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...du är verkligen inte ensam...

Omslaget till Heart of Glass, sjutummen, gör att man blir lika kär som en tio minuter med Amelie från Montmartre...

Ha ho, så sant så sant, den där Audrey Tauto har väldigt inbjudande kvalitéer, på ett väldigt otradionellt vis.

Trevligt att se att jag inte är ensam med Debbie Harry dyrkandet. Jag har fått tagit mycket skit av mina nära och kära som tror att jag plötsligt blivit bög för att jag glider runt i en Blondie T-shirt. Ye Gods... förbannade inskränkta as.

Redigerad av Mahalo
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Ha ho, så sant så sant, den där Audrey Tauto har väldigt inbjudande kvalitéer, på ett väldigt otradionellt vis.

Trevligt att se att jag inte är ensam med Debbie Harry dyrkandet. Jag har fått tagit mycket skit av mina nära och kära som tror att jag plötsligt blivit bög för att jag glider runt i en Blondie T-shirt. Ye Gods... förbannade inskränkta as.

Ooh, status med en Blondie-T-shirt. Själv får jag nöja mig med en Velvet Underground-pin när det gäller banddyrkan i klädesform (om det ens är giltigt)...

På tal om Velvet Underground så kan jag tipsa om den mysiga Candy Says.

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System of a down - Boom!

I've been walking through your streets

where all your money is earned

where all your buildings are crying

And clueless neckties working

revolving fake lawn houses

housing all your fears

desensitized by TV

over bearing advertising

God of consumers

and all your crooked creatures looking good

Mirrors filtering information through the public eye

Designed for profit sharing

your neighbor what a guy




Everytime your drop the bomb

You kill the God

Your child is born





Modern globalization

coupled with condemnations

unnecessary death

matador corporations

puppeting your frustrations with a blinded flag

manufacturing consent is the name of the game

the bottom line is money and nobody gives a f**k

4,000 hungry children leave us per hour from starvation

while billions are spent creating death showers




Everytime your drop the bomb

You kill the God

Your child is born

BOOM x11

Why must we kill our own kind




Everytime your drop the bomb

You kill the God

Your child is born

BOOM x 12


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Artist: The Clash

Låt: Jimmy Jazz

Album: Sandinista!

Kommentar: Gah... har alltid älskat den här. Damn right.


The police walked in for Jimmy Jazz

I said, he ain't here, but he sure went past

Oh, you're looking for Jimmy Jazz

Sattamassagana for Jimmy Dread

Cut off his ears and chop off his head

Police came looking for Jimmy Jazz

So if you're gonna take a message 'cross this town

Maybe put it down somewhere over the other side

See it gets to Jimmy Jazz (See)

So tell me now

Police come in they said

Now, Where's Jimmy Jazz?

I said, hmm he was here but uh,

He said he went out

Who is it they're looking for?

Jimmy Jazz, Jazz, Jazz, Jazz eh

Sattamassagana for Jimmy Dread

Cut off his ears and they'll chop off his head

Oh you're looking for

Jimmy Jazz, Jazz...

What a relief!

I feel like a soldier,

But I look like a thief!

Don't you bother me, not anymore

I can't take this tale, oh, no more

It's all around, Jimmy Jazz

J-a-zee zee J-a-zed zed

J-a-zed zed Jimmy Jazz

And then it sucks

He said, suck that!

So go look all around, you can try your luck, brother

ANd see what you found

But I guarantee you that it ain't your day

Your time, it ain't your day

Chop! Chop!

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...that's some crazy ass shit, helt sonika...

*sage nod*

Artist: Pink Floyd

Låt: Wish You Were Here

Album: Wish You Were Here

Kommentar: Så lugn... så harmonisk... så brau.


So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell,

blue skies from pain.

Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail? A smile from a veil?

Do you think you can tell?

And did they get you trade your heroes for ghosts?

Hot ashes for trees? Hot air for a cool breeze?

Cold comfort for change? And did you exchange

a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?

How I wish, how I wish you were here.

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl,

year after year,

running over the same old ground. What have we found?

The same old fears,

wish you were here.

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*sage nod*

Artist: Pink Floyd

Låt: Wish You Were Here

Album: Wish You Were Here

Kommentar: Så lugn... så harmonisk... så brau.

Ord...skönare musik än Pink Floyd finns knappt.

En annan soft låt, av de samma.

Artist: Pink Floyd

Låt: Another Brick in the Wall

Album: The Wall

Kommentar: Skön som få, speciellt alla delar i ett sträck.


Part I:

Daddy’s gone across the ocean,

Leaving just a memory,

A snapshot in the family album.

Daddy, what else did you leave for me?

Daddy, whatcha leave behind for me?

All in all it was just a brick in the wall.

All in all it was just the bricks in the wall.

Part II:

We don't need no education

We don't need no thought control

No dark sarcasm in the classroom

Teachers leave them kids alone

Hey teacher leave them kids alone

All in all it's just another brick in the wall

All in all you're just another brick in the wall

[chorus at end by pupils from the Fourth Form Music Class Islington Green School, London]

We don't need no education

We don't need no thought control

No dark sarcasm in the classroom

Teachers leave them kids alone

Hey teacher leave us kids alone

All in all you're just another brick in the wall

All in all you're just another brick in the wall

Part III:

I don't need no arms around me

I don't need no drugs to calm me

I have seen the writing on the wall

Don't think I'll need anything at all

All in all it was just bricks in the wall

All in all you were all just bricks in the wall

Redigerad av beat
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Artist: Slash's Snakepit

Låt: Neither Can I

Album: It's Five O'Clock Somewhere

Kommentar: Jädrans nice munharmonika i den här, och mäktig

gitarr riff&solo. Sorlig låttext btw :'( Vad mera kan man behöva...

I once had a friend

They found him in a car

A hose to the window

And the motor running hot

Seems he couldn't take it

The rhetoric of life

Someone found him naked

With a note right by his side

A note right by his side

He can't take it back

Neither can I

No, neither can I

Mommy and daddy

I've borrowed the car

to sleep on the floor

I'm sorry so much

For bringing my own living hell to

your door

Thanks for all the flowers

At the ringside seat

Thanks for nothing everyone

The prayers were too weak

This is the way

It happens all the time

Can you pay attention

To everyone that cries

Remember you can make it through

And make it new

Only if you try

You gotta try

Cause you can't take it back

Neither can I

No, neither can I

Mommy and daddy

I've borrowed the car

to sleep on the floor

I'm sorry so much

For bringing my own living hell to

your door

But things had gotten heavy

Everything was deep

Nothing really mattered

So I just went to sleep

I just went to sleep

And I can't take it back

I won't try

I won't try

I won't try

I won't try

I won't try

Mommy and daddy

I've borrowed the car

to sleep on the floor

Mommy and daddy

I'm sorry to tell you, life is a bore

Don't send any flowers

Don't send anymore

Cause I can't give no more

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Är Slash's Snakepit bra? Är de åt Gn'R- eller Velvet Revolver-hållet?

Själv tycker jag att det är bättre än VR, men det är väl en åskitsfråga.

Ja, det är ganska likt GN'R och VR, men gitarren har kanske en lite större roll istället för sångtexterna, "skaffa" några låtar och lyssna...

Deras album heter It's Five O'Clock Somewhere och Ain't Life Grand,

låtlista finns här

Redigerad av Scotty
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