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* DAO-12 shotgun

Day 1 unlock

It isn’t hard to see why the powerful DAO-12 was a big fan favorite in Battlefield 2. Being a highly versatile semi-automatic 12-gauge shotgun, the DAO-12 can carry 4 types of ammo in a high capacity 12-round magazine. For close encounters, you wouldn’t want to carry any other weapon, and with the Physical Warfare Pack, you unlock it from day 1 in Battlefield 3.

* Flechette ammo for the DAO-12 shotgun

Exclusive ammo

This exclusive armor-piercing ammo makes your DAO-12 shotgun pack an added punch. Each flechette cartridge holds a number of 1-inch tungsten arrows that will tear through any material, be it metal, wood, or enemies. If you turn a corner and meet three soldiers from the opposing force, these are the rounds you want loaded in your DAO-12.

Min reaktion när jag läste det där: http://www.endlessvideo.com/watch?v=xEEQNy9sxAM&start=0m14s&end=0m42s

Redigerad av Mark
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