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Låt: Waiting For The Miracle

Artist: Leonard Cohen

Album: The Future

Kommentar: Sjukt bra i största allmänhet...


Baby, I've been waiting

I've been waiting night and day

I didn't see the time

I waited half my life away

There were many invitations

And I know you sent me some

But I was waiting

For the miracle to come

I know you really loved me

But, you see, my hands were tied

I know it must have hurt you

It must have hurt your pride

To stand beneath my window

With your bugle and your drum

While I was waiting

For the miracle to come

You wouldn't like it baby

You wouldn't like it here

There's not much entertainment

And the critics are severe

The Maestro says it's Mozart

But it sounds like bubble gum

When you're waiting

For the miracle to come


Waiting for the miracle

There's nothing left to do

I haven't been this happy

Since the end of World War II

Nothing left to do

When you know that you've been taken

Nothing left to do

When you're begging for a crumb

Nothing left to do

When you've got to go on waiting

For the miracle to come

I dreamed about you, baby

It was just the other night

Most of you was naked

But some of you was light

The sands of time were falling

>From your fingers and your thumb

And you were waiting

For the miracle to come

Baby, let's get married

We've been alone too long

Let's be alone together

Let's see if we're that strong

Let's do something crazy

Something absolutely wrong

While we're waiting

For the miracle to come


When you've fallen on the highway

And you're lying in the rain

And they ask you how you're feeling

Of course you say you can't complain

If you're squeezed for information

That's when you've got to play it dumb

You just say you're out there waiting

For the miracle to come

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Artist: Johnny Cash

Låt: Cat's In The Cradle

Album: Något...

Kommentar: Bra lawt...


My child arrived just the other day

Came to the world in the usual way

But there were planes to catch and bills to pay

He learned to walk while I was away

He was talkin’ ’fore I knew it

And as he grew he said,

’I’m gonna be like you, dad,

You know I’m gonna be like you.’

And the cat’s in the cradle and the silver spoon,

Little boy blue and the man ’n the moon.

’when you comin’ home? ’

’son, I don’t know when. we’ll get together then.

You know we’ll have a good time then.’

Well, my son turned ten just the other day.

He said, ’thanks for the ball, dad. come on, let’s play.

Could you teach me to throw? ’

I said, ’not today. I got a lot to do.’

He said, ’that’s okay.’ and he walked away and he smiled and he said,

’you know, I’m gonna be like him, yeah.

You know I’m gonna be like him.’

And the cat’s in the cradle and the silver spoon,

Little boy blue and the man ’n the moon.

’when you comin’ home? ’

’son, I don’t know when. we’ll get together then.

You know we’ll have a good time then.’

Well, he came from college just the other day,

So much like a man I just had to say,

’I’m proud of you. could you sit for a while? ’

He shook his head and he said with a smile,

’what I’d really like, dad, is to borrow the car keys.

See you later. can I have them please ? ’

And the cat’s in the cradle and the silver spoon,

Little boy blue and the man ’n the moon.

’when you comin’ home? ’

’son, I don’t know when. we’ll get together then.

You know we’ll have a good time then.’

I’ve long since retired, my son’s moved away.

I called him up just the other day.

’I’d like to see you, if you don’t mind.’

He said, ’I’d love to, dad, if I could find the time.

You see my new job’s a hassle and the kids have the flu,

But it’s sure nice talkin’ to you, dad.

It’s been sure nice talkin’ to you.’

And as I hung up the phone it occurred to me,

He’d grown up just like me.

My boy was just like me.

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Låt: This Is What She's Like

Artist: Dexys Midnight Runners

Album: Don't Stand Me Down

Kommentar: Helt underbar. Köp skivan.


- Well, you know the kind of people that put creases in their old Levis?

- Sure

- The type that use expressions like tongue in cheek and send up?

- Indeed l do

- I don't like these kind of people

- No?

- May I state here and now, but I can't help thinking, all the time Im thinking of her

- What's she like?

- In time, in time

- Let me put it another way

- Please do.

- Well, you know how the English upper classes are thick and ignorant and not used to being with people?

- That's true

- You're familiar with the scum from Notting Hill and Moseley, the C N D ?

- Sure

- They describe nice things as wonderful. She never would say that, she's totally different in every way

- What's she like

- In time, in time

- Tell me, what's she like?

- Come again?

- Tell me, what's she like?

- In time in time

- Well, this is what she's like: I would like to express myself at this point

- Go ahead


- Bill, you know the newly wealthy peasants with their home bars and hi fis?

