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Nickelback - Animals

I, I'm driving black on black

Just got my license back

I got this feeling in my veins this train is coming off the track

I'll ask polite if the devil needs a ride

Because the angel on my right ain't hanging out with me tonight

I'm driving past your house while you were sneaking out

I got the car door opened up so you can jump in on the run

Your mom don't know that you were missing

She'd be pissed if she could see the parts of you that I've been kissing



No, we're never gonna quit

Ain't nothing wrong with it

Just acting like we're animals

No, no matter where we go

'Cause everybody knows

We're just a couple of animals

So come on baby, get in

Get in, just get in

Check out the trouble we're in

You're beside me on the seat

Got your hand between my knees

And you control how fast we go by just how hard you wanna squeeze

It's hard to steer when you're breathing in my ear

But I got both hands on the wheel while you got both hands on my gears

By now, no doubt that we were heading south

I guess nobody ever taught her not to speak with a full mouth

'Cause this was it, like flicking on a switch

It felt so good I almost drove INTO the ditch

I'm screamin'


No, we're never gonna quit

Ain't nothing wrong with it

Just acting like we're animals

No, no matter where we go

'Cause everybody knows

We're just a couple of animals

So come on baby, get in

Get in, just get in

Look at the trouble we're in

We were parked out by the tracks

We're sitting in the back

And we just started getting busy

When she whispered "what was that?"

The wind, I think 'cause no one else knows where we are

And that was when she started screamin'

"That's my dad outside the car!"

Oh please, the keys, they're not in the ignition

Must have wound up on the floor while

we were switching our positions

I guess they knew that she was missing

As I tried to tell her dad it was her mouth that I was kissing



So come on baby, get in

We're just a couple of animals

Get in, just get in

Ain't nothing wrong with it

Check out the trouble we're in

Get in, just get in

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Artist: Bruce Springsteen

Låt: Mrs. McGrath

Album: We Shall Overcome: The Seeger Sessions

Kommentar: Starka stråkar; The Boss' alltid lika underbara röst... magnifik


"Oh, Mrs. McGrath," the sergeant said

"Would you like to make a soldier out of your son Ted

With a scarlett coat and a big cocked hat

Oh, Mrs. McGrath, wouldn't you like that?"

With your too-ri-a, fol-di-diddle-da, too-ri, oor-ri, oor-ri-a

With your too-ri-a, fol-di-diddle-da, too-ri, oor-ri, oor-ri-a

Now, Mrs. McGrath lived on the sea shore

For the space of seven long years or more

She spied a ship coming into the bay

"Here's my son Teddy, wisha clear the way"

With your too-ri-a, fol-di-diddle-da, too-ri, oor-ri, oor-ri-a

With your too-ri-a, fol-di-diddle-da, too-ri, oor-ri, oor-ri-a

"Oh captain dear, where have you been

Or have you been sailing on the Meditereen

Have you any tidings of my son Ted

Is the poor boy living or is he dead?"

With your too-ri-a, fol-di-diddle-da, too-ri, oor-ri, oor-ri-a

With your too-ri-a, fol-di-diddle-da, too-ri, oor-ri, oor-ri-a

Then up came Ted without any legs

And in their place, he had two wooden pegs

She kissed him a dozen times or two

"Holy Moses, it isn't you"

With your too-ri-a, fol-di-diddle-da, too-ri, oor-ri, oor-ri-a

With your too-ri-a, fol-di-diddle-da, too-ri, oor-ri, oor-ri-a

"Now were you drunk or were you blind

When you left your two fine legs behind

Or was it walking upon the say

Wore your two fine legs from the knees away?"

With your too-ri-a, fol-di-diddle-da, too-ri, oor-ri, oor-ri-a

With your too-ri-a, fol-di-diddle-da, too-ri, oor-ri, oor-ri-a

"No, I wasn't drunk and I wasn't blind

When I left my two fine legs behind

A big cannon ball on the fifth of May

Tore my two fine legs from the knees away"

With your too-ri-a, fol-di-diddle-da, too-ri, oor-ri, oor-ri-a

With your too-ri-a, fol-di-diddle-da, too-ri, oor-ri, oor-ri-a

"Oh, Teddy my boy," the widow cried

"Your two fine legs were your mammy's pride

Stumps of a tree wouldn't do at all

Why didn't you run from the big cannon ball?"

With your too-ri-a, fol-di-diddle-da, too-ri, oor-ri, oor-ri-a

With your too-ri-a, fol-di-diddle-da, too-ri, oor-ri, oor-ri-a

"All foreign wars I do proclaim

Between Don John and the King of Spain

I'd rather have my Teddy as he used to be

Than the King of France and his whole navy"

With your too-ri-a, fol-di-diddle-da, too-ri, oor-ri, oor-ri-a

With your too-ri-a, fol-di-diddle-da, too-ri, oor-ri, oor-ri-a

Redigerad av Crice
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Kom att tänka på denna gamla dängan så jag fixade den, svinigt bra.

Slipknot - Vermilion pt.2

She seemed dressed in all of me

Stretched across my shame

All the torment and the pain

Leaked through and covered me

I’d do anything to have her to myself

Just to have her for myself

Now I don’t know what to do



She is everything to me

The unrequited dream

A song that no one sings

The unattainable

She’s a myth that I have to believe in

All I need to make it real is one more reason



But I wont let this build up inside of me x4

I catch in my throat


Torn into pieces, I wont.. no

I don’t want to be this

But I wont let this build up inside of me x4


Won’t let this build

up inside of me

she isn’t real ( won’t let this build )

I can’t make her real ( up inside of me )

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Met med Equilibrium är föööööööööörjävla bra. Kan man loopa i flera timmar, som jag :rolleyes:

Kennst Du den Urknall aus dem Horn?

Kennst Du den Grund für der Nordmannen Zorn?

Klar wie das Wasser aus unseren Tälern,

Gelb wie reife Weizenähren,

Aus dem Fasse muss es fliessen,

Damit wir Schlacht und Sieg begiessen.

Met, Met, Met, Met, Met, Met

Hoch im Norden, tief im Nebel

Wo die Mannen mit Njørd segeln

Dort wolln wir im Kampfe die Äxte schwingen

Nach der Jagdzeit am Feuer singen

Die Hörner und die Humpen heben

Der Met, der ist ein Aasensegen

Met, Met, Met, Met, Met,

kan inte sjunga med alls, men fan va bra den är.

Extrementory Grindfuckas - your wife is a guy är också förjävligt bra :wub:

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