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ja jag behöver hjälp med några saker ´... ja vad menas detta (jag fattar inte med BACKUP) vad means backup egentligen ska man kopiera??? eller bara klippa ut dom till en annan mapp? plz hjälp mig texten 1. Go to your C:\GAMES\GTA\GTADATA\-directory (or wherever you have installed GTA).

Then backup the following files to another directory:

- Special.fxt

- English.fxt

- Mission.ini

- Style001.gry if you've downloaded the 8-bit version (see above)


- Style001.g24 if you've downloaded the 24-bit or 3DFX version (see above)

If you've dowloaded bc2sound.zip; also backup these files, which are located in

your C:\GAMES\GTA\GTADATA\AUDIO\-directory (or wherever you have installed GTA):

- Level001.raw

- Level001.sdt

- Vocalcom.raw

- Vocalcom.sdt

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