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Testade det där "scions of fate".....

Gillade det inte, det var ju ..... ehm tråkigt, dessutom total hatade jag kameran i spelet...

Men men nån dag kanske jag orkar sätta mig in mer i det =)

Inte bättre än varken FlyFF eller WoW, men FlyFF är jag trött på och i WoW har jag ingen playtime. Det blir roligare efter level 10. <_<
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Mod? <_<

Ser jävligt nice ut.


San Vice is a total Conversation Mod for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

This Mod replaces the San Andreas Map completely with the Vice City Map.

But thas not all.In San Vice you can find many new Features.For example you

can make the "Hot Spotlight"-Mission from Vice City now in San Vice.Also

there is a new Tanker on the Ocean next to the Airbase.Want to make party in

the Clubs?Sure you can do it in San Vice.You can smoke Weed or drink alcohol

in the Clubs.Also you can dance in one Club with Tempanny and Pulaski.A big features is

the ModMenu where you can Spawn Cars,select Unlimit Health,Call Bodyguards,get Weapons

and other cool stuff.Paths are included and some Vice City cars were converted for

San Vice.


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San Vice is a total Conversation Mod for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

This Mod replaces the San Andreas Map completely with the Vice City Map.

But thas not all.In San Vice you can find many new Features.For example you

can make the "Hot Spotlight"-Mission from Vice City now in San Vice.Also

there is a new Tanker on the Ocean next to the Airbase.Want to make party in

the Clubs?Sure you can do it in San Vice.You can smoke Weed or drink alcohol

in the Clubs.Also you can dance in one Club with Tempanny and Pulaski.A big features is

the ModMenu where you can Spawn Cars,select Unlimit Health,Call Bodyguards,get Weapons

and other cool stuff.Paths are included and some Vice City cars were converted for

San Vice.


och med Paths menar de att det alltså går fotgängare/kör bilar?

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