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Måste utdela ett litet "yay for me" här. Efter x antal dagars grindande och daily-questande har jag uppnått det mål jag sökt ett tag nu i WoW; Crusader-titel och nya dailies.

Har för tillfället inget nytt mål med WoW. Tips?

Hur gjorde du för att få all rep? Quest i startzoner? Cloth inlämningar?

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Hur gjorde du för att få all rep? Quest i startzoner? Cloth inlämningar?

Orgrimmar och Thunder Bluff var jag redan exalted med. Undercity hade jag bara ytterst lite kvar till exalted, så där lämnade jag in cloth. För Silvermoon och Darkspear Trolls gjorde jag quest i startzoner och andra ställen där man fick rep. Kan tillägga att Darkspeak Trolls var de svåraste att bli exalted med, med tanke på att där fanns så få quest och så.

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Mail från wowaccountadmin = scam right?

Fått ett mail om att jag försöker sälja mitt konto och dom behöver verifikation på att jag inte tänker göra det!

-Hela mailet-

It has come to our attention that you are trying to sell/trade your personal World of Warcraft account(s).
As you may or may not be aware of, this conflicts with the EULA and Terms of Agreement.
If this proves to be true, your account can and will be disabled. It will be ongoing for further investigation by Blizzard Entertainment's employees.
If you wish to not get your account suspended you should immediately verify your account ownership. If the information is deemed accurate, the investigation will be dropped.
This action is taken because we at Blizzard Entertainment take these sales
quite seriously. We need to confirm you are the original owner of the account.
This is easiest done by confirming your personal information along with concealed information about your account.
You can confirm that you are the original owner of the account by replying to this email with:

Use the following template below to verify your account and information via email.
* First and Surname
* Date of birth
* Address
* Zip code
* Phone number
* Country
* Account e-mail
* Account name
* Account password
* Secret Question and Answer
WoW CD-Key
Show * Please enter the correct information
If you ignore this mail your account can and will be closed permanently. Once we verify your account, we will reply to your e-mail informing you that we have dropped the investigation.
We ask you to NOT change password until the investigation is fully completed.
Blizzard Entertainment Inc
Account Administration Teamaa
P.O. Box 18979, Irvine, CA 92623
Account Administration Team
Blizzard Entertainment[/codebox]

Med tanke på att wow gm's aldrig frågar efter account eller pw så är detta scam right?

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Samt om det är gmail hotmail live whatever så är det scam. Fick liknande mail för 1-2 år sen kastade skiten direkt.

Som du kanske vet, är det inte svårt att fejka emailadresser? :)

Edit: http://www.mmo-champion.com/index.php?topic=97229.0 heheheheheheheheheheheh.

Edit av editen: http://www.justin.tv/chad28 dom tog bort topicen, men den fungerar.

Redigerad av VenoM
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Since its friday and im in a great mood! I will help anyone here. One time i will not answer questions because if you cant learn to research this stuff on your own you dont deserve this.

Follow these directions to crack blizzards $40 feed for free. NO QUESTIONS! This is me justt spreading the knowledge. Enjoy!

Go to BlizzCon 2009 Live -

And copy-paste this into your browser url window:

java script:Rayv.Embed("rayvHost", {"Affiliate": "DTVblizzcon", "ChannelID": "blizzl3", "Volume": "100", "CoverImageURL": "http://static.blizzcon.rayv.com/www/Images/rayv_viewer_install.jpg" });

The official stream should replace the test video.

Note: don't hit 'high quality' or it'll go back to the trailer. The low quality stream is actually higher quality than the high quality stream.

The test video is futher down the page.


Redigerad av VenoM
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Since its friday and im in a great mood! I will help anyone here. One time i will not answer questions because if you cant learn to research this stuff on your own you dont deserve this.

Follow these directions to crack blizzards $40 feed for free. NO QUESTIONS! This is me justt spreading the knowledge. Enjoy!

Go to BlizzCon 2009 Live -

And copy-paste this into your browser url window:

java script:Rayv.Embed("rayvHost", {"Affiliate": "DTVblizzcon", "ChannelID": "blizzl3", "Volume": "100", "CoverImageURL": "http://static.blizzcon.rayv.com/www/Images/rayv_viewer_install.jpg" });

The official stream should replace the test video.

Note: don't hit 'high quality' or it'll go back to the trailer. The low quality stream is actually higher quality than the high quality stream.

The test video is futher down the page.


javascript bör sitta ihop, men streamen funkar inte

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java script:Rayv.Embed("rayvHost", {"Affiliate": "DTVblizzcon", "ChannelID": "blizzl3", "Volume": "100", "CoverImageURL": "http://static.blizzcon.rayv.com/www/Images/rayv_viewer_install.jpg" });

Vad var jag copypaste'ade, och har precis sett att Allys får Worgen, horde får Goblins, Deathwing kommer tillbaka, arkeologi blir nytt prof, flying mount i azeroth.

Edit: Ledsen, dom fixade det precis, javascript fungerar inte längre.

Redigerad av VenoM
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