Diezl Skrivet 9 juni, 2005 Rapportera Share Skrivet 9 juni, 2005 (redigerad) Jag såg på Bullit här för någon timme sen för att det är en grym film och den innehåller en hel del fina bilar ... Men idag upptäckte jag en sak som gjorde mig lite besviken på filmen... Det är nämligen ett kraftigt fel i den filmen som jag stör mig på! Om ni inte vill veta var det är så rekommenderar jag att inte läsa följande vita text... Spoilervarning - Markera: Filmen innehåller som många vet en cool biljakt som varit vägledande för biljakter i mängder av filmer sen dess... När han åker på San Franciscos vägar för att jaga bad guys så blir dom ju tvungna att ta sig igenom statstrafik... Men under en filminspelning så måste man givetvis spärra av gator och fixa egna... Och det är det som är felet... Antingen så är det ekonomin som brast eller något liknande för att efter dom börjat gasa på så kommer bad guys fram och kör om en Grön Wolksvagen Bubbla... Sen får man se Steve Mcqueen sen kommer man tillbaka till bad guys bil och dom kör om Den gröna bubblan igen! Sedan gör även steve Mcqueen det... Lite senare svänger dom runt ett hörn och vilken bil är där om inte den gröna bubblan... Sen händer det 2 gånger till när dom är inne i stan och sedan 1 gång ute på motorvägen... Hade regissören gjort det här med flit eller tänkte dom bara inte efter? En annat fel som jag själv inte sätt är den där man ser Brad Pitt i Troja och uppe i himmelen så ser man ett flygplan som bl.a. cirkulerat på det här forumet... Är det en äkta eller är det redigerat med bildprogram? Har inte filmen så jag kan inte kolla... Min kompis säger att det är så i filmen... Så jag undrar: 1. Stör du dig på felaktigheter som den I Bullit eller tycker du bara det är roligt? 2. Undrar om ni vet någon annan film som har något annat fel som ni själva har sett? 3. Om Troja-flygplanet är sant? -Diezl Redigerad 9 juni, 2005 av Diezl Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
pKz Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Rapportera Share Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 I någon skräckfilm (minns inte vilken) så dricker dom vin (eller något), så skruvar en av korken, klunkar och skickar vidare. Då skruvar den nästa av korken igen, och skickar vidare. haha Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Bubbli Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Rapportera Share Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Jag läste att i en Jason Voorhees film så står han på en stol men stolen brakar ihop och det skulle inte varit så i manus men dom tog med det ändå. Sedan i den Star Wars epispod IV så när Darth Vader och hans muntra gäng stormar skeppet i första scenen så (i den gammla versionen) springer en stormtrooper in i en dörr och ramlar. Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
pKz Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Rapportera Share Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Jag läste att i en Jason Voorhees film så står han på en stol men stolen brakar ihop och det skulle inte varit så i manus men dom tog med det ändå. Sedan i den Star Wars epispod IV så när Darth Vader och hans muntra gäng stormar skeppet i första scenen så (i den gammla versionen) springer en stormtrooper in i en dörr och ramlar. Lol på stormtroopern. Kom även på att i någon film så ringer telefonen, så ser man hur han trycker på "av" och svarar. Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
xstreem Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Rapportera Share Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Har hört att i Sagan om ringen ska man se en traktor köra i bakrunden... Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Mark Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Rapportera Share Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Finns en del missar i The Punisher.. Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Halo Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Rapportera Share Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 I en gammal star wars film, den med björnarna kommer inte ihåg vilket nummer! I början av filmen (Minns inte vad de onda skeppen heter, de gråa alltså) så flyger ett skepp förbi kameran, om man tirrar riktigt noga på det så vipps bara försvinner den haha! Och så finns det även ett fel i storfilmen Troja! Nämligne ett flygplan i luften mitt i alltihop Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
