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Jag börjar med den imorron, om allt går enligt planerna. Så jag är inte ens lvl 1 än :)


Något sånt. Har aldrig levlat en mage så något kan vara ganska kasst i den builden.

Fast om du tycker det är svårt att döda många mobs samtidigt borde du levla med fire ( Hög skada mot 1 target )

Såg nu att jag bara hade lagt 1/5 på shatter. Om du ser några talents som ser onödiga ut kan du lägga dom på shatter istället

Redigerad av Troxie
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Något sånt. Har aldrig levlat en mage så något kan vara ganska kasst i den builden.

Fast om du tycker det är svårt att döda många mobs samtidigt borde du levla med fire ( Hög skada mot 1 target )

Såg nu att jag bara hade lagt 1/5 på shatter. Om du ser några talents som ser onödiga ut kan du lägga dom på shatter istället

Köra AoE låter lite svårt med en mage :)

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"First Hero Class

- Hybrid Tank and DPS

- Tanks using 2H or DW

- Can only use 'bladed' weapons (known: Swords, Axes)

- Referred to as "Rune Weapons"

- Wears plate armor

- Blend of melee and some spellcasting

- Known spell:

"Army of the Dead" - raises several temporary minions

"Unholy Embrace" - Instant Cast. 5 min cooldown

Target is embraced by a silhouette of darkness for 12 seconds, corrupting any healing spells and effects cast upon or currently affecting the target to cause damage for 50% of their healing potential instead of restoring health. Any damage shields cast upon or currently affecting the target will also be instantly consumed, dealing 50% of their absorption potential in damage. Once afflicted with Unholy Embrace, the target cannot be afflicted with Unholy Embrace again for 1 minute."

- Is a Hero Class

- Unlocked by an epic questline (no raids involved) at level 80

- Will allow you to start a new character as a Death Knight at a higher level (told to expect between 55 - 70). Will not overwrite previous character.

- More Hero classes may be to come - will continue to be based on Warcraft III Heroes

- Death Knight does not use rage or mana - will use a new mechanic, 'Runes'

- Rune schools (similar to Death Knight talents) split up into Blood, Frost, Unholy

- Runes are carved into the Death Knight's weapon - 6 slots total, any combination of runes (e.g. 2 of each, 4 Blood/2 Frost, 6 Unholy, etc.)

- Rune cooldowns will be modified by talents taken, etc.

- Certain spells will reactive runes; spells can consume more than one rune"



- Engineering is going to get some love

- Craftable flying machine


- Not Alchemy or Enchanting: no scrolls

- Inscribe Spells and Abilities with power: Enhancing your spells and abilities to make them more powerful (e.g: mortal could deal more dmg, kidney shot could last longer)

- Create Completely New Items: They can't talk about it but there will be a whole other side to inscription than making spells and abilities more powerful."

"Executioner -- Zul'Aman

- Armor Penetration proc (proc rate similar to mongoose)

Use: Learn how to permanently enchant a Melee Weapon to occasionally ignore 840 of your ennemy's armor. Requires a level 35 or higher item."

Lite sammanfattning:

"Classes Panel

- Moonkin itemization in PvE is being worked on

- Priest Ability "Lightwell" will get some scaling from gear

- Death Knights will have their own Rune Resource system

Mana regen is a flawed mechanic for Mages and Shamans and Hunters, people don't have mana and that's why there are so many Shadow Priests. Real mana regen needed

The Spirit stat in general will be improved for WotLK.

Will the ability to force groupmates to change targets be implemented or something like?

They will not be given an ability to force people to change targets when the new target is taunted.

CC for Shamans?

Evaluating CC options for the Shaman in levels 71 to 80.

Priest racials?

Fear Ward will be spread around. Otherwise, they are being looked at but not a high priority.

Tauren cat form druid is also broken along with Night Elf cat form?

Cat form range must be tuned. The Night Elf cat form's bug has to be fixed but the range will be tuned overall.

Hunters for 2v2 and 3v3 under represented?

Looking into very closely for patch 2.3. Many changes for Hunters will be implemented in 2.3. There are some line of sight issues in Arenas, but they won't be changed. Some more utilities for arena battles and group utility are planned.

The first thing Mages have to do in a raid is make water. There are Soulwells. Will there be a Muffin factory?

Yes. Water and muffin creation like the Soulwell is incoming.

Shamans are low population and the totem system needs reworking -- inferior to pally auras, cost mana?

