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Real GTA vice city?


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Tror att det var nerlagt, det var visst svårare att modda vice city än gta3.

Här är ett citat från realgta.net


I know it already for half a year...but I was too lazy to write it here:-). Ok, I'm saying it sadly, but...there will be

                                                        no Vice City mod!

That's bad, isn't it? But it's not my fault - you know that I wanted to continue with modifying GTA games, but I wasn't allowed to do it:'(. Vice City is a great game - after I finished the whole game (100% in 5 days;) I decided to take a look at it with an eye of a modder. It's fuc*ing unbelievable that Rockstar somehow modified the engine to disable adding new custom cars - so if you add "more then few" cars into VC, the graphics will totally mess up! So I could create a modification with few low-polygon low-resolution cars and THAT SUCKS! Sequel for RGTA couldn't be that shitty...so it was better for me to make nothing then to come up with something I won't be satisfied with. Other people tried (Modern Mod, KillerKip) to create total conversion mods for VC and maybe someone else will try to- I wish him/her good luck...(s)he will need it.

By the way, I'm kinda tired of the whole GTA "community" - I dislike everything related to GTA now! When I hear "GTA" I've got a strange feeling...and that's all because of that serious graphic bug in Vice City made by Rockstar! Dammit! GTA: San Andreas (or how will they call it) is coming to PS2 in 2004, on PC probably in 2005...maybe I'll gather enough energy and will to create something for it, but now I'm out.

In this last paragraph I've got to THANK all people who played RealGTA3 - I'm so happy that YOU made RGTA the most popular and successful modification of GTA3! Farewell...

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