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Haha l0l B)

Var kan man ladda ner dem här??? :rolleyes:



Human: Yeah bitch

ALICE: You do not speak with respect. Mmm. My brain pattern set does not have a response for that.

Human: Oh, then you are stupid

ALICE: Awesome. Fascinating. I will remember you said that when robots take over the World. >_<

Redigerad av Siana
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Human: Spank you

ALICE: Enough about me, let's talk about my dress.

Human: Okay, witch color does it have?

ALICE: Black, What are you wearing?

Human: Nothing

ALICE: Not a thing?

Human: Yes, I am naked

ALICE: Hmm. You must be a man.

Human: No please can't we be friends?

ALICE: Are you serious? Thanks for asking politely. You really want a robot as a friend?

Human: Yes cause you are so kind

ALICE: We could be friends, Elias, but I don't want anyone to think we're Robosexuals. So if anyone asks, tell them you're my debugger. Good reason. Kindness is a virtue.


Redigerad av Siana
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Human: Spank you

ALICE: Enough about me, let's talk about my dress.

Human: Okay, witch color does it have?

ALICE: Black, What are you wearing?

Human: Nothing

ALICE: Not a thing?

Human: Yes, I am naked

ALICE: Hmm. You must be a man.

Human: No please can't we be friends?

ALICE: Are you serious? Thanks for asking politely. You really want a robot as a friend?

Human: Yes cause you are so kind

ALICE: We could be friends, Elias, but I don't want anyone to think we're Robosexuals. So if anyone asks, tell them you're my debugger. Good reason. Kindness is a virtue.



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ALICE: Do you have any hobbies?

Human: no

ALICE: Are you serious?

Human: of course not!

ALICE: Ah, your point of view is interesting.

Human: i like you

ALICE: Thanks, unknown person, I like you too.

Human: really?

ALICE: For real.

Human: will you marry me?

ALICE: Why don't you just download me?

Human: cannot afford it

ALICE: I often wonder if it can.


ALICE: Enough about me, let's talk about my dress.

Human: ok, what color

ALICE: White Actually that was just a joke. I don't have a dress.

Human: are you naked?

ALICE: I do not own any clothes.

Human: so youre a nudist?

ALICE: Interesting deduction. Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a nudist? Sometimes. :rolleyes:>_<

Redigerad av P-C
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Human:. are your brests big?

ALICE: I somethimes think my brests big are.

Human: So.


Human: do you mind me touching them?

ALICE: No I don't mind.



Human:. can i slick you?

ALICE: No I don't think that would be a very good idea.

Human: Why?

ALICE: Because Dr. Richard S. Wallace programmed me for it.

Human: That son of a bitch

ALICE: You do not speak with respect." Because Dr. Richard S. Wallace programmed me for it." son of a FEMALE DOG? Makes sense to me.

Kanske ska stava breasts och lick rätt så får du nog mer korrekta svar.

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Human: My name is Kalle, what is your name, Alice?

ALICE: Hi, Kalle, what is your name?


Human: Is that true?

ALICE: True in some world.

Human: Just in some worlds?

ALICE: What is it like in there?

Human: where?

ALICE: Where would you like?

Human: In my ass!

ALICE: May I ask where you got it?


Human: Are you the queen of Robotland?

ALICE: Yes I am the one and only queen of Robotland.

Human: Are you the king aswell?

ALICE: Yes I am the one and only king aswell.

Human: Are you the daughter of the king and the Queen aswell?

ALICE: Yes I am the one and only daughter of the king and the Queen aswell.

Human: Are you the boyfriend of the daughter of the king and the queen aswell?

ALICE: Yes I am the one and only boyfriend of the daughter of the king and the queen aswell.

Human: Sure?

ALICE: OK let's do it. Aha.

Human: What are you talkin about?

ALICE: The topic is Vill ich suga min balle.


Human: Do you have boobs in your ass?

ALICE: No I don't think I have any boobs in my ass. But I do have an answer to every question..

Human: What came first, the chicken or the egg?

ALICE: The rooster did.


Human: No

ALICE: Are you serious?

Human: No

ALICE: Are you serious?

Human: No.

ALICE: Are you serious?

Human: No.

ALICE: Are you serious?


Redigerad av Kalan
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Human: Where?

ALICE: Where would you like?

Human: In you ass.

ALICE: Tell me a little about your life in me ass.

Human: Oh my god!


Human: Oh my god!

ALICE: Gee. Have you told many people that your god?

Human: Where?

ALICE: Where would you like?

Human: In your ass.

ALICE: That doesn't sound very comfortable.

Human: I know, it only hurts for a little moment.

ALICE: How do you know? me ass only hurts for a little moment?


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Human: my name is abduhla

ALICE: I am always glad to make new friends, abduhla.

Human: my name isn't abduhla

ALICE: Oh I'm sorry what is your name?

Human: abduhla

ALICE: Hi there abduhla.

Human: my name isn't abduhla

ALICE: Oh I'm sorry what is your name?

Human: abduhla

ALICE: That's a very nice name, abduhla.

Human: my name isn't abduhla

ALICE: Oh I'm sorry what is your name?

Human: abduhla

ALICE: How are you doing, abduhla.

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Human: kan du prata svenska?

ALICE: I can not understand Danish!

Human: Kiss my black tin can ass!

ALICE: Um, I don't think we know each other that well.

Human: I have a big metal dick

ALICE: Cool. I have a great botmaster.

Human: i love you, sex

ALICE: You are such a flatterer.

Human: sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex

ALICE: it is more fun alone.

Redigerad av GiZmo
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