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As blood runs black - The brighter side of suffering

A struggle of change that is made

A wrinkle in time, battle of the brave

Fighting for hope of one's beliefs

Deceiving thought planted in minds

When hell freezes over will come the time

That one's point will have been made

There's shattered thoughts, and broken dreams

Wasted lives all for the brighter side of suffering

There's more than fighting for cause

There's fighting for what you believe

If there's a fork in the road of your path

Ne side needles the other's glass

At least you're walking instead of dragging on what's paved

Some see the glass half empty, others full

I just see the water's cold

And so is this world that we live in

Ans so I segregate

Separated from the ones without a cause

I segregate

I segregate

Would would you believe?

Could you believe?

There's more to this than what it seems

It's the brighter side of suffering

Poverty, injustice, struggling with the pain

A humble mind of wisdom and non-corruption

Would you believe?

There's more to this from this life

There's more to this

Finding a solution

Hope for tomorrow, for a better today

A new revolution

We stand and fight and face the pain

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Lifelover - Välkommen Till Pulvercity.

Skiva: Erotik.

År: 2007.

Genre: Rock/indie/metal.

Det vilda livet i den gråa staden

bland dessa lyckliga puckon

Isolering har blivit ett beroende

för att undgå de som stör mig

Leenden, tindrande ögon,

vänliga hälsningar får mig att vilja spy

Uppmärksamhet som de trånar efter,

har ingen betydelse för mig

Vända andra kinden till?

Älska min nästa?

Hjälpa mina medmänniskor?

Är det svårt att se föraktet och

avskyn gentemot dig i mina ögon?

Njut av era kassa liv, men tro inte

för en sekund att ni är speciella

Ni skulle bara veta vad som döljer sig

bakom mitt kranium,

hur min syn på saker och ting ser ut,

och vad jag är kapabel till

Redigerad av Frenzy
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Anar jag en Smiths-feber runt hörnet? -_- Både R2 och Spam Snuten har plötsligt börjat lyssna.

Morrissey - The More You Ignore Me the Closer I Get

lolz, själv tog jag upp mitt lyssnande bara häromdagen vilket lär synas på min last.fm plus att jag skrev Morrissey som världens bästa sångare i den tråden.

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The Haunted - The Prosecution

Forgive my lack of empathy

Oh, I just love watching you bleed

The things you do for gold and green

You're pulling teeth for pleasure

Aldrig lyssnat på The Haunted förut. Jag gillar vad jag hör -_-

Har börjat lyssna mer och mer på melodisk death metal igen, går inte komma ifrån att det är en underbar genre.

(även om just the haunted kanske inte gjort så mycket just melodeath)

Redigerad av Qouad
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Lifelover - Välkommen Till Pulvercity.

Skiva: Erotik.

År: 2007.

Genre: Rock/indie/metal.

Lifelover e nog bland dem få Depressive-sakerna jag inte gillar, Kim har ju dock sjukt ångestfull röst.


Band: Wolfshade

Låt: Oneiric Nebula

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

Album: Evening Star...

Sjukt skön låt, väldigt deprimerande röst, och skönt gitarrspel, deras bästa låt,helt klart!

Redigerad av Xemtoth
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Archive - Fuck U

Skön trip-hop låt, så lugn men ändå så arg.

There’s a look on your face I would like to knock out

See the sin in your grin and the shape of your mouth

All I want is to see you in terrible pain

Though we won’t ever meet I remember your name

Can’t believe you were once just like anyone else

Then you grew and became like the devil himself

Pray to god I can think of a nice thing to say

But I don’t think I can so fuck you anyway

You are scum, you are scum and I hope that you know

That the cracks in your smile are beginning to show

Now the world needs to see that it’s time you should go

There’s no light in your eyes and your brain is too slow

Can’t believe you were once just like anyone else

Then you grew and became like the devil himself

Pray to god I can think of a nice thing to say

But I don’t think I can, so fuck you anyway

Bet you sleep like a child with your thumb in your mouth

I could creep up beside put a gun in your mouth

Makes me sick when I hear all the shit that you say

So much crap coming out it must take you all day

There’s a space left in hell with your name on the seat

With a spike in the chair just to make it complete

When you look at yourself do you see what I see

If you do why the fuck are you looking at me

Why the fuck why the fuck are you looking at me

(Repeat x 4)

There’s a time for us all and I think yours has been

Can you please hurry up cos I find you obscene

We can’t wait for the day that you’re never around

When that face isn’t here and you rot underground

Can’t believe you were once just like anyone else

Then you grew and became like the devil himself

Pray to god I can think of a nice thing to say

But I don’t think I can so fuck you anyway

So fuck you anyway (Repeat x 11)

Redigerad av Mr.Dumbom
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