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vad får man när man klarar skolorna på guld?


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vad får man när man klarar skolorna på guld??

flyg: stuntplane och hunter!

bil: ?

motorcykel: nrg-500

båt: ?

MAN får det hära

HotKnife Achieve all Gold awards in Driving School

Bullet Achieve all Silver awards in Driving School

Super GT Achieve all Bronze awards in Driving School

NRG-500 Achieve all Gold awards in the Biking School

FCR-900 Achieve all Silver awards in the Biking School

Freeway Achieve all Bronze awards in Biking School

Hunter Achieve all Gold awards in Piloting School (one spawns then at Verdant Meadows airstrip)

Stunt Plane Achieve all Silver awards in Piloting School

Rustler Achieve all Bronze awards in Piloting School

Jetmax Achieve all Gold awards in Boating School

Squallo Achieve all Silver awards in Boating School

Marquis Achieve all Bronze awards in Boating School

Monster Car It's the prize for beating the "8-track" mission

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