GTApimpfoolife Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Rapportera Share Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 I filmen 48 timmar med Eddie Murphy och nån gubbe såg man en sån sak. Filmen utspelar sig i San Francisco och Dom skulle åka hem till en snubbe. Man får se lite klipp när han åker i sin Cadillac. Sen får man se en grön Porsche komma över ett krön och direkt efter så får man se Cadillacen efteråt alltså som et helt vanligt klipp. Men senare filmen så följer alltså Eddie Murphy och den andra snubben efter en bil med sin Cadillac, och vad för bil följer dom efter tror ni?. Jo en grön Porsche exakt vid samma ställe som det tidigare klippet när dom skulle åka hem till någon kille. Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Frenzy Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Rapportera Share Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 I house of the dead En kille som langar vapen bräcker upp en låda och tar upp lite vapen. Och en tjej som står bredvid tar upp ett hagelgevär som är längre än själva lådan Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Kalan Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Rapportera Share Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 I någon skräckfilm (minns inte vilken) så dricker dom vin (eller något), så skruvar en av korken, klunkar och skickar vidare. Då skruvar den nästa av korken igen, och skickar vidare. haha Det är Halloween H20 från 1998 du tänker på. Här har ni ett par andra bloopers från Halloween-serien. Jag hade översatt om jag orkat. While the HALLOWEEN series has always maintained a distinction among horror films, it also has had its share of mistakes. Sometimes things slip by the filmmakers which end up as on-screen goofs. Here's a list of a few of these "easily made" mistakes. Halloween License plates in the original film have California tags, although they should be in Illinois! When Loomis stops to make a phone call on his trip to Haddonfield, snow-capped mountains can be seen in the distance, although the film makes place in the flat land of Illinois. As Laurie walks home from school, the pavement changes from dry to wet. The door to the Doyle house appears to be on the right for both sides of the door. In the scene where Laurie sees Michael behind a bush, smoke from director John Carpenter's cigarette can be seen blowing through the shot. In the Wallace house, as Lynda and Bob leave the living room to go upstairs, Lynda trips over a dolly track. Michael has his age listed as "age 23" in the credits, where he was actually 21 in the film. Michael supposedly doesn't get his mask and knife until after school is over when he brakes into the Hardware Store. He is seen with it on, however, before that when standing outside of Laurie's school. The Wallace house has the door handle on the left side of the door, on both sides! Impossible. Also, the door appears to be far to the right side of the house. When Lynda and Bob (and even Annie for that matter) enter the house, off to the immediate right is the living room. It's impossible since there's no room. These two goofs are because the interior of the Wallace house was filmed elsewhere. When the kids trip Tommy Doyle, all three run off to the left. In the next shot, only two kids run to the left while one runs toward the camera. When Laurie escapes Lindsay's house at the end, she breaks out a pane of glass in the door to move the rake. The fake glass is easily visible through the light. Keeping with the last flub, when the glas is shattered, shards of glass are left sticking out of the frame of the door, but the camera cuts away and when it comes back there are absolutely no shards at all, just a clean wooden frame. When Lindsey is watching the horror movie on T.V. and the phone starts to ring, the camera starts to pan over to the phone. During the pan you can see someone' shadow moving on the wall behind Lindsey. Someone got in the lighting behind the camera. On the back of the HALLOWEEN box, Myers is spelled INcorrectly as Meyers. The same goes for a track on the original soundtrack. When Michael is chasing Laurie at the end, she runs out the back door and to the RIGHT. But, when there is a cut to the front of the house, Laurie comes running from the left side instead. The pumpkin in front of the Wallace house seems to change from time to time. When Bob carries Lynda into the house, it's a normal looking pumpkin. When Laurie walks up to the house at the end, however, the pumpkin is different. This one is a lot wider and shorter. A continuity error occurs when Michael is stalking Tommy at the school. When Tommy first starts to walk away, there are a few cars parked across the street from where he's headed. There is a cut once Michael gets into his car, and that's when all of those cars are gone. When Annie drops Laurie off at the Doyle house, their front doors are filled with small windows. Throughout the rest of the movie, the door is different. When Michael is carrying Annie back to the house, her head is on the left while her feet are to the right. Then they cut to Tommy's reaction. When they cut back, her body is now facing the opposite way. Her head is on the right side and the legs are to the left. Take notice of the scene where the gutter smashes into the window, scaring Loomis and Brackett half to death. The rest of the movie, when we see that front window, the gutter is nowhere