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Artist: Nick Cave

Album: Nocturama

Låt: Dead man in my bed

She sat in a wicker chair, her eyes they were downcast

She breathed in the future, by breathing out the past

The die is done, the die is shook, the die is duly cast

There is a dead man in my bed, she said

That smile you see upon his face

It’s been there for many days

There’s a dead man in my bed

I ain’t been feeling that good too much no more, she said, I swear

She pointed at the bedroom door and said I ain’t going in there

She leaped out of her seat and screamed someone’s not concentrating here

There is a dead man in my bed, she said

I ain’t speaking metaphorically

His eyes are open but he cannot see

There’s a dead man in my bed

The leaves outside the window waved, all brown, they were, and falling

Even I could tell the atmosphere in here was utterly appalling

The phone it rang incessantly but nobody was calling

There’s a dead man in my bed, she said

And though he keeps on taking notes

I swear this ain’t some kind of hoax

Dead man in my bed

Now she’s in the kitchen, rattling those pots and pans

I’d cook him something nice, she said, but he refuses to wash his hands

He used to be so good to me, now he smells so fucking bad

There is a dead man in my bed, she said

I keep poking at him with my stick

But his skin is just so fucking thick

There’s a dead man in my bed

We’ve gotta get it all together

We’ve gotta get it all together

We’ve gotta get it all together

We’ve gotta get it all together

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Artist: The Boomtown Rats

Låt: I Don't Like Mondays

Album: Fine Art of Surfacing (1979)

Kommentar: Skön låt, Bob Geldof är the man.


The silicon chip inside her head

Gets switched to overload.

And nobody's gonna go to school today,

She's going to make them stay at home.

And daddy doesn't understand it,

He always said she was as good as gold.

And he can see no reason

'Cause there are no reasons

What reason do you need to be shown?

Tell me why?

I don't like Mondays.

Tell me why?

I don't like Mondays.

Tell me why?

I don't like Mondays.

I want to shoot

The whole day down.

The telex machine is kept so clean

As it types to a waiting world.

And mother feels so shocked,

Father's world is rocked,

And their thoughts turn to

Their own little girl.

Sweet 16 ain't so peachy keen,

No, it ain't so neat to admit defeat.

They can see no reasons

'Cause there are no reasons

What reason do you need to be shown?

Tell me why?

I don't like Mondays.

Tell me why?

I don't like Mondays.

Tell me why?

I don't like Mondays.

I want to shoot

The whole day down.

All the playing's stopped in the playground now

She wants to play with her toys a while.

And school's out early and soon we'll be learning

And the lesson today is how to die.

And then the bullhorn crackles,

And the captain crackles,

With the problems and the how's and why's.

And he can see no reasons

'Cause there are no reasons

What reason do you need to die?

Tell me why?

I don't like Mondays.

Tell me why?

I don't like Mondays.

Tell me why?

I don't like Mondays.

I want to shoot

The whole day down.

Jag antar att du vet vad den handlar om?


Låt:The importance of being idle


Kommentar: Grumt bra låt, så jävla härlig är den :shifty:

Orkar inte hämta texten..

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Jag antar att du vet vad den handlar om?

Mjo... Brenda Spencer-incidenten och all 'dat jive, eh? Har för mig det, åtminstone. :shifty:

Artist: Cornelis Vreeswijk

Låt: I Rio De Janeiro

Album: Vet intöh.

Kommentar: Grym... up there tillsammans med Blues För Victor Jara.


I Rio De Janeiro dansar alla små barn samba,

Utom de som inte hinner för de måste tigga bröd,

De får inget samba-understöd,

Men de andra de lär sig dansa samma dag de börjar gå,

Eller tidigare ändå.

I Rio De Janeiro dansar alla poliser samba,

Utom militärpolisen, de får inte vara med,

De får stå vid sidan om i täta led,

Men den riktiga polisen e' en riktig samba-vakt,

Patrullerar i samba-takt.

I Rio De Janeiro älskar man och hör på samba,

Utom han som inte älskar med någon människa just nu,

Han fick kanske inte lov för sin fru,

Men de andra de tar chansen var som helst över hela stan,

Varje ledig sekund på dan.

