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Bob Marley - I shot the sheriff :P

En av dom bästa låtarna han har gjort enligt mig:

Enligt mig är versen bättre än refrängen:

I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy.

I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy.

All around in my home town

Theyre trying to track me down.

They say they want to bring me in guilty

For the killing of a deputy,

For the life of a deputy.

But I say:

I shot the sheriff, but I swear it was in self-defense.

I shot the sheriff, and they say it is a capital offense.

Sheriff john brown always hated me;

For what I dont know.

Every time that I plant a seed

He said, kill it before it grows.

He said, kill it before it grows.

I say:

I shot the sheriff, but I swear it was in self-defense.

I shot the sheriff, but I swear it was in self-defense.

Freedom came my way one day

And I started out of town.

All of a sudden I see sheriff john brown

Aiming to shoot me down.

So I shot, I shot him down.

I say:

I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy.

I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy.

Reflexes got the better of me

And what is to be must be.

Every day the bucket goes to the well,

But one day the bottom will drop out,

Yes, one day the bottom will drop out.

But I say:

I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy, oh no.

I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy, oh no.

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Artist: Mew

Låt: 156

Album: Half the World is Watching Me

Kommentar: En till skön låt av Mew. :P


From my boat I can see your house.

And when the lights are on

I can watch you move.

Hear the wind whispering your name.

Twice the encouragement

of the real you.

Time to learn. Callie,

if you really want me to

I can always get you down

if you got the money for me.

Callie, in the summer rain

you will be kept dry, you see,

if you got the money for me.

You can run away,

leave your books behind you.

But you should look back twice,

just to be on the safe side.

From my boat I can see your house.

But now the lights are off,

there is no one home.

You are just like an avalanche,

cold as I might have guessed.

But at least I’m covered up for now.

In a big big way

I am really small,

I get off my feet

but I’m still distant.

Don’t you just love goodbyes?

Don’t you just love goodbyes?

Time to burn. Callie,

let us get it over with,

I can always get you down

if you’ve got the money for me.

I won’t care for you,

like I’m really supposed to.

There are things I’ll do

that could really hurt you.

Don’t you just love goodbyes?

Don’t you just love goodbyes?

156. Don’t you just love goodbyes?

156 Don’t you just love goodbyes?

156 Don’t you just love goodbyes?

156 Don’t you just love goodbyes?

156 Don’t you just love goodbyes?

156 Don’t you just love goodbyes?


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DAF - Der Mussolini

Sjönaste party låten om något


Geh in die Knie,

und klatsch in die Hände

beweg deine Hüften

und tanz den Mussolini

Tanz den Mussolini

Tanz den Mussolini

Dreh dich nach rechts

und klatsch in die Hande

und mach den Adolf Hitler

tanz den Adolf Hitler

tanz den Adolf Hitler

tanz den Adolf Hitler

Und jetzt den Mussolini

Beweg deinen Hintern

Beweg deinen Hintern

und klatsch in die Hände

tanz den Jesus Christus

tanz den Jesus Christus

und tanz den Jesus Christus

Geh in die Knie

und dreh dich nach rechts

und dreh dich nach links

klatsch in die Hände

und tanz den Adolf Hitler

und tanz den Mussolini

und jetzt den Jesus Christus

und jetzt den Jesus Christus

klatsch in die Hände

und tanz den Kommunismus

und jetzt den Mussolini

und jetzt nach rechts

und jetzt nach links

und tanz den Adolf Hitler

tanz den Adolf Hitler

und jetzt den Mussolini

und jetzt den Mussolini

tanz den Jesus Christus

beweg deinen Hintern

und wackel mit den Hüften

klatsch in die Hände

und tanz den Jesus Christus

und tanz den Jesus Christus

und jetzt den Mussolini

und jetzt den Adolf Hitler

Gib mir deine Hand

gib mir deine Hand

und tanz den Mussolini

tanz den Kommunismus

tanz den Kommunismus

und jetzt den Mussolini

und jetzt den Adolf Hitler

und jetzt den Adolf Hitler

und jetzt den Jesus Christus

und jetzt den Mussolini

und jetzt den Kommunismus

und jetzt den Adolf Hitler

und jetzt den Mussolini

und jetzt den Mussolini

tanz mit mir den Hitler

tanz mit mir den Hitler

und geh in die Knie

beweg deine Hüften

klatsch in die Hände

und tanz den Jesus Christus

tanz den Jesus Christus

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Menar du att du missade Takida? Skämms isf! De är skitbra! själv var man utanför, kanonfull.

*suck* Ja, dom missade man tyvärr. Vi kom in lite sent och sen var det några jävlar som snodde våran dricka så man var i stort sett nykter hela jävla kvällen. Kompisen som skulle vakta medans vi andra gick och lättade på trycket lämnade allting oskyddat och då var det några som passade på.

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Artist: Neil Young

Låt: Lookin' For A Leader

Album: Living With War

Kommentar: Barack är bannemig inte för ung. Obama for President.


Lookin' for a Leader

To bring our country home

Re-unite the red white and blue

Before it turns to stone

Lookin' for somebody

Young enough to take it on

Clean up the corruption

And make the country strong

Walkin' among our people

There's someone who's straight and strong

To lead us from desolation

And a broken world gone wrong

Someone walks among us

And I hope he hears the call

And maybe it's a woman

Or a black man after all

Yeah maybe it's Obama

But he thinks that he's too young

Maybe it's Colin Powell

To right what he's done wrong

America has a leader

But he's not in the house

He's walking here among us

And we've got to seek him out

Yeah we've got our election

But corruption has a chance

We got to have a clean win

To regain confidence

America is beautiful

But she has an ugly side

We're lookin' for a leader

In this country far and wide

We're lookin' for a leader

With the great spirit on his side

Someone walks among us

And I hope he hears the call

And maybe it's a woman

Or a black man after all

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Ingen som har hört Dirty Pretty Things?

Pete Dohertys kollega i The Libertines, Carl Barats, nya band. Riktigt bra är de B)

Tipsar om låtarna Blood thirsty bastards, Bang bang you´re dead (i vilken Carl sjunger " I was right at the start, about the seeds of the weeds, that grew in your heart", menat till Doherty), Deadwood och You fucking love it..

Men skaffa hela albumet "Waterloo to anywhere", ni blir inte besvikna :lol:

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Ingen som har hört Dirty Pretty Things?

Pete Dohertys kollega i The Libertines, Carl Barats, nya band. Riktigt bra är de B)

Tipsar om låtarna Blood thirsty bastards, Bang bang you´re dead (i vilken Carl sjunger " I was right at the start, about the seeds of the weeds, that grew in your heart", menat till Doherty), Deadwood och You fucking love it..

Men skaffa hela albumet "Waterloo to anywhere", ni blir inte besvikna :lol:

Om några minuter har jag. Återkommer.

I alla fall, Phoenix - You Can't Blame It On Anybody.

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Haha :lol: På tal om det, jag skaffade Zookeepers boy häromdagen, riktigt bra! Tack för tipset B)

Mjo, grym är den. Hela skivan är egentligen bra, men inget slår Zookeepers boy.

Har lyssnat på Dirty Pretty Things. Vet egentligen inte vad jag förväntade mig, men det lät lite väl mycket som Libertines. Gillar inte riktigt Libertines som har väldigt jobbig musik (massa grejer händer hela tiden och allt blir bara rörigt) och sången som är lite väl pretentiös eller vad man ska säga.

Ska ge det en chans sen i lugn och ro, men det är inget stort wow direkt.

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