to be seen, when it should be hanging over the window. When Bob picks Lynda up in his arms, he leaves the van door open. Then, they go into the Wallace house. After Lynda is murdered, Laurie Strode goes across the street to inspect everything, and when she passes the van, you can clearly see that the door has been closed. When Micheal follows Annie and Laurie in the car, he parks only about one or two doors down from Lindsey's house (if that). Then later, when Loomis is standing in front of the Myers house, he turns around and all of a sudden sees Micheal's car. Since Michael never had time to move the car, it could never have popped up in this new location. On the box for the Limited Edition of the movie by Anchor Bay, Debra Hill's name is spelled wrong (Deborah). Palm trees can be seen at numerous times throughout the film. Obviously, palm trees can't grow in Illinois. This happened, though, because it was filmed in California. When Lynda, Annie, and Laurie are walking home from school, Laurie says the Wallace's house is 3 houses down from the Doyle's. In the film, though, the houses are actually shown across the street from each other. Even though Michael's just a child at the beginning of the film, his P.O.V. makes him appear as though he's a grown adult. This is evident when he reaches for the knife and when he watches Judith's boyfriend leave, for example. Watch the where Laurie barely escapes the Shape and Tommy barely unlocks the door in time. After she tells him to go upstairs, she notices the open window/door next to her and sees the curtain blowing in the wind. In the new DVD version, you can see a large wind fan behind the window, creating the wind to move the curtain. When Laurie turns around right before she runs into Brackett, the bush behind her changes between the cuts. It goes from being untrimmed to perfectly trimmed between the two angles. As soon as Laurie gets back inside the Doyle's house after The Shape is chasing her, she tells Tommy to hurry. Look at the light switches on the wall, Both switches are already pointing down. When she slides her fingers down over them, they don't go anywhere (since they're already pointed "down," or off) yet the lights still dim. Obviously, this is a flub. The lights were already pointed off, but then the crew members would shut the lights off when her fingers would go over the switch. When little Michael is about to kill his sister, you can see the clock on the kitchen wall and another clock in the living room show it's about 9:25pm. As Michael walks up the steps, there are 10 loud chimes that come from the clock, signifying it's 10pm. Without a cut, there's no way it took 35 minutes to walk up those steps! You can see a wrench attached to Michael's hand when he breaks the car window when at Smith's Grove. In the film, Michael's supposed to be doing it with his bare hand. (Best seen with the new Limited Edition DVD) During the scene where Annie and Laurie are walking away from the bush where Laurie had seen the Shape disappear behind moments earlier, hit the pause button. If you hit slo-mo, look at the front porch of the house directly behind the bush. You'll see that there's a man (possibly crew members) watching the whole scene being filmed. He's standing and you can see him above the bush. (Best seen with the new Limited Edition DVD) After Michael looks in the window at Judith and her boyfriend, the camera pulls back and goes back around to the front of the house. When it first starts to pull back, if you look on the porch, hanging outside of the window are a whole bunch of electrical wires leading into the house for the lighting equipment. When he gets inside to where that window is, the wires are gone. A crew member obviously moved the wires out of sight while the filming was taking place on the other side of the house. Set in October in Illinois, the leaves should not be green. When Annie and Laurie are driving and The Shape is driving behind them {take note you need a widescreen version of the film to see this flub} the mirror in the car between Laurie and Annie keeps changing its position without anyone of them messing with it. Halloween-2 The most famous mess-up is probably the fact that while Dr. Loomis shouts "I shot him six times," he actually shot him seven times during the film's prelude. When Ben Tramer is hit by the police car, his body falls forward. In the next scene, he is standing straight up. A continuity error. The police claim the Myers house is at "45 Lampkin Lane." The address on the front porch clearly displays the number 709. When Jimmy finds Mrs. Alves on the gurney bleeding all over the floor, he turns to run out the door to get help and slips on the blood and knocks himself out when his head the floor. In fact, he's laying right in the middle of the blood! Later when Laurie is hiding in Jimmy's car, he gets in and the back of his shirt is not a bloody mess at all, it's clean! When