- Eh, I'm not sure actually

- You know, the ones who parade all their possessions and put fabulous and super in each sentence

- Oh yeah, I know the ones

- Well I don't really like these scumbags. May I be clear on this point.

- Sure

- She's not a bit like that

- No, nothing like that

- What's she like?

- In time, in time

- Tell me, what's she like?

- Bill, I'm trying to tell you...Oh well I'II tell you what she's like. given half a chance I will make this clear. just what she's like

I'II present a picture of what she's like, you'll be in no doubt as to what she's like But listen close. Listen close now here

- Come on, are you gonna' tell us what she's like or not )

- Oh yeah, I have every intention.

- I'll tell you now, listen


- Go on,


- Go on,

- Do you get my drift?

- Oh yeah, I'm starting to get the picture

- Well listen, I can expand on this if you'd like

- Yeah, if you would


- Oh, I see, I see She must be something

- Yeah, she is.

- Well how did all this happen

- Just all at once really.

- The Italians have a Håller med till 100%! for it

- What Håller med till 100%! what is it?

- A thunderbolt or something

- What, you mean the Italian Håller med till 100%! for thunderbolt

- Yeah, something like that

- I don't speak Italian myself you understand

- No

- But i knew a man who did. Well, that's my story, the strongest thing I've ever seen.

Redigerad av okka
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@The Dude: Bla, bla, bla...

Hey fucktards, jag kom just på en skitbra låt som jag lyssnar på typ jämt! Just det, häng med, era sunkiga fi... nä, vad håller jag på med?

Artist: The Rolling Stones

Låt: Sympathy For The Devil

Album: Suger på diskografier... sue me.

Kommentar: En av mina favoritlåtar, no doubt. Texten = wubbalicious


Please allow me to introduce myself

I'm a man of wealth and taste

I've been around for a long, long year

Stole many a man's soul and faith

And I was 'round when Jesus Christ

Had his moment of doubt and pain

Made damn sure that Pilate

Washed his hands and sealed his fate

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guess my name

But what's puzzling you

Is the nature of my game

I stuck around St. Petersburg

When I saw it was a time for a change

Killed the Czar and his ministers

Anastasia screamed in vain

I rode a tank

Held a general's rank

When the Blitzkrieg raged

And the bodies stank

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guess my name, oh yeah

Ah, what's puzzling you

Is the nature of my game, oh yeah

(woo woo, woo woo)

I watched with glee

While your kings and queens

Fought for ten decades

For the gods they made

(woo woo, woo woo)

I shouted out,

"Who killed the Kennedys?"

When after all

It was you and me

(who who, who who)

Let me please introduce myself

I'm a man of wealth and taste

And I laid traps for troubadours

Who get killed before they reached Bombay

(woo woo, who who)

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah

(who who)

But what's puzzling you

Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby

(who who, who who)

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah

But what's confusing you

Is just the nature of my game

(woo woo, who who)

Just as every cop is a criminal

And all the sinners saints

As heads is tails

Just call me Lucifer

'Cause I'm in need of some restraint

(who who, who who)

So if you meet me

Have some courtesy

Have some sympathy, and some taste

(woo woo)

Use all your well-learned politesse

Or I'll lay your soul to waste, um yeah

(woo woo, woo woo)

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guessed my name, um yeah

(who who)

But what's puzzling you

Is the nature of my game, um mean it, get down

(woo woo, woo woo)

Woo, who

Oh yeah, get on down

Oh yeah

Oh yeah!

(woo woo)

Tell me baby, what's my name

Tell me honey, can ya guess my name

Tell me baby, what's my name

I tell you one time, you're to blame

Oh, who

woo, woo

Woo, who

Woo, woo

Woo, who, who

Woo, who, who

Oh, yeah

What's my name

Tell me, baby, what's my name

Tell me, sweetie, what's my name

Woo, who, who

Woo, who, who

Woo, who, who

Woo, who, who

Woo, who, who

Woo, who, who

Oh, yeah

Woo woo

Woo woo

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Låt: Be Somebody

Artist: 3 Doors Down

Platta: Seventeen Days

Kommentar: Skön låt, inte jättebra och inte jättedålig. Nej dena är som vanligt Bra.


