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uppdrags script!

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Någon som går under namnet San andreas på ImDb forum har postat flera olika uppdrags script som han säger att han fått från take 2's hemsida

så här skrev han efter folk hade sagt att han ljög "Why don't you go over to Take 2 and access there marketing website. It has the complete mission list and various things I havent even looked at yet. When the game comes out I expect all of you idiots to look back at my posts and apologize for not believing."

Jag vet inte vad jag ska tro, liksom uppdragen han nämner låter så möjliga och bra stavning osv. Vad säger ni ljuger han eller inte?

Här är några av uppdrags scripten som han har postat i alla fall:

The Tennis Instructor

In Los Sanots in the mission "The Tennis Instructor" you are instructed to go to a pay phone in Lincoln Heights. The man on the phone tells you to head towards the Pine Crest tennis courts and watch his wife and make sure she's faithful. There is a camera in a parking garage across from the courts.

After entering the parking garage go up to the top level and find the camera. Zoom in on the people playing tennis. After watching for a few seconds the players run towards the net and hug each other. If you snap the photo when they are hugging it will count as 1 good photo.

The two leave the tennis courts and you still need to get 4 more good photos. Get in your car and leave the parking garage. Follow them to them to his apartment. Go to the side of the house and look inside the window. Take 4 more good photos. The tennis instuctor chases after you but his only weapon is his tennis racquet.

Closing times

In the mission "Closing Time" you have to shut down Ralph's Diner for good. Go to the Las Venturra Mall and in the East wing find the pet-store. Wallace has already set-up the deal so all you have to do is pick up the rats. As you walk into the store three men come out of nowhere and you are thrown to the ground. They are robbing the store and you can't let that happen. Just kill the two robbers in the front and the one in the back-room. Make sure he doesn't kill Wallace's girlfriend though or the mission will be over. Pick up the rats and head to Ralph's diner. Wallace made sure that the Health Department would be there so all you have to do is kill the employee on his break in the back and take his uniform. Take the box and put the rats in the soup and in the kitchen. Be sure and walk out the back or else the manager will shoot you. As you exit the building you hear people scream and run out of the restaurant. It's closed for good. Payday is $10,000.

Delivery Boy Ambush

In Las Venturra after you shut down Ralph's diner you have to find his final delivery boy and kill him, he's on a motorcycle and it's really just a hit and run job. Just hit him in the back and he should be thrown off the bike and die. All you have to do is retrieve his casino security card. As you exit your car you are ambushed by an F.B.I. tactical unit. Go onto the Carter Paint store roof and take out the sniper rifle. Hiding behind the sign provides cover from the SWAT snipers. The sniper on the hotel's roof will still be able to shoot you because of his elavated position. Just time your shots and eliminate the SWAT team and get the card. Take it to Wallace at the boat yard and you get $5,000 and access to his boats and storage area.

The rainmaker

After you kill Percy and leave Los Santos the 2nd mission is called "The Rainmaker". The objective is to steal keys from a local armored car guard. You go into the club and security checks all your weapons. Be sure and climb the fire ladder before you enter and place a python revolver on the desk, (the window will be open) Anyways you go in the club without weapons and you pay for a girl to dance for the AllCor Security Guard. You tell the girl you will give her extra money if she takes the keys. Carl leaves and goes and gets the gun he left on the desk. You watch the stripper from the 2nd floor. The stripper of course can't get the keys so Carl comes up with another idea. He goes to the bar and gets a bottle of whiskey. Carl goes back upstairs and starts a small fire molotov style. The sprinker system activates and in the chaos you must find the guard and take his keys. You can't kill him and if you let him get outside he has a quick motorcycle and it's nearly impossible to catch him.

If he does get outside don't shoot at him or run him over on the motorcycle. Just follow him to his apartment and use your bat.


If you do leave the weapon on the desk and have to chase after the guard you will need to drop it before leaving the building because the guards will hear the metal detector go off and unload on you.

här hitta jag denna information: http://imdb.com/user/ur2670489/boards/profile

Redigerad av Wild_hawk
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Bullshit  :wacko:

Största lögnaren hittills.

det är just det här som gör mig osäker om detta är sant eller inte

"When the game comes out I expect all of you idiots to look back at my posts and apologize for not believing"

Såhär skrev han i en annan post också

"There were some screencaps of a middle=aged man with a cowboy hat. Looked pretty funny. The people at the booth say that Tom Arnold is rumored to play him. There was a huge black character named Vincent who is a villain. I took some photos of the back of the promo and will post them on the official boards"

Redigerad av Wild_hawk
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