The Shape is drowning the nurse in the scalding water, her towel suddenly goes from being wrapped just below her shoulders to being tied around the waist. There is a flashing orange light in the back of the marshal's car, but when they turn around to head back to Haddonfield it is nowhere to be seen. It is gone. Michael Myers back peddles up a ramp when he falls from the balcony in the beginning. As the ambulance approaches the hospital, notice the hood of the ambulance has red blinking lights. When they stop for the two people (the mother and the childwith the razor blade in his mouth) the blinking lights have moved down to the front bumper. In HALLOWEEN, Michael Myers falls off the balcony in the backyard. In the beginning of this one, however, the fall takes place in the front yard. In the scene where the boys ask Mr. Hunt about Ben Tramer, Mr. Hunt says that "it's just a little past 11." Following this up in the next scene Bud lures Karen into the room to kiss her and wish her Happy Halloween. During this scene, as Bud reaches up to kiss Karen, his watch is clearly visible and shows the time as 1:00! When Michael falls off the balcony at the end of HALLOWEEN, he lands predominantly in an area of the lawn that is more dirt filled. In this film, he lands in a completely grassy lawn. In the original film, the pumpkin at the Wallace's house was very small and fat, but in this film (which takes place the same night) you can see when all the cops and reporters are at the house that the pumpkin changed in size and the face got different as well. On the Goodtimes Home Video box front cover, they spelled Jamie Lee Curtis as Jaime Lee Curtis. Halloween-3 Toward the end of the movie, if you watch Tom Atkins' shirt, it goes from untucked to tucked in a few times. In TEST ROOM A, the boy's mask has no Silver Shamrock emblem/logo appearing on it at the first of the scene. But when the flashing in the commercial gets underway, the mask has the S.S. logo on the back of the mask. Towards the end of the film, some of Cochrane's android assassins are seen in two different places throughout the factory with no time change. When Ms. Grimbridge walks back from the hotel office where she has just bought a coke, there is no cars in the motel parking spaces. On the way back to her room, suddenly Mrs. Guttman appears out of her car after scaring Ellie by honking the car horn. Since no car pulled in and there has been no elapse in time, it's obviously a flub. Keeping with the last flub, after Mrs. Guttman goes into her motel room, there's an outside shot of the motel. Once again, there are no cars parked there. Although Mrs. Guttman's car was just there a minute ago. Halloween-4 Strange lighting makes the Shape appear to have white hair during a scene in the schoolhouse. Hoffman types "Michael M. Myers" when Michael's actual middle initial is "A." In the final chase scene in truck, The Shape reaches into the window and rips Rachel's sweater open, but in the next shot it is back how it was, buttoned and all. When Michael finds the picture of Laurie, it's a picture that was obviously taken behind the scenes on the first one. It couldn't be a real one, because it's of Laurie sitting with the pumpkin, but nobody was there to take the picture. On the back of the VHS box, it says, "Two women trapped in their own home, stalked by the most dangerous creature alive." In fact, they're not trapped in their own house, it's the Sheriff's house. At the beginning of the film, the orderly says Myers killed 16 people on Halloween night in 1978. That count seems to be a few too many. At the Gas Station, the front of Dr. Loomis' car has four headlights and vertical/horizontal lines on the grill. When Michael blows up the gas station, though, the front of the car is different. When Brady is trying to reload his double barrel and is shouting at Rachel and Jamie to "get up there," you can see that when Michael gets up to the same level of the stairs that Brady is on that the wall behind him is white and has some kind of decorative wall hanging or something to that effect. As the scene goes, it shows Michael, then it shows Brady fumbling to reload the gun, then a close up of Brady's hands, then back to his face, then a shot of Michael lunging toward him. The shot of Michael lunging toward him must have been a quick shot from a different scene that was just thrown in only because it was a few seconds long because if you pause it and watch it in slow motion you can see, especially on the new H4 Widescreen DVD, that the background behind Michael is of the downstairs - front door part of the house. During the credits at the end, there is a character listed as Leslie. This person should be listed as Lindsey, there is to Leslie in the film. The mistake may have come in the fact that the actress who plays Lindsey (or Leslie as they call her in the credits) is actually named Leslie. When Dr. Loomis and Sheriff