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Týr - Ramund Hin Unge, rätt så skön låt. :)

Ramund var sig en bedre mand

om han havde bedre klæder

Dronningen gav hannem klæder på stand

af blågarn, bast og læder

“Sådant vil jeg ikke ha,” sagde Ramund.

“Sådant står mig ikke bra,” sagde Ramund hin unge

Ramund gik sig ved salten søstrand

der så han syv jætter stande

“Tager jeg Ramund på min mindste hånd

og kaster ham langt fra lande”

“Det gør ikke ene du,” sagde Ramund

“I må komme alle syv,” sagde Ramund hin unge

Ramund tog til sit dyre sværd

det han kaldte dymlingen røde

Hug han de jætter syv med en færd

at blodet randt dennem til døde

“Der ligger alle syv,” sagde Ramund

“Alt står jeg her endnu,” sagde Ramund hin unge

Kejseren ud af vinduet så

med angst og sorrigfuld mine

“Hvo er den mand, i gården mon stå

og der så hæsselig grine?

“Det er mig, jeg har lyst,” sagde Ramund

“Med dig at vov’ en dyst,” sagde Ramund hin unge

Ramund tog til sin store kniv

den han kaldte dymlingen dyre

Skilte han kejseren ved hans liv

at hovedet fløj femten mile

“Jeg mente den ej bed,” sagde Ramund

“Dog rinder blodet ned,” sagde Ramund hin unge

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Adam Sandler - Ode to my car

Here we go!

Piece of shit car

I got a piece of shit car

That fuckin' pile of shit

Never gets me very far

My car's a big piece of shit

'Cause the shocks are fucking shot

And my seatbelt's fucking broken

I got to tie it in a knot

(It's a piece of shit)

I can't see through the windshield

'Cause it's got a big fucking' crack

And the interior smells real bad

'Cause my friend puked in the back

(It's a piece of shit)

(Piece of shit car)

Piece of shit car

(He's got a piece of shit car)

It sucks royal dick!

(That fuckin' pile of shit)

100% crap

(Never gets him very far)

Oh fuck you car

It's got no CD player, it only got the 8-track

Whoever designed my car can lick my sweaty nut sack

(They can bite his ass too)

And I got no fuckin' brakes

I'm always way out of control

Eleven times a day I hear "Hey, watch it asshole!"

(You fuckin' piece of shit)

(Piece of shit car)

I got piece of shit car

(He got a piece of shit car)

Diesel gas sucks my ass

(That fuckin' pile of shit)

That pile of metal shit

(Never gets him very far)

Oh what the fuck did I do?

What the fuck did I do?

What the fuck did I do,

To get stuck with you?

You're too wide for drive-thru

And you smell like the shoe

But I'm too broke to buy something new

Oh fuck me

Well the engine likes to flood

The car always fuckin' stalls

And the seat cushion's got a big rip

So a spring always pokes the balls

(Ouch, ouch, ouch)

Plus the door locks are busted

I gotta use a fucking coat hanger

(What a pain in his ass)

And if a girlie sees my car

There's no chance I'll ever bang her

(He never ever gets da pussy)

Hey shut up

(Piece of shit car)

You piece of shit car

(You got a piece of shit car)

You piece of shit car

(Piece of shit car)

Bald fuckin' tires

(You got a piece of shit car)

No rearview fucking mirror

(Piece of shit car)

73 colors

(You got a piece of shit car)

Fucking rag for a gas cap

(Piece of shit car)

Tailpipe makes the sparks fly everywhere

(You got a piece of shit car)

(Piece of shit car)

(You got a piece of shit car)

(Piece of shit car)

Oh the whole town thinks I'm a loser

(You got a piece of shit car)

Cabby give me a push

(Piece of shit car...)

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