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Yeah mannen! ;)

FDQ, Murderdolls och Wednesdays solo album äger ju :D

gillar inte dom som säger att FDQ låtar är sällsynta murderdolls låtar.. typ som att the devil made me do it är en murderdolls låt... eller rambo.. eller nån annan FDQ låt..

Alla murderdolls, fdq, wednesday låtar rekomenderar jag till er gott folk ^_^

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Artist: The Pogues

Låt: Sally McLennanne

Album: Rum, Sodomy And The Lash

Kommentar: Den ultimata glädjelåten. Har du aldrig varit på en irländsk pub, men vill känna av stämningen - ta dig tid att lyssna. Att bara posta texten är inte att göra låten rättvisa, men men...


Well Jimmy played harmonica in the pub where I was born

He played it from the night time to the peaceful early morn

He soothed the souls of psychos and the men who had the horn

And they all looked very happy in the morning

Now Jimmy didn't like his place in this world of ours

Where the elephant man broke strong men's necks

When he'd had too many Powers

So sad to see the grieving of the people that he's leaving

And he took the road for God knows in the morning

We walked him to the station in the rain

We kissed him as we put him on the train

And we sang him a song of times long gone

Though we knew that we'd be seeing him again

(Far away) sad to say I must be on my way

So buy me beer and whiskey 'cause I'm going far away (far away)

I'd like to think of me returning when I can

To the greatest little boozer and to Sally MacLennane

The years passed by the times had changed I grew to be a man

I learned to love the virtues of sweet Sally MacLennane

I took the jeers and drank the beers and crawled back home at dawn

And ended up a barman in the morning

I played the pump and took the hump and watered whiskey down

I talked of whores and horses to the men who drank the brown

I heard them say that Jimmy's making money far away

And some people left for heaven without warning

We walked him to the station in the rain

We kissed him as we put him on the train

And we sang him a song of times long gone

Though we knew that we'd be seeing him again

(Far away) sad to say I must be on my way

So buy me beer and whiskey 'cause I'm going far away (far away)

I'd like to think of me returning when I can

To the greatest little boozer and to Sally MacLennane

When Jimmy came back home he was surprised that they were gone

He asked me all the details of the train that they went on

Some people they are scared to croak but Jimmy drank until he choked

And he took the road for heaven in the morning

We walked him to the station in the rain

We kissed him as we put him on the train

And we sang him a song of times long gone

Though we knew that we'd be seeing him again

(Far away) sad to say I must be on my way

So buy me beer and whiskey 'cause I'm going far away (far away)

I'd like to think of me returning when I can

To the greatest little boozer and to Sally MacLennane

Redigerad av Crice
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Artist: Bob Dylan

Låt: Rainy Day Women #12 & 35

Album: Blonde on Blonde

Kommentar: Dubbelmeningar for the win.


Well, they'll stone ya when you're trying to be so good,

They'll stone ya just a-like they said they would.

They'll stone ya when you're tryin' to go home.

Then they'll stone ya when you're there all alone.

But I would not feel so all alone,

Everybody must get stoned.

Well, they'll stone ya when you're walkin' 'long the street.

They'll stone ya when you're tryin' to keep your seat.

They'll stone ya when you're walkin' on the floor.

They'll stone ya when you're walkin' to the door.

But I would not feel so all alone,

Everybody must get stoned.

They'll stone ya when you're at the breakfast table.

They'll stone ya when you are young and able.

They'll stone ya when you're tryin' to make a buck.

They'll stone ya and then they'll say, "good luck."

Tell ya what, I would not feel so all alone,

Everybody must get stoned.

Well, they'll stone you and say that it's the end.

Then they'll stone you and then they'll come back again.

They'll stone you when you're riding in your car.

They'll stone you when you're playing your guitar.

Yes, but I would not feel so all alone,

Everybody must get stoned.

Well, they'll stone you when you walk all alone.

They'll stone you when you are walking home.

They'll stone you and then say you are brave.

They'll stone you when you are set down in your grave.

But I would not feel so all alone,

Everybody must get stoned.

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Artist: Bob Dylan

Låt: Most Likely You'll Go Your Way And I'll Go Mine

Album: Blonde on Blonde

Kommentar: Kirikarakorakuru.


You say you love me

And you're thinkin' of me,

But you know you could be wrong.

You say you told me

That you wanna hold me,

But you know you're not that strong.

I just can't do what I done before,

I just can't beg you any more.

I'm gonna let you pass

And I'll go last.

Then time will tell just who fell

And who's been left behind,

When you go your way and I go mine.

You say you disturb me

And you don't deserve me,

But you know sometimes you lie.

You say you're shakin'

And you're always achin',

But you know how hard you try.

Sometimes it gets so hard to care,

It can't be this way ev'rywhere.

And I'm gonna let you pass,

Yes, and I'll go last.

Then time will tell just who fell

And who's been left behind,

When you go your way and I go mine.

The judge, he holds a grudge,

He's gonna call on you.

But he's badly built

And he walks on stilts,

Watch out he don't fall on you.

You say you're sorry

For tellin' stories

That you know I believe are true.

You say ya got some

Other kinda lover

And yes, I believe you do.

You say my kisses are not like his,

But this time I'm not gonna tell you why that is.

I'm just gonna let you pass,

Yes, and I'll go last.

Then time will tell who fell

And who's been left behind,

When you go your way and I go mine.

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The clash:

This is england!

Bäääst clash-låt just nu! :huh:

Hela Cut The Crap är ju rätt värdelös i övrigt, dock...

Oi, det finns en mycket bättre version av This Is England som är en raritet, min kusin har den på en rarities-vinyl. Har alltid gillat den mer...

Bara så ni vet.


Köpte Charlie Parker - A Night In Tunisia idag tillsammans med The Cure - Come In Alone.

Stämning. Rekomenderas.

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Hela Cut The Crap är ju rätt värdelös i övrigt, dock...

Oi, det finns en mycket bättre version av This Is England som är en raritet, min kusin har den på en rarities-vinyl. Har alltid gillat den mer...

Bara så ni vet.


Köpte Charlie Parker - A Night In Tunisia idag tillsammans med The Cure - Come In Alone.

Stämning. Rekomenderas.

Vet inte om jag lyssnat igenom det albumet...men jag vet att jag gillat "this is england" iaf! :huh:

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Artist: Bob Dylan

Låt: Just Like A Woman

Album: Blonde on Blonde

Kommentar: Aww... kärlek bannemig.


Nobody feels any pain

Tonight as I stand inside the rain

Ev'rybody knows

That Baby's got new clothes

But lately I see her ribbons and her bows

Have fallen from her curls.

She takes just like a woman, yes, she does

She makes love just like a woman, yes, she does

And she aches just like a woman

But she breaks just like a little girl.

Queen Mary, she's my friend

Yes, I believe I'll go see her again

Nobody has to guess

That Baby can't be blessed

Till she sees finally that she's like all the rest

With her fog, her amphetamine and her pearls.

She takes just like a woman, yes, she does

She makes love just like a woman, yes, she does

And she aches just like a woman

But she breaks just like a little girl.

It was raining from the first

And I was dying there of thirst

So I came in here

And your long-time curse hurts

But what's worse

Is this pain in here

I can't stay in here

Ain't it clear that--

I just can't fit

Yes, I believe it's time for us to quit

When we meet again

Introduced as friends

Please don't let on that you knew me when

I was hungry and it was your world.

Ah, you fake just like a woman, yes, you do

You make love just like a woman, yes, you do

Then you ache just like a woman

But you break just like a little girl.

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