Meeker are scared by the Halloween Pranksters with Myers Masks on, as soon as they pull out and Meeker starts talking on the radio, there is a car parked behind them. Then the camera pulls out and shows Michael Myers standing behind them -- notice the car on the left is gone! When Jamie and Rachel are riding with the rednecks, Jamie begins the ride by sitting on Rachel's leg, against the door. When the police stop their truck, you can then see Jamie has moved over to the middle, between the driver and Rachel. When they cut back when they're driving, she's moved again back to the lap. A continuity error. As Rachel and Jamie slide down the roof, they look down and a bike can be seen on the ground. When Jamie ends up running to Rachel later on, the bike is no longer there. Michael is being moved from Smith's Grove to Ridgemont, but on the back cover of the video, the hospital name reads "Richmond." Halloween-5 The Myers' house appears to be a huge gothic mansion, although the house appeared as a smaller Victorian house in previous films. When Mikey is cleaning his car outside the liquor store, a set light can be seen on the hood of the car as he wipes it down. At the end of H4, Rachel tells Jamie to "Stay right here, in the truck." In the H5 re-cap, she simply tells Jamie "I want you to stay in the car." At the costume party, they introduce Jamie as Jamie Carruthers rather than Jamie Lloyd. She could have legally changed her name over in the past year, but assuming she didn't, it could be a flub. When Tina is talking to Mikey (actually Michael) in the car, there's a portion of the words that don't match up with what her lips are saying. While Michael is chasing Tina and Jamie in the car, Michael's position changes from the passenger seat to the driver seat several times. During the end credits, when they tell the label the soundtrack is on, Varese Sarabande is misspelled as Varese Serabande. Dr. Loomis says that his memory goes back 12 years to his burnt arm from 1978's Halloween. But, H5 takes place in 1989, which is actually only 11 years. When Jamie goes into the attic, trying to hide from Myers, she discovers the body of Rachel sitting in a chair next to the stairs (leading out of the attic). You also see her body when Michael comes up into the attic after Jamie. When you see Jamie running down the attic stairs, you don't see Rachel's body anymore. Her body couldn't get up and walk away. In HALLOWEEN 4, Jamie is 7 years old, but in this installment, Tina says Jamie is a 9-year-old girl. It's tough to gain two years in age after just one year! Look when Jamie hides in the hamper. There is a door to the left of it. When she falls down and after Michael starts beating the hamper with his knife, Jamie gets out. If you look toward your left, the door is gone. When Mike is looking in his mirror and Michael Myers drags the fork on the back of the car, Mike soon gets out of his car with a crowbar. When Michael Myers grabs him on the neck, Mike drops the bar. Notice it fell behind him to the right -- then Michael Myers hits him in the head with the fork and Mike falls back shaking. The pitchfork is on the right of him by his upper legs. After the blonde girl sees her boyfriend get the pitchfork through his body, she lunges at Michael with the same pitchfork. However, Michael grabs the pitchfork and slams her against the wall. As he slashes her with his sickle, you can see a bunch of blood splash onto his WHITE mask, but in the next scene, it is gone. Notice Mike's car, it had no bottom lights on it if you look at it earlier in the film. But, when Michael is chasing Tina, Jamie, and Billy if you looked there were bottom lights on the car and they were lit up in several shots. Halloween-6 Probably the biggest noticeable screw-up is the fact that Jamie should only be 15 years old, but appears to be in her 20's. Michael kills Barry Simms at the carnival, then suddenly, Michael appears at the Myers' house. Loomis seems to make the trip from Haddonfield to Smith's Grove (which are 150 miles apart) in record time. When John Strode goes downstairs, his hair goes from dry, to moist/wet looking and hanging down. After Tim's murder, Kara calls the Myers/Strode home which has no electricity. Beth picks up a cordless phone and begins to speak with Kara. This is not possible since cordless phones have bases that run on electric. If the power is out, the phone doesn't work. Debra Strode mispronounces her daughter's name at the beginning of the breakfast scene. She pronounces it as "Carr-uh" rather than "Care-uh." Of course, the actual spelling is Kara, the other ones are just for pronunciation purposes. There are continuity problems with the blood on Jamie's chin when she is being impaled on the farm equipment. Tommy goes to the bus station and a map of the towns of Illinois appears on the wall. Notice that Haddonfield and Smiths Grove (150 miles apart in the film) are located inbetween