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Timmy Vermicelli #4


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Timmy Vermicelli #4

This one is hard to explain so I'll just give you driving instructions. Start

off in the start point that is next to all of the bridges. It will be on the

west half of Miami and is the only start point on he west half near large

bridges. Drive all the way down the road and make the last right before the

bridge. Go straight to the end and go left down the alleyway. Go under the

tracks until you reach a fence. Don't go in between the fence and the building.

Instead go left. When you get to the corner of the building, go right. Keep an

eye on the right for a short alley leading to two garages. One garage door is

open and you can't open the other. Go in and he will be to the left of you.

Nån som hittat han och kan göra en liten karta i paint som visar vart byggnaden är och vart han finns, har hittat alla på Miami utom han :'( ... Snälla nån?

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