Blessings, auras and totems are supposed to be different. But the totems are being looked at. The Mana Spring totem will be a lot stronger than it is. Some other totems will also be made stronger.

PvP Panel

The future of Battlegrounds

- In AV, players won't spawn in the cave until there's nowhere else to spawn

- They are going to give the players ability to report other players for being AFK, like the spam reports (Once enough players have reported that person, and a debuff appears that only goes away when they show up in combat. If they don't get into combat, another debuff which makes them have no honor gain.)

- Honor distribution will change-- more honor gain near end of the BG, which should push people forward.

- They will reintroduce queueing as a group for AV.

- They're considering going toward a model where players can choose different sizes of the same battleground-- 15v15 or 20v20.

- They are thinking about Guild Battlegrounds-- letting guilds challenge each other, and joining up a battleground as a guild, even tracking a rating for the guild in a certain BG.


- There's going to be a rating requirement to buy an arena weapon (might be season 3).

- With season 3, you'll see season 1 gear become available through the honor system.

Creating 19 and 29 Arenas?

We're considering it-- the problems are rewards for it, and player demand for it.

Rewards for turning in Battleground marks?

The marks are really there to encourage people to move around from BG to BG. We'll probably add more things that you can get for your marks. Rep probably won't be one of them, because we don't think right now that the rep is worth much.

Where is the arena server where we have pregenerated character and can choose our opponents?

We're doing that with actual tournaments-- pregenerated characters that can play any kind of match you need. What we may integrate is allowing teams to match up their choice to practice, as a skirmish.

Why is resilience missing on the Paladin PvP sets?

Season 3 set does have resilience. We won't change the older sets, because players bought them knowing what they were.

Make rogues more viable for 5v5?

We're going to include mobility improvements, and more utility. Sap is useless there, and we'll look at that

Professions and Items Panel

Things to come

- Free spell damage for healers

- Legendary ranged weapon in the next 25-person raid dungeon.

- Zul'Aman (they showed 2 ZA weapons, see below)

2h sword, 128.4 dps, 3.70 speed, 49 stamina, 45 haste rating and 120 atp

1h dagger, 98.6 dps, 1.80 speed, 21 agility, 40 atp and ignores ~154 armor.

Things we want to do more

- Improve Professions only items (e.g: alchemists getting specific pots only them can use)

- Create Great Leveling Gear: up to lvl 80 gear usable in Northrend

- Provide what's missing: Crafting should be able to fill itemization gaps

Things to improve

- Engineering is going to get some love

- Transmute: Change to a daily cooldown

- Discoveries: They will make some easier to get

- Vendor Recipes: No longer vendor camping, it will be random but not campable

New Profession: Inscription

- Not Alchemy or Enchanting: no scrolls

- Inscribe Spells and Abilities with power: Enhancing your spells and abilities to make them more powerful (e.g: mortal could deal more dmg, kidney shot could last longer)

- Create Completely New Items: They can't talk about it but there will be a whole other side to inscription than making spells and abilities more powerful.

Coming Soon

- Profession Daily Quests

- New Crafter Only Gear: More of the best in slot stuff, Jewelcrafter only gems, Alchemist only potions.

- Smooth out Progression 275 to 300 gap particularly

New Enchant: Executioner -- Zul'Aman

- Armor Penetration proc (proc rate similar to mongoose)

Use: Learn how to permanently enchant a Melee Weapon to occasionally ignore 840 of your ennemy's armor. Requires a level 35 or higher item.

New Cooking Recipes

- melee hit food, spell crit food"


- Main city in WotLK is Dalaran (now floating above Northrend)

- At least one new 15+ man battleground (estimated time to finish it: 30-40 min)

- Outdoor PvP zone (flagged as PvP even on PvE servers) - Lake Wintergrasp

- New Arena season, including new gear and maps

Additional Information

- A team is currently working on redoing the 1-60 game

- 51-point talents are under construction

- There will be at least 1 new Caverns of Time instance

- Grim Batol is likely to be a WotLK raid

- New post-BT raid pre-WotLK (likely either Sunwell related or Kil'Jaeden)

- 70-80 to take similar amount of time/work as 60-70

- Outdoor zones in WotLK will be primarily solo

- More daily quests coming in 2.2, as well as integrated voice chat

- Paladin tanking is being worked on

- Any class/race can unlock the Death Knight

- Players will still not be able to use flying mounts in "old" Azeroth

- New post-BT dungeon to have 8 bosses

- Blizzard is working on a system on the wow default interface like Outfitter and Item Rack, so we can get real space to store the extra junk (resist gear)