Pontiac and Dwight which are 18 miles apart in reality! That's how far apart the Amtrak stations are from each other according to the Amtrak timetable/schedule. Halloween-H20 During the very end of the credits, when the film is dedicated to the memory of Donald Pleasence, they misspelled Pleasence as Pleasance. In the beginning credits, there's a picture of Laurie Strode in the Haddonfield Yearbook. It says "Class of '78." It should be "Class of '79," however, because the film took place in October of 1978, when Laurie was a senior, so she would have been graduating in the summer of '79, making her "Class of '79." Also in the beginning credits, one of the articles says "Lauries Strode, who survived the Haddonfield murders in 1968..." instead of 1978. In one of the articles at the beginning of the film, during the credits, Michael Myers' name is spelled wrong. They spell it Meyers at one point. In the opening sequence, Marion's house is supposed to have a loss of power. When Jimmy goes to investigate, however, the light bulb in the refrigerator comes on when he snags the beer. If there is no power in the house, then the light bulb should not have come on in the refrigerator. More than one mask was used in the filming of the film. This is quite evident as the look of the mask changes from time to time in the film. In the scene where Jamie Lee Curtis is telling Adam Arkin who she really is, they are lying on the sofa in her living room. After she tells him, she asks if he wants a drink. She goes to the kitchen and gets a bottle of vodka from the fridge. As she is walking back into the living area, she unscrews the top of the bottle and takes a swig. Never replacing the top, she hands the bottle to Adam Arkin who (before he takes a drink) unscrews the top. When Keri and John are arguing over Yosemite in the Kitchen, Keri slams the refrigerator door shut. A magnet falls to the ground, but when there's a cut, you don't see the magnet on the floor. Jodi Lyn O'Keefe's name is mis-spelled on the theatrical poster as Jodi Lynn O'Keefe. On the original theatrical poster, Janet Leigh's character was incorrectly listed as "Hattie." Near the end of the film, after Laurie sends John and Molly down the street, she heads back inside. Michael comes down from a pipe above her, and she spins around and hits him with the axe, then he cuts her arm. If you look closely, you can see the when Laurie spins around, her arm is already cut. The SCREAM 2 scenes on the girls' TV have continuity errors. Although posters, advertisements and trailers only show H20 as having Dolby Digital and SDDS sound mixes, H20 was also released with a DTS sound mix for it's theatrical release. When Kerri and her boyfriend are having lunch and he goes to the bathroom, she calls the waiter over to order another drink. Each time they cut to her the glass is either in her hand or on the table. After Charlie has been killed and Sarah is in the lift with him, his position keeps changing; first looking at her then not, then he is and finally not. When John and Molly are running out of the building, John jumps out of the window head first, but when the camera cuts back to him, he is seen coming out feet first. When Laurie is confessing to Will who she is, she mentions that Michael murdered Judith when she was 17. However, when Michael places the tombstone over Annie in Halloween, it reveals Judith was born November 10, 1947. Considering she was killed in October, 1963, she would actually be 15, not 17. Miscellaneous Flubs in the Series After Michael is burnt in HALLOWEEN II, his hands don't contain scars anymore once H20 comes around. Michael's eyes are shot out in HALLOWEEN II, but in the rest of the series, his eyes are perfectly fine. On the new HALLOWEEN Limited Edition DVD, there are a few mistakes. For one, in the first TV scene, they left out the MAY 1 1964 title card. Also, on the Donald Pleasence bio, they mistakenly say Donald Pleasence did the voice over in H20, which he did not, it was done by a sound-a-like. In Holland, the name Laurie is misspelled on the H20 VHS box and on the DVD box as well. Instead of Laurie, they've spelled Lauri without the e. They've spelled Lauri without e on the subtitles too. In the Spanish edition of H20 (original version, with subtitles in Spanish), they misspell Michael Myers as "Meyers." They also say Hattenfield, rather than Haddonfield. From the Producer's Cut of HALLOWEEN 6: In the flashback scene of Jamie in the police station , she goes outside to see Michael in the van, etc. When the van is leaving as the station explodes, take a look at the front of the van. You'll notice that by the way the headlights and fender are set up, it's a van that hadn't been released yet in 1989 when this scene took place. Although, you do see Michael and the Man in Black driving the same kind of van throughout the movie. Obviously, this means that the flashback scene was simply filmed in 1995 with the rest of the movie. The mask looks different in each of the films, even though it's implied that it's supposed to be the same mask each time after part 2. Of course, the mask in H4 is supposed to be different since Michael got it from the Drug Store (after the mask had burned in the second film). But then the masks in parts 5-H20 differ again from that one. Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
