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köpa byggnader


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jag har inte följt dom andra trådarna om byggnadsköpen så noga, men här är lite info..



Du kan köpa och hyra byggnader! Vissa byggnader köper du för att tjäna pengar! Förstått!?


Boatyard - $10,000 (Located in Vice Port)

$2,000 max per day (more if you keep completing Checkpoint Charlie mission over and over)

Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory - $20,000

$3,000 max per day

Kaufman Cabs - $40,000 (Located in North end of Little Haiti)

$5,000 max per day

Sunshine Auto Car Showroom - $50,000 (Located just East of Airport)

$6,000 max per day TOTAL (after all car lists are complete) $1,500 per car list.

Print Works - $70,000 (Located just North-East of Airport)

$8,000 max per day

Film Studio - $60,000 (Located on Prawn Island)

$7,000 max per day

The Malibu Club - $120,000 (Located East of Golf Course)

$10,000 max per day

The Pole Position Strip Club - $30,000 (Located just West of Ocean View Hotel)

Pole Position Strip Club - $4,000 max per day


Elswanko Casa - $8,000 (1 garage)

- located in vice point, south of north point mall, and east of leaf links north island

Links View Apartments - $6,000 (1 garage)

- located east of leaf links island, west of vice point police station

Ocean Heights - $7,000 (1 garage)

- located on the souternmost block of ocean beach

Hyman Condo - $14,000 (3 garages, 1 helipad)

- located one block east of hyman memorial stadium

1102 Washington Street - $3,000

- located acros from ken rosenberg's office in washington beach

3321 Vice Point - $2,500

- located on the shoreline north of the north point mall

Skumhole Shack - $1,000

- located downtown, on a rooftop thats down the street and around the corner noth of the biker bar

Källa: GTA Scraper


Köp The Malibu Club och tjäna massor av pengar! (rätt dyrt att köpa från början iofs)

Köp Hyman Condo som hideout! (bra garage och plats för helikopter)

enkla slutsatser :)

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