- They will add a threat meter into the game, they are also talking about adding a Deadly Boss Mods element into the game

Class Balance

- Tree Form Druids to get more abilities in form (Decurse suggested)

- Ret Pallies to get improved sustained DPS

- Prot Pallies to get additional health (deep Prot talent suggested)

- Holy Priests to see improvements to Spirit of Redemption, Lightwell, and Circle of Healing"

Redigerad av Marky
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Rerolla GM eller nått. Så du slipper använda hjärnan du inte har, och kan döda allt med /kill kommando istället.

Mage är AoE.

Bunta ihop 10-20 mobs med full frost spec, nova dom och sen köra blizzard och se alla dö.. Mums.


Anyways... låter kul med AoE. Är bara lite rädd att dö hela tiden, men med alla sånna frostspells så borde dem ju inte kunna nå mig :)

Var det en bra Talentspecc?

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Marky, förbaskat bra grejer! Var bara positiva saker jag kunde hitta! :)

Gillar även att de kommer sprida ut Fear Ward, skulle sitta fint att få Feedback ersatt.... Men det kommer förmodligen inte ske, de syftar väl på att både horde och alliance ska ha tillgång till fear ward.

Sniper: Du förbereder dig lite överdrivet mycket. WoW är ett väldigt förlåtande spel och det lättaste är att du helt enkelt börjar spela och utforska de olika talentsen själv. Jag földe en build till att börja med, men på kanske level 30 eller så speccade jag om till vad jag upplevde som en förbättring. Den enda som vet den bästa speccen för dig är i slutändan du, för det är du som ska använda den.

Tommy_killer: Det är för att det är såpass nytt, sidägarna måste virussöka det osv. Vänta lite så kommer du snart kunna ladda ner det. ;)

Redigerad av Siana
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Hur många versioner av WoW finns det?

Med det menar jag; WoW Us, WoW Eu, etc.


Lite svårt val;

UD Mage

BE Paladin

?? Priest

Har funderat lite och läst vidare om Mage, det verkar vara lite väl svårt. Med all aggrokontroll och Aoe.

Paladiner vet jag inte så mycket om, förutom att dem tydligen är bra i PvP och healing.

Jag gillar att vara healer, så priest verkar skoj. Samt att dem tydligen är ganska bra i PvP är ett stort plus.

Vet inte riktigt vad jag ska välja.

Det ska vara en Horde iaf :)

Redigerad av Sniper
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Hur många versioner av WoW finns det?

Med det menar jag; WoW Us, WoW Eu, etc.


Lite svårt val;

UD Mage

BE Paladin

?? Priest

Har funderat lite och läst vidare om Mage, det verkar vara lite väl svårt. Med all aggrokontroll och Aoe.

Paladiner vet jag inte så mycket om, förutom att dem tydligen är bra i PvP och healing.

Jag gillar att vara healer, så priest verkar skoj. Samt att dem tydligen är ganska bra i PvP är ett stort plus.

Vet inte riktigt vad jag ska välja.

Det ska vara en Horde iaf :wub:

Vill du vara bra PvP healing ska du vara paladin. Priest suger ganska hårt i arena som healing.

Paladiner fungerar också bra i PvE men då som maintank healer.

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Hur många versioner av WoW finns det?

Med det menar jag; WoW Us, WoW Eu, etc.


Lite svårt val;

UD Mage

BE Paladin

?? Priest

Har funderat lite och läst vidare om Mage, det verkar vara lite väl svårt. Med all aggrokontroll och Aoe.

Paladiner vet jag inte så mycket om, förutom att dem tydligen är bra i PvP och healing.

Jag gillar att vara healer, så priest verkar skoj. Samt att dem tydligen är ganska bra i PvP är ett stort plus.

Vet inte riktigt vad jag ska välja.

Det ska vara en Horde iaf :wub:

Som siana säger så är du alldeles för opåläst för att sitta och göra kalkuleringar. Skapa en char och kör på, suger det så kan du bara börja om.

Om du tycker det är kul att köra healer fattar jag faktist inte varför du inte vill fortsätta köra på din shaman.. lvl 40 och allt, men du vill ändå rerolla.. Du kommer tröttna om du håller på så.

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