tommy killer Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Rapportera Share Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Hur fan orkade du skriva det. Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Kalan Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Rapportera Share Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Hur fan orkade du skriva det. Jag har inte skrivit det själv, även om jag lika gärna skulle kunna ha gjort det, eftersom jag kan det mesta i huvudet, men det hade bara tagit mycket längre tid än att kopiera in det från ett textdokument på datorn. Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Alpha Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Rapportera Share Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Hur fan orkade du skriva det. Jag tror han kopierade från en sida. Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
BigBear Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Rapportera Share Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 En jävligt ful miss kan man märka tydligt i Terminator 2. Det är när T1000 kör lastbil och jagar John Connor på moped. T1000 kör ner för en bro med lastbilen och det går i slow-motion, när lastbilen landar flyger framrutan iväg, direkt efter från en annan vinkel är rutan tillbaka fast spräckt så snubben slår bort den med handen. Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Diezl Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Skapat av Rapportera Share Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 (redigerad) Och så finns det även ett fel i storfilmen Troja! Nämligne ett flygplan i luften mitt i alltihop Så det är sant!!! Jag trodde stenhårt på att den var fejk, något som någon fixat in med photoshop ... @ Mr.M - Omg den filmen har jag måste kolla! Edit: Omg Kalan, orka läsa Redigerad 10 juni, 2005 av Diezl Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Crouching.tiger Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Rapportera Share Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Ett ganska vanligt fel i actionfilmer är att saker återuppstår. t ex i Terminator 3 krossas/sprängs (kommer inte redigt ihåg vilket) en bil, i nästa klipp står den parkerad helt oskadd. i Spider-Man krossar Spindelmannen och Gröna Trollet samma glasruta två-tre gånger under en fight. Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Hew Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Rapportera Share Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Moviemistakes är en fet sida dedikerad till bloopers i filmer. En kul ifrån Titanic var när Leo(kommer inte ihåg vad hans rollfigur hette) sa att han var nära att drunkna i en sjö eller nåt när han var liten, grejen är den att sjön inte "gjordes" några år efter det att Titanic hade krockat med isberget. Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
Diezl Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Skapat av Rapportera Share Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Moviemistakes är en fet sida dedikerad till bloopers i filmer. En kul ifrån Titanic var när Leo(kommer inte ihåg vad hans rollfigur hette) sa att han var nära att drunkna i en sjö eller nåt när han var liten, grejen är den att sjön inte "gjordes" några år efter det att Titanic hade krockat med isberget. Juste Titanic en av mina polare sa att i en av scenerna när båten håller på att ställa sig lodrätt så ser man när folk glider längs däck (alltså där man går) och för att få det att se ut som om dom gilder ner för något brant åker skådespelarna med små vagnar som man ska kunna se på någon av dem... Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
berit Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Rapportera Share Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 (redigerad) Som regissören inte märkt jag tror inte regissören brukar märka sina blooper i pulp fiction när *spoiler* butch skjuter vincent så han flyger in i badrummet så öppnas dörren, men när butch går dit så är den stängd Redigerad 10 juni, 2005 av berit Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
the_kille Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 Rapportera Share Skrivet 10 juni, 2005 I filmen pirates of the carabian (fel stavat?) så nån gång i filmen är pirat kaptenen har han hand bojor på sina händer men ändå så kan han glida ner på ett rep med kedjan på dom sen bara hoppa ner i slutet Citera Länk till kommentar Dela på andra sidor More sharing options...
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