I Rio De Janeiro lär sig alla dansa samba,

Utom de som inte vill och ibland nån svensk turist,

Men han dansar ändå och kör med twist,

Fast man lär sig snart i Rio, man har inget annat val,

Och sen ordnar man karneval.

Fick skriva ner texten själv då Google inte var så hjälpsam... morr.

Redigerad av Crice
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Artist: Johnny Thunders

Album: Born too loose Disc 1

Låt: I only wrote this song for you

Kommentar: Det tog ett tag, men nu har jag tagit mig tid att lyssna på honom.

Artist: KSMB

Album: Den bästa svenska musiken 80-tal (jag vet inte vilket ksmb-album den är med på)

Låt: Sexnolltvå

Kommentar: Den här låten har framkallat konstanta rysningar i tre år varenda gång jag ens tänkt på den. Lätt en av tidernas bästa låtar enligt mig.

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Mjo... Brenda Spencer-incidenten och all 'dat jive, eh? Har för mig det, åtminstone.  :huh:

Jag vetefan vad flickan hette men hon tog med sin eg pistol till skolkan och sköt ner en liten kille men förklaringen "I don´t like mondays"

Btw, du har bra musiksmak! Morissey ;P

Redigerad av Tweak
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Btw, du har bra musiksmak! Morissey :huh:

Japp. ;P

Artist: Cornelis Vreeswijk

Låt: Blues För Victor Jara

Album: *rycker med axlarna*

Kommentar: Bra låt om en bra man :teehee:


Här kommer en man utan tro, utan hopp,

Och utan fosterland

Och vill skaka hand med en man utan kropp,

Och en kropp utan högerhand

Du har inga händer kvar, Victor Jara,

Där du ligger i moder jord,

Och dom säger att det är lögn, Victor Jara

Men jag säger att det är mord

Här talar man mycket om kvinnofestival

Eller går uti terapi

Och om din förtvivlan kan kallas primal

Blir du garanterat fri

Med din socialism i en vrå, Victor Jara,

Som en lallande idiot

Och dom säger att det är lögn, Victor Jara

Men jag säger tvärtemot

Här odlar man orkidéer, min bror,

Som ekar med stor emfas

Och sjunger rymdklangsklichéer, min bror,

Och en plastdocka sjunger bas

Dom mixtrar på tusen sätt, Victor Jara,

Med avsikt och tur och flit

Och dom anser att detta är rätt, Victor Jara

Men jag anser att det är skit

En statsanställd äggmaräng, compadre,

Gnäller i högan sky

Han är överklassens dessäng, compadre,

Och en otrolig parveny

Sånt måste man kanske ta, Victor Jara,

Eller blunda ett litet slag?

Men dom påstår att han är bra, Victor Jara

Men det tycker inte jag

Presente, ja! Och jag fortsätter kampen

I andanom

Fast jag tycker mig ofta se stora svampen

framför mig, eller bakom

Och ibland vill man bara spy, Victor Jara,

Utan avbrott, i fjorton dar

Och dom tycker att jag borde fly, Victor Jara

Men jag tänker stanna kvar

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Låt: Fade To Black

Artist: Metallica

Album: Ride The Lightning

Genre: Thrash Metal/Rock

Kommentar: Jävligt härlig låt, kan inte sluta lyssna på den ^_^


Life it seems, will fade away

Drifting further everyday

Getting lost within myself

Nothing matters no one else

I have lost the will to live

Simply nothing more to give

There is nothing more for me

Need the end to set me free

Things not what they used to be

Missing one inside of me

Deathly loss this can't be real

Can't stand this hell i feel

Emptiness is filling me

To the point of agony

Growing darkness taking dawn

I was me, but now he's gone

No one but me can save myself, but it's too late

Now I can't think, think why I should even try

Yesterday seems as though it never existed

Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye

Redigerad av Alpha
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Oasis - Stop Crying Your Heart Out

Hold up.

Hold on.

Don't be scared.

You'll never change what's been and gone.

May your smile,

May your smile,

Shine on,

Shine on.

Don't be scared.

Don't be scared.

Your destiny will keep you on,

'Cause all of the stars,

Have faded away.

Just try not to worry,

You'll see them some day.

Take what you need,

And be on your way and stop,

Crying your heart out.

Get up.

Get up.

Come on.

Come on.

Why you scared?

I'm not scared.

