaah.. manowar. den låten e så jävla skön :wub:

varför hatar alla manowar? :o

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