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Jag tycker sånt här med låtar baklänges är ganska äckligt man vet aldrig vad dom kan säga i låten baklänges ju, men jag lyssnade på en låt baklänges(kommer inte ihåg vilken) så sa dom faktist "Heil hitler all heil hitler" ganska konstigt :wacko:

"Reltih lieh lla reltih lieh" låter som en ganska hmm...konstig låt B)

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det var visst nån rättegång om sånt här...........

n 1990 the rock group, Judas Priest, was put on trial for placing the words "do it" on one of their recordings. This was, supposedly, the message heard by two teenagers who interpreted it to mean that they should commit suicide. They tried, one succeeded.

The Judas Priest case was dismissed when the judge ruled that subliminal messages do not influence a person's actions. The judge did not rule that the words "do it" did not exist on the recording.

This prompted several studies to see if people could perceive subliminal messages. Generally, it was found that people were not aware of, nor influenced by, subliminal messages.

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