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1.Ungefär hur många är det som spelar online samtidigt??

Ska nämligen köpa spelet imorrn"!!


2.Är det värt att köpa???

3.Hur stora är banorna ungefär??

T.ex större än joint operations?

1. Många

2. Ja

3. Det beror på vilken map size du spelar. 16,32,64 players size finns det. Har inte spelat joint ops så vet inte.

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Good News!

Fix for th BF2 Graphic card problem :

The game now can be played on old gforce 4 and otherolder graphic cards :

1) download the Microsoft Framework, do a search on google (+download +microsoft framework)

2) download DXTweaker: http://mrbauer.net/files/dxtweaker.rar

3) Extract to a folder on desktop

4) Run DXTweaker, and goto "New" on the right

5) Point it to your root BF2 EXE (in your EA Sportsbattlefield 2 DIR)

6) Check the 2 boxes that contain 'SHADER' , one is FORCE PP SHADER OTHER IS PS SHADER or something of that sourt

7) Click Apply, and then click RUN on the top.

It will launch the game with no problems and you will be playing very smoothly!

I just wish EA and DICE would have included a simple pixel shader 1.2 include but w/e, this will be suffice for now.

I tried it only on geforce 4 so i guss it will work onto other graphic cards

Weeeeee ^_^

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