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Tja, nån som vet exakt när det kommer till PC? Eller det kanske inte är bestämt än. Jag tror att systemkraven kommer att bli typ så här:

Rekomenderat: - Computer: A 2 GHz AMD or Pentium 4 processor, a 2.6 GHz Intel Celeron or better is recommended.

- Memory: We recommend 512 MB of RAM

- Drives: 9 Gb of free space on hard disc are required to install and play the game. 8x DVD or 32x CDROM is recommended to install the game.

- Video: A 3D accelerator video card with support for DirectX® 9.0b and at least 128 MB of video memory is recommended.

High: - Computer: A 3 GHz AMD or Pentium 4 processor, Intel Celeron D 2.93 GHz or better is recommended.

- Memory: We recommend 1024 MB of RAM

- Drives: 10 Gb of free space on hard disc are required to install and play the game. 16x DVD or 32x CDROM is recommended to install the game.

- Video: A 3D accelerator video card with support for DirectX® 9.0b and at least 256 MB of video memory is recommended.

Om ni tror nåt annat, skriv det! >_<

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Tja, nån som vet exakt när det kommer till PC? Eller det kanske inte är bestämt än. Jag tror att systemkraven kommer att bli typ så här:

Rekomenderat: - Computer: A 2 GHz AMD or Pentium 4 processor, a 2.6 GHz Intel Celeron or better is recommended.

- Memory: We recommend 512 MB of RAM

- Drives: 9 Gb of free space on hard disc are required to install and play the game. 8x DVD or 32x CDROM is recommended to install the game.

- Video: A 3D accelerator video card with support for DirectX® 9.0b and at least 128 MB of video memory is recommended.

High: - Computer: A 3 GHz AMD or Pentium 4 processor, Intel Celeron D 2.93 GHz or better is recommended.

- Memory: We recommend 1024 MB of RAM

- Drives: 10 Gb of free space on hard disc are required to install and play the game. 16x DVD or 32x CDROM is recommended to install the game.

- Video: A 3D accelerator video card with support for DirectX® 9.0b and at least 256 MB of video memory is recommended.

Om ni tror nåt annat, skriv det! >_<

ha vilken överdrivning tror man beöver 1024mb i ram LOL!

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