You'll never change what's been and gone.

'Cause all of the stars,

Have faded away,

Just try not to worry.

You'll see them some day.

Take what you need,

And be on your way and stop,

Crying your heart out.

'Cause all of the stars,

Have faded away.

Just try not to worry,

You'll see them some day.

Just take what you need,

And be on your way and stop,

Crying your heart out.

We're all of the stars,

We're fading away.

Just try not to worry,

You'll see us some day.

Just take what you need,

And be on your way and stop,

Crying your heart out.

Stop crying your heart out.

Stop crying your heart out.

Stop crying your heart out....

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Låt: Fade To Black

Artist: Metallica

Album: Ride The Lightning

Genre: Trash Metal/Rock

Kommentar: Jävligt härlig låt, kan inte sluta lyssna på den :wub:


Life it seems, will fade away

Drifting further everyday

Getting lost within myself

Nothing matters no one else

I have lost the will to live

Simply nothing more to give

There is nothing more for me

Need the end to set me free

Things not what they used to be

Missing one inside of me

Deathly loss this can't be real

Can't stand this hell i feel

Emptiness is filling me

To the point of agony

Growing darkness taking dawn

I was me, but now he's gone

No one but me can save myself, but it's too late

Now I can't think, think why I should even try

Yesterday seems as though it never existed

Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye

Snälla. Thrash.

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Jag har säkert redan tippsat om denna, men den e så jävla bra

Country joe McDonald - I feel like I´m fixin to die rag.


Yeah, come on all of you, big strong men,

Uncle Sam needs your help again.

He's got himself in a terrible jam

Way down yonder in Vietnam

So put down your books and pick up a gun,

We're gonna have a whole lotta fun.

And it's one, two, three,

What are we fighting for ?

Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,

Next stop is Vietnam;

And it's five, six, seven,

Open up the pearly gates,

Well there ain't no time to wonder why,

Whoopee! we're all gonna die.

Well, come on generals, let's move fast;

Your big chance has come at last.

Gotta go out and get those reds -

The only good commie is the one who's dead

And you know that peace can only be won

When we've blown 'em all to kingdom come.

And it's one, two, three,

What are we fighting for ?

Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,

Next stop is Vietnam;

And it's five, six, seven,

Open up the pearly gates,

Well there ain't no time to wonder why

Whoopee! we're all gonna die.


Well, come on Wall Street, don't move slow,

Why man, this is war au-go-go.

There's plenty good money to be made

By supplying the Army with the tools of the trade,

Just hope and pray that if they drop the bomb,

They drop it on the Viet Cong.

And it's one, two, three,

What are we fighting for ?

Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,

Next stop is Vietnam.

And it's five, six, seven,

Open up the pearly gates,

Well there ain't no time to wonder why

Whoopee! we're all gonna die.

Well, come on mothers throughout the land,

Pack your boys off to Vietnam.

Come on fathers, don't hesitate,

Send 'em off before it's too late.

Be the first one on your block

To have your boy come home in a box.

And it's one, two, three

What are we fighting for ?

Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,

Next stop is Vietnam.

And it's five, six, seven,

Open up the pearly gates,

Well there ain't no time to wonder why,

Whoopee! we're all gonna die.

Redigerad av virre cool
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Dem här 5 låtarna är grymma som fan

Sum41 - Hellsong

Sum41 - Over my Head

Hoobastank - Crawling in the dark

Hoobastank - Same Direction

och hörde en annan låt som var jävligt bra, vet inte riktigt vilken men tror de var Yellowcard - Eveywhere ^_^

EDIT: Rob Zombie - Draqula är också bra ;)

Redigerad av Lallaren
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Nej, nu börjar texterna bli alldeles för meningsfulla!

Artist: Turbonegro

Låt: Rendezvous with anus

Album: Apocalypse dudes

Walk the streets, what do I see

Shit on legs approaching me

Alright I really want it

Oh yeah I gotta have it

Come on baby and dance again

Jerk that head and be my friend

Merging Zeus and Spartacus

In rendezvous with anus

B.O.S. Buns of steel

Spandex ass to make me kneel

Gonna give you electric shock

gonna give you electric rock

Looking good and feeling clean

Classic buttocks on the scene

Cars go by they're out of luck

Eyeball ass - eyeball stuck!

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