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This is to inform you that we have temporarily suspended your World of Warcraft account, and issued a Final Warning.

Account Name: EYEQUEE

Date of Violation: 2007/10/06

Type of Violation: Involvement in unauthorised access of another account

Consequences for Account: Account suspended for 72 hours (3 days). FINAL WARNING issued.

I fail : <

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This is to inform you that we have temporarily suspended your World of Warcraft account, and issued a Final Warning.

Account Name: EYEQUEE

Date of Violation: 2007/10/06

Type of Violation: Involvement in unauthorised access of another account

Consequences for Account: Account suspended for 72 hours (3 days). FINAL WARNING issued.

I fail : <

Vad hade du gjort? kört på någon annans account?

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Funderar på att levela en ny Horde karaktär på servern Eonar.

Har kollat lite, och just nu lutar det åt en Undead Rogue. Hur är det att spela som Rogue och är det en rolig klass att levela?

Migraeta till Doomhammer sen? :rolleyes:

Nämen rogue är säkert kul, men man behöver skillzz tror jag!

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