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Live Forever, Cast No Shadow, Where Did it All Go Wrong, Champagne Supernova, Supersonic, Cigarettes and Alcohol, Magic Pie, All Around the World.

Men just nu: Oasis - The Masterplan (live)

Och att inte förglömma, Oasis - D'You Know What I Mean?


Modest Mouse - Float On

Börjat lyssna lite på Modest Mouse nu, låter ganska bra hittils :)

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Jävla skön låt! Välkommen till forumet :D


Lars Winnerbäck - Att fånga en fjäril

Jag har fastnat helt för Winnerbäck, denna låt är helt underbar.

Tack så mycket :lol: Älskar In Flames, bättre svenskt band finns inte.

TreTipsTill: Nirvana - Lithium, 3 Doors Down - Kryptonite & Pakito - Living on Video. Helt olika låtar men ändå =)

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Snow Patrol - Spitting Games

I broke into your house last night

And left a note at your bedside

I'm far too shy to speak to you at school

You leave me numb and I'm not sure why

I find it easier to sit and stare

Than push my limbs out towards you right there

My heart is bursting in your perfect eyes

As blue as oceans and as pure as skies

I struggle for the words and then give up

My heads up with the birds on the t-hut

A little piece of mind that I know better

That the plain disgrace of all my letters

After that the floodgates opened up

And I fell in love with everyone I saw

Please take your time I'm not in any rush

And it's in everything I ever write

It's not as if I need the extra weight

Confused enough by life so thanks a lot

Lonely written words for company

Just raise the roof this once and follow me

Underbar :lol:

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Alla som älskar Pink Floyds "Echoes", "Shine on you crazy diamond pts. 1-5" och kanske "Comfortably Numb" bör genast kolla upp liveversionen av Porcupine Tree - Radioactive Toy

15,5 minuter av ren musikkonst.

Ska kollas upp. :)

Måste komma ur min Bitpop-era. Får spö i skolan för att jag springer och dansar runt till det. :lol:

Rymdkraft - Fingersving party0024_849138_0.gif

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