The shades gone up

Mothers staring down

She don't know where he's been

Or how long he's been out

She said 'Boy i'm tired of waiting up while your out with your friends'

He said 'Mom im tired and im living my life the best way that I can'

Cause i'm trying to be somebody

I'm not trying to be somebody else

This life is mine i'm living

Don't you know me? I wont ever let you down

The day has come

The sun is moving on

She don't know where he'll go

Or when he's coming home

She said 'Son take care, don't let your dreams get too far out of sight'

He said 'I love you now, don't worry about me you know i'll be fine'

Cause i'm trying to be somebody

I'm not trying to be somebody else

This life is mine i'm living

Don't you know me? I wont ever let you down


I'm not trying to be somebody else

Don't you know me? I wont ever let you

I wont ever let you

What they say

What they know

What they think wont ever bring me down

This life is mine and I am my own

I'm trying to be somebody

I'm not trying to be somebody else

This life is mine I lead

Don't you know me?

I'm trying to be somebody

I'm not trying to be somebody else

This life is mine i'm living

Don't you know me? I wont ever let you down


I'm not trying to be somebody else

Don't you know me? I wont ever let you down

I wont be nobody else

This life is mine and i am my own

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Jag avslutar med lite fin hardcoreporrockdisco, eller vad man nu borde kalla det.

Låt: Fuck The Pain Away

Artist: Peaches

Album: Teaches Of Peaches, om jag inte minns fel

Kommentar: Oh yeah!


Sucking on my titties like you wanted me

Calling me, all the time like Blondie

Check out my chrissy behind

It's fine all of the time

Like sex on the beaches

What else is in the teaches of peaches? Huh? What?

Sucking' on my titties like you wanted me

Calling me, all the time like Blondie

Check out my chrissy behind

It's fine all of the time

What else is in the teaches of peaches?

Like sex on the beaches, Huh? What?

Huh? Right. What? Uhh

Huh? What? Right. Uhh

Huh? What? Right. Uhh

Huh? What? Right. Uhh

SIS IUD, stay in school ‘cause it's the best

IUD SIS, stay in school ‘cause it's the best

IUD SIS, stay in school ‘cause it's the best

IUD SIS, stay in school ‘cause it's the best

Sucking' on my titties like you wanted me

Calling me, all the time like Blondie

Check out my chrissy behind

It's fine all of the time

Like sex on the beaches

What else is in the teaches of peaches? Huh? What?

Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away

Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away

Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away

Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away

Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away

Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away

Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away

Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away

Huh? What? Right. Uhh

Huh? What? Right. Uhh

What else in the teaches of peaches?

Like sex on the beaches

Huh? What? Right. Uhh

Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away

Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away

Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away

Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away

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Weezer är ett bra popband. Belle & Sebastian är även det fint, om man är lite mer inne på indie-grejen. Bland de svenska banden kan du finna The Radio Dept., Isolation Years och Docenterna.

Oooh, Belle and Sebastian är kung! Radio Dept. likaså.

Låt: How Beautiful You Are

Artist: The Cure

Album: Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me eller hur det nu är...

Kommentar: Läcker. Speciellt texten.


You want to know why I hate you?

Well I'll try and explain...

You remember that day in Paris

When we wandered through the rain

And promised to each other

That we'd always think the same

And dreamed that dream

To be two souls as one

And stopped just as the sun set

And waited for the night

Outside a glittering building

Of glittering glass and burning light...

And in the road before us

Stood a weary greyish man

Who held a child upon his back

A small boy by the hand

The three of them were dressed in rags

And thinner than the air

And all six eyes stared fixedly on you

The father's eyes said "Beautiful!

How beautiful you are!"

The boy's eyes said

"How beautiful!

She shimmers like a star!"

The childs eyes uttered nothing

But a mute and utter joy

And filled my heart with shame for us

At the way we are

I turned to look at you

To read my thoughts upon your face

And gazed so deep into your eyes

So beautiful and strange

Until you spoke

And showed me understanding is a dream

"I hate these people staring

Make them go away from me!"

The fathers eyes said "Beautiful!

How beautiful you are!"

The boys eyes said

"How beautiful! She glitters like a star!"

The child's eyes uttered joy

And stilled my heart with sadness

For the way we are

And this is why I hate you

And how I understand

That no-one ever knows or loves another

Or loves another

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Artist: The Who

Album: Who's Next

Låtar: Baba O'Riley, Love Ain't Keeping, Won't Get Fooled Again

Artist: The Who

Album: The Who Sings My Generation

Låtar: Much To Much, The Ox, My Generation

Kommentar: The Who's två bästa album.

Bra Övriga Låtar: Boris The Spider, Pinball Wizard, Substitue, 5:15

Who Are You, Magic Bus, Anyway Anyhow Anywhere.

Redigerad av Basse
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